Coffee Compliments
Whether your office is in a multi-national company or a tiny local business, every so often something will break down. There is so much to go wrong in an office: Photocopiers, computers, or as in this case, it’s the coffee machine that decides to malfunction. It's not that it isn't working but that it just isn't HOT enough.
Saying it isn't hot seemed a bit mean to one employee so they decided to make it right by pointing out that the coffee machine has a great personality.
Nice Spelling
Office managers often like to put little motivational posters around the place to cheer up their staff and give them some extra motivation. This one, however, seems to be trying to deal with some of the problems they’ve been having with sarcasm. However, maybe being sarcastic about wasn’t really the best way forward.
Of course, it is always worth running the poster through a spell checker before putting it on the wall – as someone has, sarcastically, pointed out on this one.
Click next to see even more hilarious office photos:
Please Check
Anyone who has worked in an office knows that there is a certain etiquette to be observed when using the bathrooms. Everyone expects the cleaners to do a good job but during the day it is up to the workforce to make sure that they stay nice and clean and are a place people feel comfortable to use. It helps if everyone keeps an eye out for any bathroom related problems.
Someone in this office obviously wasn’t playing their part so a manager decided to put up a notice remind them – however, it seems that the staff decided to take it literally by actually making a check mark each time they flush. Well, it did ask them to “check”.
Under Lock And Key
Many offices have a communal space where people can store their lunch and other foods, but some people seem to think that this means that it is there for anyone to use. This person seems to have become extremely fed up with people using their milk and has gone to extremes to prevent that from happening. We have never seen anyone padlock a milk container before, but it looks like it works.
If someone was really determined they could probably still use the milk, but we think they would take the easy road and use it from the container next door.
Lying In Wait
We all think Mr. Bean is comedy gold but we probably wouldn’t expect to see him in the bathroom at work. This cardboard cut out gave the person a bit of a shock, and it is not surprising. Mr Bean looks a little bit scary out of context, with the maniacal grin and staring eyes and having him suddenly appear is probably pretty disturbing.
This really is the stuff nightmares are made of and we are sure the employee had a few disturbed nights after this.
Have You Seen This Cat?
Every office has their own resident clown – the man or woman who makes it their life’s work to bring some fun and laughter and that can make all the difference because no one really wants to be having to work. Sometimes it can be hard to find the inspiration to provide new and amusing material.
This person is obviously pretty talented at finding new things to do, this ‘missing cat’ poster is certainly pretty creative. If the tags had said ‘meow’ instead of ‘now’, it would score top marks.
Stick It To The Man
Sometimes you just have to accept that no matter how high up you get within the company, everything still has to be OK’d by the boss. The person at the top always gets the final say in everything and the rest of the staff just have to do as they are told. This can be anything from how long your breaks are right through to how much photocopying you are allowed to do.
This employee obviously feels the copying limits are a bit silly and is fed up of being told what to do – he did a bit of lateral thinking and came up with the perfect response, and managed to stick it to the man at the same time. Inspired.
Smells Like Pent Up Frustration
Sometimes office politics can extend into communal areas, especially when it comes to issues of housekeeping and hygiene. Everyone has their own different way of doing things, including storing food and disposing of trash. This one co-worker has had enough of someone disposing of their ketchup in the lunch room and resorted to a passive-aggressive poster to sort out the issue.
The response was perfect – obviously the person felt the need to apologize but they produced the perfect response by using ketchup!
It’s Always Jammin’
Even the newest bits of office equipment can go wrong from time to time, and it is usually when you really need it to work so you can get that project or presentation done on time. Sometimes you just have to take it in your stride and see the funny side. Unless you are able to fix it it really isn’t something that is worth worrying about.
This worker decided to bring a bit of humor into the situation by playing on the lyrics of the Bob Marley song, we bet you can’t read that without hearing the hit song, ‘Don’t Worry ‘Bout A Thing’!
Office Timetable
The first day on a new job and you are given all the rules and regulations and details of all your start times, break times and finish times. This all helps the office run nice and smoothly because everyone sticks to the same kind of timetable.
After a few months people settle in and then they like to create their own timetable. We like this one – it looks like a nice easy going place to work.
Free Chicken Strips
Most people feel bored at work from time to time. While places like Google HQ provide entertainment to stimulate their employees most of us need to make our own fun and to do it without being caught by the boss. This person was obviously feeling in need of a bit of light relief and decided to try and make everyone’s day a little bit more amusing.
He either has a unique sense of humor or his colleagues can’t take a joke. There were only two takers for his ‘chicken strips’. Maybe they are all vegetarian?
Programmers Are Easily Scared
Different departments can often have different expectations when it comes to behavior and it can be a bit of a minefield unless someone helpfully puts up a notice to make sure everyone is on the same page. It is not known whether programmers are particularly sensitive but no one wants to make their colleagues cry.
Although singing “Ave Maria” sounds rather nice, it only really works if you’ve got a good singing voice.
Pawfect Placing
We all have our special interests and passions but most of us leave these until our free time. In every office there is always someone who decides to bring in pictures of their own particular interest, hobby or their family. This usually means bringing in the odd picture or two to put on their desk, maybe a plant or part of a classic collection. Alternatively, they might do what this person has done and bring their obsession with cats.
This person has not only created a purrfect work environment for a cat lover, they have turned their office desk into a shrine to the fantastic feline.
All For Ben
There is never even numbers of men and women in an office – and sometimes the balance can literally be all one way. Despite this there has to be both male and female restrooms in work areas. In this case it seems that there is only Ben. Not only has he got the whole of the male restroom to himself he is also the only male in a whole office full of women.
Ben decided he should make the restroom truly his by changing the sign. We are not sure if this makes it official, but it certainly looks the part.
Home Sweet Home
Some people really don’t like going into the office and all they wish for is the ability to work from home. For this guy, he did the next best thing and it certainly looks like he has managed to get all of his creature comforts at work by building himself a home from home. This guy even has windows, a door knocker, a chimney and a small garden in his workspace.
We think this could definitely catch on with more people living a life of luxury while at work. He obviously has a great boss too!
Office Pet
Many things can make office life happier and having an office pet is definitely one of the ways this can happen. Although pets can be a great way to relieve stress, sadly most bosses won’t entertain the idea of an office cat or dog so this guy decided to make his own pet. What started out as an unsightly stain has now become a cute kitty which is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.
Power Rangers Power Up
Office meetings can be really, really boring and these guys decided it was time to bring a little bit of fun into the 9-5. Instead of coming in for the third tedious meeting that week wearing their usual gear, these computer programmers decided they were going to come dressed for the job they really wanted – we think they have made their wishes crystal clear.
Everyone in this meeting decided to come dressed as their favorite Power Ranger – at least this meeting wasn’t dull!
I Approve This Posting
Instead of dealing with an issue head on this manager decided to address the issue of unofficial use of the notice board by pinning up a passive aggressive notice. The manager obviously failed to proofread it beforehand although the staff were quick to pick up on the glaring spelling mistake and capitalize on the opportunity to stick it to the manager by ridiculing the error and breaking the rule set by the note.
We are guessing that there is going to be a really angry manger – manager – when they find out which employee did this.
Hungry Hippos
Sometimes you just need something to give yourself a break from the computer. Once your brain decides it needs a break then you need to find something to amuse and stimulate it that does not involve staring at a screen. If you work in an open plan office you can use the time to get creative as this particular employee has done. By choosing the right screen saver they have managed to turn their colleague into a rather adorable baby human-hippo hybrid.
It has certainly made their workspace more interesting.
Off The Clock
The best part of any day in the office is your lunch break. You can do whatever you like, you don’t have to answer to the boss and you are completely off the clock. This person decided that if they didn’t have time to get to the golf course, they would bring it to the office. Now they can play a few rounds and lunch time and work on their swing without ever leaving their office.
Who knows, this may be what gives them the edge next time they get to the golf course!
Not Debbies
It seems that Debbie may have been a little bit naughty when it comes to helping herself to other peoples food. No one wants to go to get their lunch or snack to find that someone else has eaten it. Although most of the time we have no idea who took the food, in this office there seems to be no doubt who the culprit is. Debbie probably had a bit of a wake-up call when she opened the fridge to find everything had been labeled to inform her that this was not her food!
Hopefully Debbie will have learned her lesson and will do something to make it up to her fellow office workers.
A Flowchart
Office friendships are a great thing, but sometimes you start to be seen as the go-to person when people are looking for your office buddy. This results in people constantly asking you where this person is and vice versa and it can become really tiresome over time.
This person has obviously had enough of being ‘his brother’s keeper’ and decided to take matters in hand by producing a flow chart to stop people asking the same thing over and over again. We hope the flow chart gave them some relief.
It’s So Beautiful
A lot of folks like to bring special things to the office to make their working day more pleasant and so they can enjoy some of their home comforts at work. Often people will bring in a favorite mug that they can use to drink their tea of coffee.
Unless you keep this mug well away from your colleagues, lock it in your desk or remove it from sight there really is no way to stop other people deciding to use it for their own beverage. This person really wanted people to stop using their mug.
When they asked people not to touch their mug, they just couldn’t resist responding with this cheeky photo.
No Purple Sticky Notes
Sometimes things just get out of hand as they did when this boss put up a poster that said ‘no thumbtacks in wall’ and then used thumbtacks to fix it to the wall. The sarcastic notes just kept coming until there was a long list of notes. Sometime you’ve just got to go with the flow, this manager obviously thought that the rules didn’t apply to them.
Working To Extinction
Well all feel the need to have a little fun and this office decided that they would all come to work in fancy dress. Obviously, this was well planned and the result is amazing - imagine walking into an office and seeing a load of dinosaurs hard at work at their desks!
It seems that the tiny hands of the T-Rex did not stop these workers from using their key boards although a large group of predators would probably not be good for a productive day in the office.
A Man And His Castle
Many a young boy dreams of being a knight in shining armor, slaying dragons and other mystical creatures and rescuing damsels in distress. Sadly we all have to grow up and this little boy ended up working in an office.
He still manages to live the dream by using boxes to build his very own castle. It even has it’s own drawbridge. It may be in the middle of the office but he can still fulfill his childhood dreams while bringing home the bacon.
Voice Activated
A good prank to liven up life when you have to do the same thing over and over again. One of the most recent office prank trends has been to add a “voice activated” sign to a piece of equipment. As technology becomes more sophisticated it is easy to believe that something is voice activated especially when it is something like a hand dryer or paper towel dispenser.
Of course, just because something has a sign on it doesn’t mean that it really is voice activated and there will probably be a few people who end up shouting at various machines waiting for it to perform a task.
Keep Off The Grass
It’s great when our boss lets you decorate your own cubicle to make the space unique to you, adding some personality and some color to the workplace. We are guessing that most people just put a couple of posters on the wall or bring in some plants but this person decided to bring in their whole garden, complete with pink flamingo. We guess it is all good as long as you can still do your work.
Cubicle Life
In the modern American office you usually find that people are working inside their own cubicle which is designed to give you your own little slice of personal office space. For some people that simply is not private enough, like this guy who has basically built a fort out of the cubicle boards.
Of course, this means you can work distraction-free which should suit your boss down to the ground because secretly cubicles were designed to catch you out if you stop to chat.
A Tuna Sandwich Named Kevin
If you have ever gone to the office fridge for your lunch only to find that it has seemingly vanished into thin air you will know how annoying it is. Some people just go there and help themselves to whatever looks the tastiest. So the easiest solution is to make sure you put your name on your food so there is no doubt as to who the food belongs to.
This notice picks up on the fact that now foods have names – we are not sure how amused Kevin is going to be now he has the same name as a tuna sandwich.
We Miss You
What do you do when the go-to person isn’t there any more? In every workplace there is that one person who knows the solution to every problem, knows all the office drama and is up to date with all the latest gossip and events. So when this person doesn’t show up it can be a catastrophe as far as their colleagues are concerned. It looks like this person has left a really big gap in their office and the employees are really missing them.
We hope they come back soon and can see how much they mean to everyone.
Just A Bite
Every so often people come to work with something so tasty it is just impossible not to eat it even though you know it’s not yours and you should leave it alone. It seems unlikely that someone will not notice if you just take a bite out of it, but this person obviously thought that pizza looked so good it was worth the risk and maybe they would get away with it.
Their colleague was not easily fooled and probably didn’t want the pizza after someone else had started eating it. They were pretty generous telling them to eat the whole thing next time.
Surrounded By Balls
The problem with being an adult is that sometimes you have to work on your birthday and because we can all empathize sometimes your colleagues will go that extra mile for you with some balloons or maybe some banners to brighten up your office space. This guy hit the jackpot in his workplace when someone made a ball pit especially so he could feel like a kid again on his special day.
It isn’t as grand as the one that Google installed at its offices but, who knows, this may catch on as a way to increase productivity.
The Spoon Scoop
Although we are all fans of workplace hygiene especially when it comes to kitchens and utensils we can’t help feeling that in this office space things may have been taken to extremes. First of all they have a whole drawer just for plastic spoons, and secondly they are worried about germs just from someone reaching into the drawer to grab a spoon.
The solution is pretty ingenious although we don’t think having a scoop is going to make getting a spoon easier, it does let you get one without getting your grubby paws on the others. Jello anyone?
Fighting Back
People taking food that doesn’t belong to them causes a lot of bad feeling in the office. People often take the time to label food but sometimes their light fingered colleague still ends up whisking it away and they return only to find their lunch has vanished. At this office someone took a stand, leaving a note which made the position crystal clear.
The food thief did respond and we have to say they took the original poster down in style.
Office Takeaway
Office spaces can be boring, so sometimes an employee will think of new and ingenious ways to brighten this up. Like this dude who decided to make their cubicle look like a burger stand. Now when people need to talk to them it looks like they are queuing up to buy fast food. Their boss must be pretty relaxed to be happy with this kind of office redecoration.
Although this looks amazing and it has certainly make the office a lot more interesting we think this person is going to be making an awful lot of their colleagues feel super hungry from looking at his tasty menu board all day.
The Perfect Plan
Every office needs a plan so people know what to do if there is an emergency and you need to evacuate the office or the building. Of course, plans should be simple and easy to follow to avoid confusion but this office employee seems to have taken this principle to the extreme.
It seems that management may have forgotten to put up the official evacuation plan so the workforce had to take matters into their own hands. The instructions may be short and sweet but we are not sure how helpful they are going to be in a real emergency.
Leaky Tap
You only realize how essential something is in the office when it stops working. Take this tap for instance which has been turned off ‘due to leakage’. How are people going to brew their coffee? It has all become a nuisance really quickly judging by the notice that the workers have used to respond to the maintenance note.
It seems that the ‘fixage’ of the tap has not been quick enough for their liking, so management need to get this sorted before they have a mutiny on their hands.
Everyone Loves Nicolas Cage
Not only is Nicolas Cage famous for being a top notch actor, he has also become one of the Internet's favorite memes. These workers decided to turn a colleagues cubicle into a shrine to the great Mr Cage, smothering every surface with pictures of the actor including one where he has had his face pasted onto a photo of rock band Nickelback.
We are hoping that this employee is a Nicolas Cage fan otherwise it is going to take them a long time to remove all of those pictures.
You Weren’t There
Sometimes people just can’t get their head around a new gadget so they need someone with technical skills to help them out if it goes wrong. Messing around with it can just make matters worse. The person who wrote this is obviously the person who has to deal with other people’s failed attempts to get it working.
But what can you do if that person is not at their desk? This worker decided to take action but at least had to foresight to try for help first. It seems they pushed LOTS of buttons but who knows which ones and what they did?
The Post-It Prank
This is an old but evergreen office prank that never goes out of style. These colleagues have taken it up to a new level showing some great color coordination skills and turning this cubicle space into something that looks like a Rubik’s cube. It all looks pretty neat and stylish, and the owner of this particular cubicle has got a bit of a shock coming when they get back to their workspace.
We hope that all these post-it notes get recycled and used up during the course of their job.
Free Creamer
Some people are happy to share but feel it is only polite to ask first before helping yourself. This person is obviously a good colleague who will happily share their creamer but is fed up of people just going in the bag and taking it without asking. The person who has been taking it feels that they are being unreasonable and replaced their note with one of their own.
The original was asking for people to ask, the replacement just tells people to help themselves. This is obviously a battle of wills and we don’t see this ending well.
April Fool’s
It’s always great if your boss decides to provide you with a treat to show their appreciation of all your hard work. Cakes and donuts are always a good way of raising the morale in the workplace and cake day is always a great day. When this boss arrived with some boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts we are betting that it caused a bit of excitement among the workforce. Sadly, they were in for a bit of a nasty surprise when the opened the boxes.
Instead of the donuts their boss had filled the boxes with chopped vegetables. If your boss walks in with treats on April Fool’s Day you can never be quite sure of what exactly you are going to get.
A cruel trick
Well this is one ingenious way to stop a food thief in their tracks. There is nothing like the worry that they might have caught something unpleasant to act as a deterrent next time they go in the office fridge and help themselves. Of course, they could genuinely have mouth sores but we are guessing this is just payback and they want to see who starts panicking and checking for mouth sores.
If their plan works out everyone will soon know who the food thief is and who they can and can’t trust with their lunch.
Spider On The Loose
This is a pretty scary prank if you are afraid of spiders. Firstly, you are not going to want to lift that cup up and secondly it looks like the spider has chewed its way out of the cup meaning that it is now on the loose in the office.
Although you would probably know deep down that this is a prank, we bet you would spend a lot of time looking over your shoulder for the rampant aggressive arachnid. Still, a little fear adds to the excitement of your day.
Did You Watch It?
This person has gone to great lengths to avoid spoilers at work. We all know that work can be a place where people chat about the TV shows they love, but if you haven’t yet seen it you want to make sure you don’t hear anything that is going to ruin it for you.
Game of Thrones is an amazing show so this person took action to make sure they would be seeing the latest episode completely spoiler free, we hope this worked out for them.