With so many impressive aircraft in the sky these days, it's easy to forget the plane that started it all: Air Force One!
A symbol of the power of the American presidency, several versions have flown our leaders through the skies since the official sign was created in 1953 under Eisenhower.
Commercial air travel had become pretty popular by then, and the army brass saw that he needed extra-secure wings!

Although many may recognize the current version featured in their favorite movies, President Donald Trump has announced he will be making some major changes to the design!
Recently, he hinted with a sneak peek: "Air Force One is going to be incredible...It's going to be the top of the line, the top in the world. And it's going to be red, white and blue, which I think is appropriate."
Extreme Plane Makeover
This famous vessel is going to get a major update from Boeing for all future presidents to enjoy!
But before a piece of history disappears forever, it's time to take a look at what American leaders have really been flying around in for decades.
So many questions must be answered! Can Air Force One survive a nuclear disaster? Can it fit the entire U.S. Senate on board?
It's pretty exciting stuff: Read on to learn the secret features of Air Force One, modern patriots!
Room For All Butts
Some may wonder just how cozy this vessel is, and that's a great question. As it turns out, 100 people can be on board at once!

That breaks down to 26 crew members and 70 guests. But is that VIP seating for free, courtesy of the president? No way, Jose!
For journalists, there is a fee. Newsrooms must reimburse the taxpayer for the cost of travel, which is why many of them actually use the charter flight behind Air Force One. At $80,000 per seat, it's just not worth it sometimes!
That Floor Though
The plane of all planes was a joint design venture between Boeing, The Secret Service, and The White House.
Together, a pretty sweet flying office was created! Three decks boast separate entrances for the media, presidential staff, and the big man himself. Or perhaps soon, woman!

Airforce One had to meet the strict standards of The Secret Service and the operational needs of The White House. Check and check — plus, it's a slick Boeing product. Can't go wrong there!
Designer Jackie O
While so many things these days are style over substance, Air Force One is not in that category. But that doesn't mean there is no fashion involved!

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy got together with a Coca Cola designer to help with woman's touch, all in blue and white. The Kennedy family really loved blue in general!
Beyond the color change on the exterior, the interior was modernized. The title of the plane changed, too: Loewy replaced ‘U.S. Air Force’ with ‘The United States of America’ and chose Caslon font, similar to the heading on the Declaration of Independence itself. Nice job, you two!
Major Plan B
Sometimes. a mysterious second plane floats around the vicinity. What could it be?

This 747 is actually called the Doomsday Plane, and it's right there in case of a surprise attack on the President of the United States. There's always backup, people! Bad news for terrorists, this plane can actually stay in the air for days.
Doc In The House
There's a tiny hospital on Air Force One, and that's great news for President Donald Trump! Famous for eating fast food like no other, there's always a doctor around in case of heartburn!

The medical suite is really there for everyone on board, and it is conveniently equipped with doctors, surgeons, nurses, and a real operating room. Always prepared for the worst, safety comes first!
Secret Weapons
This flying Oval Office has a few escape plans, to be sure. No matter what the enemy tries, there is a countermeasure in place!

Electronic countermeasures to jam enemy radar, two-way radios, and flares under the plane wings to confuse heat-seeking missile attacks are just a few slick installations at the pleasure of the president.
While not everything can or should be revealed, this public admission is a pretty strong deterrent already. Tricksters beware!
More Space Please
How big is this 100 person vessel, and what is included in a ride with the Commander in Chief these days? 4,000 square feet and three decks do have some exciting features!

Conference rooms, living space, and a presidential exercise room take up some of the interiors. Public areas are designated for the press, plane workers, and special guests.
All the while, state-of-the-art electronics make this plane ride totally high tech. With a shocking 240 miles of wire running through the body of the aircraft, it's equipped for anything in the sky!
VIP Access
Air traffic controllers in the 1990s might remember the time that President Clinton kept all the LAX passengers waiting on the runway. The man was getting a haircut on Air Force One, and all flights came to a halt!

Air Force One actually gets priority over all planes in the sky.
When the president lands or takes off, regular flights are usually stopped at the airport and the facilities may close for 20 minutes. The crew aims for military landing strips most of the time, thankfully!
Superman Speed
Faster than a bird, faster than a plane — Air Force One can fly at 650 mph! And while typical planes stay at an altitude of 30,000 feet, Air Force One zooms above them all at 45,000.
Usually though, it stays at a slowpoke speed of 580 mph way up in the clouds.

With a need to outrun explosions, enemy planes, and surprise threats, Boeing was not joking around with this design. Plus, no one wants to be late for tea with the queen!
Veggie Vengeance
President George HW Bush was a tough CIA Director before he assumed the big office.
Fun fact: Despite his steely determination fighting communists, nothing intimidated him like one stinky vegetable. The man really hated broccoli, people!

President Bush banned it from Air Force One during his tenure, and the cooks obeyed. Undoubtedly, it's been reinstated since then. Most people love the stuff!
No Gas Stops Needed
If anyone assumed this air beast made gas stops, it's time to learn just a bit more.
Air Force One can refuel in the air, which is a pretty handy feature! No lines, no landings, just a slick pole extended straight into the gas tank of the plane mid-air.

In the event of a domestic attack, the President has no need to land at all. Terrorists who think they can run out the clock are in for some sad times, indeed!
Presidential Safe Space
Americans may be relieved to find out that their leader has a real mobile command center in the event of a national attack. If another 9/11 strikes, the president has everything he needs to conduct business from the sky.

The President can use this flying office until everything is cleared on the ground. Terrorists thwarted again!
Phone-tastic Flights
For any and all mobile needs, Air Force One is equipped for the chattiest of presidents. Strangely, 85 phones are installed on this aircraft for maximum communication!

Truthfully, it's not just the commander that needs to conduct business without interruption. Everyone on the flight has important duties, to be sure. Negotiations, agreements, disputes — there's enough telephone wires to do it all!
Decisions, Decisions
With so many flights throughout history, surely a few memorable events happened on board! Some important decisions, perhaps?

As it turns out, President George W. Bush confirmed the post-9/11 creation of the Department of Homeland Security on board.
Before that, Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in after President Kennedy's assassination way back in 1963. So far, he was the only President to take the oath in the air!
Nuclear Blast-Proof
Even more impressive, Air Force One can outpace a nuclear explosion! In case this is news, the technology does exist on a presidential level.

The plane's body is also designed to withstand the blast from the ground, making it a pretty comfortable bomb shelter in the sky.
Even better, it's impenetrable by radioactive material! Bombers, don't even bother.
Exiting In Style
Some may wonder how the president actually leaves his sky wheels. Does he take a cab? An Uber? What's the story, people?

Indeed, a presidential convoy is always organized ahead of time to pick up the VIP.
The C-5 Galaxy and the C-141 Starlifter carry the State Car, which is a slick armored limo. Various cars surround the crown jewel: The President walks directly into “Cadillac One” off the runway.
At the moment, it has a special nickname: “The Beast”!
Kitchens For Kings
While some may have seen a tiny kitchen in the back of their own flights, Air Force One has considerably more food prep space. Not one, but two kitchens serve as the base to prepare four-course meals for 100 people at a time!

The plane is stocked well at all times, and the menu these days sounds pretty tasty:
Parmesan fries with a blue-cheese burger, four-cheese pasta creations, buffalo wings, and more! Of course, President Trump has been known to bring takeout from KFC and McDonald's onto the plane and in the Oval Office as well.
Sounds like there's something for everyone and plenty of comfort food!
Presidential Playlist
Historically, one movie has been played more than any other onboard Air Force One. Journalists especially had a crowd favorite back in the day, but which title took the honor?

As it turns out, Fargo was a big hit during the Clinton years. Frankly, it's still a cult classic now!
Presidential journalist Helen Thomas called it "the record-holder of Longest Playing Film Aboard Air Force One."
Will another film surpass it, though? Perhaps future presidents will be into "the golden age of television" like the rest of us!
Sky Is The Limit
The range of this Boeing 747-200B is unlimited, it seems. Air Force One can fly across the entire globe barely refueling at all.
On just one 53,000 gallon tank, the president can fly from DC to Tokyo. That is 6,735 nautical miles, everybody!

The plane has awesome capabilities, no doubt. Only the best for the leader of the free world, thanks to Boeing!
Spies In The Skies
Spies, spies everywhere. Including Air Force One, if necessary! During the Cold War, security got beefed up and this aircraft was no exception. What can it do, quietly?

In 1959, CIA director Allen Dulles installed cameras in the plane's wheel area. These lenses were very powerful at the time, with the capability of reading car license plates from the sky!
These days, the cameras are probably a bit better and a bit sneakier. Shhh, nobody knows the current installations!
Presidential Party
Presidents still fly together, as the Obama-Bush trip to South Africa showed in 2013. What were they up to, by the way?

While it might seem like they had little in common, both wanted to attend memorial events for Nelson Mandela.
When the former South African leader died, guests from across the spectrum paid their respects in person. And for two former presidents, Air Force One was the logical travel choice. Super secure!
Sax And Candy
With all the serious decision-making going on, Air Force One can be a pretty stressful place. Luckily, presidents have always found a way to relax onboard!

In the case of President Reagan, jelly beans were stocked in every room. President Clinton was a bit more musical, blasting jazz at high volumes on flights. Sounds like a riot, when things lighten up!
Totally Tricked Out
With all these crazy features built-in, the price tag was significant. Surprise, surprise: Over $660 million of taxpayer dollars were spent during initial production!

Undoubtedly, the updates have also been costly. Gotta keep up with enemy radar technology changes!
President Trump has announced the replacement plane was negotiated at a significant price reduction, but recent reports have stated an increased price of $5.2 billion. Only time will tell, and it's not finished yet!
Bills, Bills, Bills
Running the plane is not a cheap matter, either. At a reported $56K an hour to operate, a typical presidential golf trip is pretty pricey!

But wait: According to a Freedom of Information Act letter recently obtained by activists, that number may be even higher. Under Obama, Air Force One cost $206,337 per hour! How? Why? So many questions, so many dollars!
Seat Snatchers
Just in case fights over seating threaten cabin cohesion, there's always planning ahead of time. Every White House has its own rules, though!

Around half the seats are reserved for the press and Secret Service agents. The rest, who knows! Chances are, the President can sit wherever he wants, though.
Honestly, who would protest if the commander in chief took their window seat?