30 Disney Princesses As If They Were The Villains

Snow White

Imagine Snow White, but twisted into a dark sorceress with a heart of ice. This version of her is far from the innocent princess we remember. Her sweet and gentle look has turned cold and menacing. Her pale skin looks almost ghostly now, and her dark hair falls around her face like a shadow. 

Instead of trusting animals and dwarfs, she controls them, turning them into her dark servants. Her famous apple is no longer a symbol of temptation but of power, filled with deadly magic. This Snow White doesn’t wait for danger to find her—she brings it to anyone who dares to cross her path. 


How would Ariel look like if she was the villain? Picture her as a sea sorceress with wild, tangled red hair that hints at her dark side. Her once beautiful fins are now eerie. Her voice, which used to be charming, now has a haunting, almost creepy vibe. Her underwater hideout is packed with strange, glowing creatures that do her bidding.

The ocean, which she once explored with wonder, is now a mysterious and fearsome domain that she rules. It’s clear she’s gone from a curious mermaid to a powerful, enigmatic monster with a hunger for control.


Cinderella with a dark twist is terrifying. The days of glass slippers and fairy godmothers are gone; now she’s the reigning queen of shadows. Her iconic ball gown is transformed into a dramatic, deep black and purple dress with eerie accents.

Her once gentle demeanor becomes cold and calculating, and her sparkling, magical carriage turns into a menacing, ghostly chariot. Instead of charming her way into hearts, she manipulates and controls with a sharp, unyielding edge. Her castle now looms as a dark fortress, reflecting her shift to a commanding force of darkness.


This version of Aurora takes on a truly haunting transformation. Her eyes, sewn shut, create the eerie suggestion that she may never truly wake. What if she was forever trapped in an endless slumber? The owl perched by her side, possibly acting as her guide, adds to her new, ominous aura. 

The bandages on her arm, meant to show strength, seem helpless against the sharp talons of her owl companion, creating a sense of vulnerability wrapped in power.

Beauty And The Beast

In this dark reimagining of Beauty and the Beast, Belle is far from the kind, compassionate princess we know. Her gown now appears faded and tattered, matching her pallid complexion and lifeless expression. Her head hangs low, as if burdened by a deep, unspeakable sorrow—or perhaps, the weight of sinister power.

Behind her, the Beast looms large, now more monstrous than ever, bound with a thick rope around his neck. The rope seems almost symbolic, as if their fates are intertwined in darkness.


Moana as a villain has taken on a powerful, intimidating presence. The ocean swirls around her, but instead of guiding and protecting, it looks as if she controls it with a wave of her hand.

Her glowing eyes radiate a sense of magical authority, and her once playful expression is replaced with a determined, almost vengeful look. The flower crown and island tattoos are still there, but they now symbolize strength and dominance rather than freedom.


This version of Jasmine is fierce and dangerous. Her usual beauty is now mixed with dark, fiery colors, making her look monstrous and evil. Her glowing golden eyes show that she’s in charge, and her smile has turned from sweet to threatening.

Standing beside her are a transformed, angry-looking Genie and a sinister Iago, both ready to help her rule. This Jasmine doesn’t dream of adventure anymore—she’s already claimed her throne, and she’s not afraid to use her power.


On the left, we see Rapunzel in her familiar, vibrant form—her bright hair and lively expression radiating curiosity and joy. But on the right, she’s undergone a dramatic transformation. 

Her golden hair is now a sleek, dark cascade, and her eyes are shadowed, devoid of the warmth they once held. The playful innocence that defined her is long gone. Her dress, once a symbol of her youthful charm, has morphed into something darker, more authoritative. This isn’t the Rapunzel who dreamed of escaping her tower—this is a version of her who would conquer it.


Mulan would be the most fierce, dark, warrior queen as a villain. Imagine her switching from the brave, honorable heroine to a commanding presence in bold black and red armor. Her once neat and practical hairstyle becomes a wild, untamed mane, giving her a truly formidable look.

Now she leads an army of shadowy figures, turning battlefield strategy into a display of raw, intimidating power. Her new realm is filled with dark symbols and eerie energy, a stark contrast to her former honor-bound campaigns.


Elsa could mean the end of the world as a dark, icy queen. She would be the sorceress of pure darkness. Her sparkling, elegant gown transforms into a dramatic, deep blue and silver ensemble, frosted with sharp, jagged ice that radiates a menacing aura.

Forget the princess of spreading love and warmth. Now she conjures blizzards and storms with a flick of her hand. Her castle, once a symbol of magic and wonder, becomes a formidable fortress of frozen darkness.


Rapunzel’s creativity and optimism would turn into dark ingenuity and cunning. With her magic hair, she’d no longer dream of freedom, but control. 

Her tower wouldn’t be a prison but a fortress, and her once gentle, curious nature would morph into ruthless determination. Anyone who dared to approach would find themselves tangled—literally—in her web of manipulation.


Pocahontas, a protector of nature, would instead become its ruthless enforcer. The wind and trees would bend to her will, not out of love, but fear. Her connection to the earth would give her powers beyond belief, allowing her to control storms, animals, and even the land itself. 

No one would dare cross her forest without facing her wrath, as she’d become a guardian of vengeance, punishing those who don’t respect nature.


Tiana’s ambition would become her greatest weapon. Instead of working tirelessly to open her dream restaurant, she’d stop at nothing to dominate the business world—by any means necessary.

Her cheerful demeanor would become cold and calculating, and her kitchen would be filled with dark magic, turning customers into loyal, mindless followers. The Shadow Man’s powers would pale in comparison to the spells she’d cook up.


Anna’s sunny disposition would take a sharp turn if twisted into villainy. Her intense love for her sister, Elsa, would become obsessive and controlling. She’d become bitter, resenting the world for taking her family’s attention away from her. 

Using dark magic she discovers, Anna would seek to freeze over Arendelle herself, in a warped attempt to keep her loved ones “safe” by never letting them leave her side.


Meg’s sarcastic wit and cynical outlook would become tools of her villainy. Instead of being a reluctant hero in love with Hercules, she’d use her sharp mind and silver tongue to manipulate gods and mortals alike.

Her loyalty would only be to herself, and she’d betray anyone if it meant gaining more power. The underworld wouldn’t be her punishment—it would be her kingdom.


Esmeralda’s passion for justice would turn into a burning desire for revenge. After years of oppression, she would decide that if the world won’t change, she’ll burn it down herself.

Her dancing, once a symbol of freedom and joy, would become a hypnotic weapon, leading her enemies to their doom. With the power of fire and manipulation, she’d lead a revolution that the streets of Paris would never recover from.


Merida’s independence and fiery spirit would twist into reckless pride and tyranny. As a villain, she wouldn’t just want freedom for herself—she’d seek to rule Scotland with an iron fist, believing no one is worthy of the throne but her.

Her archery skills would become legendary not for sport but for eliminating her enemies. The once free-spirited princess would be a force of chaos, pushing everyone aside to fulfill her selfish desires.

Alice (from Alice in Wonderland)

Alice’s curiosity would no longer be innocent exploration but a desire to bend Wonderland to her will. 

Once a lost girl navigating a strange world, she’d become its tyrant. Her imagination, once playful, would create twisted realities, turning Wonderland into a chaotic nightmare.

Jane Porter (from Tarzan)

Jane’s love for the jungle and its creatures would turn into an obsession with dominating it. As a villain, she wouldn’t just study the animals—she’d control them, using her knowledge to bend nature to her will.

Tarzan would no longer be her partner but her captive, as she seeks to exploit the jungle’s power for her own gain. Her intelligence would make her a dangerous adversary, as she uses both science and cruelty to rise to the top.

Narissa (from Enchanted)

Narissa perfectly embodies the classic fairy tale villain, which makes her stand out in a unique way.

She's both commanding and manipulative, and she always knows how to make things go her way!

Kida (From Atlantis)

Kida’s powerful connection to Atlantis would twist into a thirst for domination. As a villain, she’d use the heart of Atlantis not to protect her people, but to conquer the world.

Her wisdom and strength would turn to arrogance, and she’d believe that only the Atlanteans deserve to rule. She’d rise as an unstoppable force, wielding ancient powers to crush anyone who dared to stand in her way.

Nani (from Lilo And Stitch)

In this villainous version of Nani, she’s no longer the laid-back, protective big sister we know. After Lilo’s kidnapped, Nani becomes a hardened bounty hunter, working for the CIA and chasing down aliens across the galaxy.

Now, she’s not afraid to break some rules (and a few bones) to get what she wants. Still, underneath all that tough exterior, she’s driven by the same fierce love for Lilo—just in a much scarier way!

Wendy Darling (from Peter Pan)

Wendy, instead of being Peter’s innocent companion, would become a sinister ruler of Neverland. She’d grow tired of Peter’s carefree attitude and decide to seize control herself.

Using her sharp wit and growing resentment, she’d turn the Lost Boys into her army and imprison Peter, keeping him trapped in Neverland forever. Her desire for order and control would make her the dark queen of this once whimsical world.

Raya (From Raya and the Last Dragon)

If Raya from Raya and the Last Dragon turned to the dark side, her relentless quest for unity would become a brutal obsession with control.

Instead of uniting the tribes of Kumandra with diplomacy, she would conquer them, believing that only her way could bring peace. Her quick wit and fierce fighting skills would make her a fearsome ruler, using the Dragon Gem not to protect, but to dominate.

Fauna, Flora, and Merryweather (from Sleeping Beauty)

These three fairy godmothers, typically known for their kindness and protective nature, would be terrifying as dark witches. Instead of bestowing blessings, they’d cast curses over kingdoms, manipulating fate with their powerful magic.

Together, they'd create a web of dark enchantments, trapping anyone who dares to oppose them. Their transformation would turn them from nurturing guardians into ruthless forces of chaos.