Funny: Best Cake Mishaps

Cakes have always played a huge part in all sorts of celebrations from birthdays to weddings and any other special event.  Cakes are always the chosen dessert for all kinds of parties and always takes center stage when presented at the special event.

While some cakes are absolutely gorgeous, there are other cakes that are designed in such a way that makes everyone laugh!  Funny cakes are great for friends and co-workers or for a shining family event!  Look at these designs and see how a good thought can go terribly wrong!

Minnie Mouse Needs A Facelift

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were first created in 1928 and needless to say, that was a very long time ago!  Well, it seems aging has not been kind to Minnie!  This cake was heading in the right direction but something went terribly wrong along the way!  Food can be very difficult to work with, especially if you want a perfect shape when all is said and done!

We are somewhat confused by the Princess Leia ears that Minnie Mouse is wearing!  If this cake was in a contest, quite honestly it's an incredible mess and probably would not take first prize but it's possibly the thought that counts!  The question is, would you eat this cake or toss it?

Perhaps English Class Should Continue

Ok, if you are ordering a cake for an important celebration such as the end of the school year, you might want to check and double check the spelling on the cake!  I realize it's only a thought, and no one said your decorator was majoring in English grammar or spelling in class!  On the other hand, he or she might consider taking a summer course in spelling and by all means, do not invite your English teacher to the end of the school year event!  This cake is an excellent reminder that you should always check out the spelling before deciding to bring this little beauty home with you!

I Don’t Think You Do…

Does anyone know what “Rember” means?   We are pretty sure whoever eats this cake will not forget it for some time to come. Yeah, it really is a very good idea to check all your spelling before presenting it to your local cake designer.  If this designing effort is going to be done by you alone, I'd strongly suggest you use a spelling checker before incorporating a message on the cake.  You might also want to consider if the message you are sending out is what you meant.  It seems whoever decorated this cake thought it would be a really good idea to include half of Webster's Dictionary! Heck, there isn't enough space here to correctly spell “remember”!

Apparently, They Didn’t Proofread

This whole creation has turned into an absolute disaster outside of the fact that proofreading was not on the agenda.  If you count, you will see that more than half of the words on this cake are misspelled including Happy Birthday (who can't spell that?).  We might not be math geniuses but definitely, more than half the words are misspelled.  What's a shame – the actual cake is a really cute princess cake!  Unfortunately, this little princess rules over a kingdom of morons who slept through their English classes from beginning to end!  Maybe she can drag out her famous frog, give him a big wet kiss, and turn him into a professor of English who will pass his knowledge on to her!

Graduation Cat?

Ok, Laura is finally heading to her graduation – Yippee!  The question that keeps arising around this cake, instead of wearing graduation caps, it seems at her school they wear graduation cats??  This entire silliness is all from a huge miscommunication between the decorator and the buyer "put a HAT on her head".  That said, possibly Laura is a huge cat lover and this cat will become her favorite for many years to come.  On the other hand, is she is a dog lover – oops!  Although there are cake errors that are really, really bad and should be corrected immediately, just the entire image of this cake is really funny and should be revered!  So, ask yourself, would you return this little gem or just enjoy it?

The Most Brutally Honest Cake In The World

Everyone has moments that will cause a complete lack of memory such as a very important upcoming birthday!  Well, you might opt to add a brutally honest message written across the birthday cake.  Obviously, whoever designed this cake just threw something together very quickly and decided to share their point of view scrolled across the cake.  They just threw some icing over the cake which should have looked beautiful and taste great but the materials they used absolutely destroyed the flavor!  They did take that extra step and added a pretty little heart!

Hannah Montana: Tiny Head Edition

Looking at this Hannah Montana cake conjures up images of Miley Cyrus standing in front of a distorted mirror in a house of mirrors!  Not quite sure how this cake came to be but there is a complete lack of proportionment to the whole!  All said and done, we are sure that nine-year-old Lara absolutely loved her Miley cake and enjoyed every single morsel. We do hope that someone removed the cutout picture of Miley placed on the cake was removed before someone decided to bite into it!

We Don’t Think a Trekkie Made This Cake

Ok, it's pretty obvious this cake was shaped in the likeness of the famous Starship Enterprise from the ever so famous television show Star Trek. The cake's designer really did an excellent job at designing the Starship Enterprise NCC-1701  but it ends there.  If this person ever watched Star Trek, they did a really poor job at correctly naming the ship along with other names or given any thought about the writing on the cake! Who knows, maybe this is a ship that has not yet been released to the viewing audience!  That said, he or she should have realized how very seriously Trekkies take their show.  No respectful Trekkie who attends conventions or gatherings would want this placed in front of them!

There Are Toilets For That Woody

Hey, Woody is a toy that could have done a better job at going everywhere in the woods but then again, he's a toy and would not possibly know any better!  This is without a doubt a very disturbing cake that destroys a child's most loved TV character and what is supposed to be a wholesome image.  Bottom line, toys do not poop everywhere!  This Woody cake is an image that should be immediately erased from everyone's mind!  With the entry of Toy Story 4, there's always a possibility Woody's image can be restored.

They Took This A Bit Too Literally

If someone came to you and wanted a cake designed with stars and sprinkles, as a decorator would you have totally misunderstood the directions and instead wrote them out on the cake?  Obviously, the buyer wanted stars and sprinkles placed on the cake.  This decorator either never pays attention or thought it might be clever or funny!  Personally, I might think this would be really funny and love it just that way, but probably not to the buyer.  The bottom line, this is a great example of why both sides should be sure the message and the directions are very clearly laid out ahead of time.

Time To Head Into The Body Shop

Well, it's pretty clear that an accident took place after the last race just by the total shape of the car!  Let's face it, if you are a car in the largest racing event anywhere, there's always a chance you are going to get twisted around, literally!  This cake is definitely Disney-inspired!  Lighting McQueen has once again managed to perform some outstanding turnarounds in the past and maybe, just maybe, he will do the same again!  We do believe for a novice cake designer, this came out really well and did a great job!  Given what they had to work with, we say bravo!

Mutant Porcupine? We’re Not Sure

Is this cake supposed to be a regular porcupine or a mutant porcupine??  I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be your everyday, regular porcupine!  Obviously, something really terrible went wrong while in the baking stage.  With even a lack of imagination, this cake looks like someone threw a can of spam on a plate, shaped the spam like a porcupine and then just added some quills made from pretzel rods!  Then they just threw in some really large, rather odd teeth, making this thing look like something directly out of some Grade D horror film!  I would never dig more fork into this mess but it's certainly a lesson about how to Not bake a birthday cake for absolutely anyone!

Thomas The Pissed Off Tank Engine

The only message coming from this cake is Thomas the Tank Engine is going to kill you!  Without a doubt, this is a totally pissed off cake that is being given to a little 3-year-old who loves trains!  The upside, he's too young to even have a clue what's going on around him, let alone this cake.  It's beyond us why his parents would even fathom the idea of delivering this cake!  Thomas might be pissed off because trains are no longer the chosen transportation mode anymore or being eaten by a bunch of kids is nauseating.  As for the kids, they haven't a clue they just ate their favorite little train!

This Was Supposed To Be a Planet

Ok, let me get this straight, this is supposed to look like a planet such as Saturn or Mars.  Unfortunately, it looks like some planet that was attacked by alien weapons or hit head-on by a bunch of asteroids.  This is a screaming example of why everyone is not an artist and cake decorating should only be handled by the professionals.  You can only hope that the cake tastes great so it's not a total loss.  I guess you can ask yourself if you would eat this or give it to your dog!  I'd probably do the later!

Bad Monkey!

The cake designer actually did a great job of creating this cake.  It's absolutely beautiful from the friendly face of the monkey to the writing on the cake.  There was a great deal of thought and creativity put into this dessert.  Unfortunately, the monkey is holding a banana in a rather naughty looking place!

That said, this is a very simple fix by simply removing the banana from the monkey.  Of course, if you ask us, we'd probably opt for leaving it as is and have some good chuckles at the expense of the money!

Bob The Builder Is Close To Death

Someone needs to explain what the heck happened to Bob the Builder!  He looks like he has this huge smile but he's buried under a pile of bricks.  Did someone knock him off the ledge or is he in shock from falling?  We are not really sure nor do we know if those bricks are actually edible.  It seems that this not so creative cake designer just threw a bunch of ground beef on the surface of the cake.  Not only is Bob made from plastic, but this thing does not look appetizing in any form.  The bottom line, this is clearly a complete cake failure in so many ways!

What Is Spider-Man Doing?!

We've been staring at this Spider-Man cake and can't figure out what it's all about.  He looks like he's getting ready to take a poop in a black garbage bag, but why?  Is this instead the birth of Spider-Man from the womb and his favorite fan wanted to witness the blessed event?  What the inspiration behind this creation is, it's far beyond any explanation we could come up with.  The designing of Spider-Man is absolutely incredible in detail but what's going on around him is a complete mystery.  If any Spider-Man fan has a clue, please let us know so we can stop scratching our heads.  All thoughts are welcome!

Ariel Hasn’t Been Looking So Great Lately

It's a known fact that Disney is king when it comes to cartoons! They have always hired only the very best artists to create the many different characters that are now famous worldwide.  Princess Ariel is probably one of the most famous Disney has created.  The question arises, why would anyone think they could improve on a classic through a cake?  Obviously, talent did not get in the way because there is no talent!  Good thoughts might have been behind this outcome but the entire look of the princess is way off base and quite honestly unrecognizable.  The cake does have some nice colors but totally remote from the princess's skin tone and clothing.  In this day and age of digital creations, the cake isn't that disappointing, though not in comparison to the movie.

A Colorful Surprise?

Colorful might be the wrong word considering this cake is brown with purple lettering!  The decorator obviously took the directions from the buyer way beyond mere instructions.  It seems the buyer gave explicit directions for the layout of the cake but the decorator, instead, wrote every word of the directions on the cake – Why?  Actually, the buyer wanted “Thanks For A Great Year” written on the cake with purple icing.  What's really hysterical, the decorator wrote the word “Thanks For A Great Year in Purple” in Huge Purple Letters! Then, for an added touch placed a bunch of purple sprinkles to top it off! Let's hope the decorator figures out that directions are not for viewing purposes, just to be followed!

Sending The Wrong Message

Ok, so in all rights, this is a really lovely cake but with its own hitches!  It seems the decorator did not listen very well to the buyer who wanted this to be a Birthday Cake! We are pretty confident that the buyer was not expecting a message that read “Happy Bathday”!  This message could imply that the recipient should move forward and take a bath!  Let's just hope that whomever the cake was designed for has a marvelous sense of humor and got a great laugh out of it. I personally would have laughed my head off!  Sometimes it's important to remember you should not take everything too seriously!

A Little Repetitive

Sometimes, it can be a little difficult to convey a heartfelt message to have written on a cake.  Well, here we go again, what should have been a very simple “Happy Birthday” ended up becoming a little too much.  The buyer and decorator probably had a conversation about the writing on the cake that was something like – “Please write Happy Birthday”, then gave a slight pause and said “Just Happy Birthday”.  We're pretty sure the buyer only one Happy Birthday” scrolled on the cake would suffice!  Well, it seems the decorator took things into their own hands and took the conversation a little too literally!  Quite honestly, we are starting to think that decorators are either from another planet or are doing this on purpose.

What They Really Think

The customer ordered a cake for their friend Matt but the writing implies that the customer requested the cake read “Happy Birthday Dick” (??).  I'm sure Dick, although a real name, is not a nickname for Matt and probably not what the customer had in mind.  Hopefully, the customer has a wonderful sense of humor as the decorator wrote out the message followed by laughs.  I guess the leading question should be, who actually messed up here, the customer or the decorator?  Chances are it rests on the decorator who wrote “don't write that” and did anyway!

Adam And His Blue Flowers

This cake is so close and yet so far away from perfect.  The decorator, once again, misunderstood the directions from the customer.  The customer simply wanted blue flowers made out of icing on the cake.  They got the blue flowers and more.  The decorator literally followed what the customer was saying and wrote it on the cake! “Happy Birthday Adam With Blue Flowers”.  Well, if there is an Adam who has blue flowers, this could be your perfect cake and we sincerely hope that this particular Adam enjoyed his special cake!

This Carrot Cake Couldn’t Cut It

We have often wondered what really goes on inside the heads of many cake decorators.  Based on what was written on this cake, there's not a lot going on...  The customer pointed out the recipient's name is Mark but it's spelled with a “C” as in Marc!  Well, enter the decorator who proceeded to write “Mark With A Sea” across the cake!  Well unless our Mark owns his own sea or lives by the sea, this is a totally failed cake!  That said, we hope you had a Happy Birthday - “Mark With A Sea”!

The Headscratcher Cake

Either the customer and/or the decorator should definitely take a course in English grammar!  There are just way too many questions regarding the creation of this cake but the leading question should be – WHAT?  It's possible the customer does not have a firm grasp of English but what's the deal with the decorator?  The customer probably meant well but why would the decorator not take it upon themselves to correct the message to make sense? - “Congration you done it” a kid in the third grade could have done a better job.

Justin Beefer

This cake definitely needed a closer look, it seems the entire cake is made from ground beef!  Created to look like Justin Bieber, the cake has a ground beef face that is beautifully sculpted to look like Justin.  His signature hair, from earlier on, sweeps to the side and made from bacon.  Hopefully, not only is the recipient a big Bieber fan but also loves ground beef!  We're pretty much under the belief that someone wanted a meatloaf cake, not a cake cake...

Mary Had A Little… Lamb?

Ok, Time Out!  The image of the lamb on the top is lovely and a perfect touch to an Easter celebration.  That said, someone took it upon themselves to believe they could replicate this image.  The result is what you see in the bottom image which clearly shows someone has absolutely no talent as an artist. Instead of a really cute little lamb, I'm not quite sure what it is but sure does not look like anything Mary would own claim to!  We are sure whoever took the time and made an effort to create this special cake, did their very best.  Hopefully, it was a very tasty cake indeed!

They Could Have Easily Fixed This

This cake was obviously requested for celebrating New Year's Eve.  Unfortunately, someone was either living in the far future or didn't correct their mistake. Each one of the balloons on the cake had a number that would read 2010.  Well, someone wasn't paying attention and put an extra zero on the third balloon and the number 10 on the last balloon, making the year 20010. This should have been easy to correct by just scraping out the last zero on the third balloon, replacing it with a 1 and take out 10 on the last balloon, replacing it with a zero.  We would have loved to see the customer's face when they arrived at the party and unveiled 20010!

The Perfect Cake For Your Gardener

I believe the message on this cake would send any bride into a streak of intense anger!  Decorators really need to check their spelling before finishing up a cake, especially a wedding cake!  In all aspects, this is a beautiful cake with the exception of “Weeding: Day”!  I am sure the bride had to order a new cake and if she was lucky, knew someone who has a green thumb and unloaded this cake on them!  One added thought, a wedding cake should be created only by a professional wedding cake designer for such a special occasion.

The Super Bowl Fail

All that really should be said about this cupcake is “Failure”.  The 49er fan that had this cupcake designed was probably well beyond disappointed upon arrival.  They obviously wanted the cupcake to look like a styrofoam finger forming the number one.  Instead, this design has 6 fingers and the center finger, we are pretty sure, is making a naughty gesture!  Adding insult to injury, the 49ers haven't won a game in way too many years!

An Endearing Mistake

If you are looking to hire a decorator, make sure they know how to create a message that is professional.  The writing on this cake is clear and the spelling correct but it's pretty low end in penmanship. Also, once again, the decorator was not following the customer's directions.  Instead of reading “We Will Miss You”, it seems the decorator decided to change it to “So, We Will Miss You” - ???  We thought this message came across as total indifference to the recipient!

The Brutally Honest Cake

Ok, this was designed by someone who just does not particularly like the recipient!  This person obviously does not mince words or offer any pleasant messages. Why the decorator chose to say “I Tolerate You” is beyond us, but you have to laugh!  There must be some form of feuding going on and the decorator of the cookie thinks the other party deserves this comment.  All in all, the cake is nicely designed in anger. We hope the recipient enjoyed the cake in spite of the rather rude comment.

Get Straight To The Point

Wow! Let's get straight to the point by all means!  This cookie cake might just express what many of us have thought from time to time.  The customer who ordered this little delight obviously did not want to offer any pleasant thoughts or cute messages.  As the cookie cake states, they are just here for the chocolate and M&Ms.  That said, why the decorator went ahead and wrote this message (maybe even word for word) is well beyond us.  What makes me laugh is the idea that the decorator was actually writing down what the customer was saying!  You might say they got exactly what they were asking for!  Outside of the comment, the cookie is actually nicely designed. We can only hope the customer felt this cookie cake was well worth their time and they enjoyed every little morsel and all the M&Ms!

The Cake That Took A Dark Turn

Ok, this cake was ordered for a baby shower but could be construed as someone going through the cycle of birth to death!  With a picture of the ultrasound, we're pretty sure this is a baby shower.  Why the heck anyone would want to remind all of us how fragile life is, went well over the top. Yes, it's true life is fragile and at some point we all face death, but who wants that message when celebrating a new birth??  Celebrating birth should be just that but the other side of the cake sends out a really dark message that takes away from the joy.

Not The Sheep You Want To Dream About

This replica of what appears to be the Serta mattress sheep appears to have been designed for an Easter party due to the sheep's added bunny ears.  The problem seems to come from the sheep's face that looks really terrifying! The designer could have toned down some of the details and softened up the image somewhat.  This cake is actually a little spooky for little kids and this angry sheep looks like he'd like to take a chunk out of their heads instead of the other way around!

Please Leave Character Cakes To The Professionals

Kids really do love these little yellow characters from the Despicable Me franchise. We have to ask if the kid who got this cake, modeled after a minion, was actually pleased?  Let's face it, the Minion characters are scary enough but this cake went a step further entering into the Twilight Zone! By the work that went into this cake, there is no doubt that it took all the effort the designer had and for that, they deserve a great deal of credit. But instead of spending all their time and energy, they should have hired a professional designer to create a more accurate image of the minion and left it at that.

Rainbow Baby Shower Cake

There are so many issues with this cake that it's really difficult to know where to start.  This cake was obviously created for a baby shower but went off the rails. Most cakes for baby showers are designed with cute little booties, bows, butterflies, etc, and are usually in pink and blue colors.  The problem lies in the weird message that is presented with this cake.  All adults know how babies are made but no one wants it spelled out to them on a cake!  If there are children present at the shower, how are they going to explain this cake?  If the parents don't know if they will have a boy or a girl, a rainbow design is fine but probably in softer shades.

Not Really Dedicated

This cake is blue and white with colorful balloons is actually quite attractive but the decorator just couldn't figure out how to spell.  This cake was certainly not decorated by a little child but an adult that just didn't get beyond the 7th grade.  I don't know why shops cannot have their potential employees take a simple spelling test before hiring them.  This cake clearly spells out - dedicated is not spelled “deadicated”!  All we can hope is the recipient enjoyed the cake and had a really good laugh!

Come On Barbie, Let's Restart This

Most little girls like their Barbie dolls and having a Barbie doll on a birthday cake is a clever idea.  This image makes it a little difficult to understand if Barbie is sitting in a mud puddle or sitting inside a volcano!  On closer examination, is it possible the plastic doll is melting??  Its a really good idea to bake the cake first and then once cooled, add the Barbie doll.  Another suggestion is to have a decorator make a cake with a Barbie theme but not adding a plastic doll to the mix.

Cookie Eating Cake Monster?

Sesame Street might just have a new character to add to their cast – Cake Monster!  Sesame Street's Cookie monster is known for his love of cookies but this cake's message seems to yell the Cookie Monster was the meal!  Also, screwy little eyes and cookies for its mouth, we're not quite sure what this creation would be called except maybe Cake Monster Eating Cookie Monster Cake??  The actual cookies seem to be the only redeeming part of this cake that will make all kids go YUM!

It Ain't Right, But It Ain't Wrong

The cake itself is actually quite attractive but we're not sure if this cake has been created for a little girl who loves the My Little Pony cartoon characters or is this for someone's much-loved little pony?  We are pretty much leaning toward a little girl's birthday, so where is the Little Pony?  More than likely, the customer asked for a colorful birthday cake with a My Little Pony on top.  Well, the decorator took that literally and simply wrote out My Little Pony!  Hopefully, the cake was a big hit and tasted great!

Read That Again... Slowly

Umm, we're not really sure what the decorator had in mind or exactly what is being spelled out??  It's as if someone's dearly beloved aunt showed up from nowhere and it just happens to be her birthday in a few days.  It seems it was the customer's responsibility to provide her aunt with a birthday cake.  She probably was quite pleased with the cake offering but just a little dubious about the meaning.  Chances are this little auntie will probably think twice before just dropping in the next go round.

We Know Who's The Favorite Child

Ok, while most parents love all their children equally, some just don't seem to feel the same way.  A designed birthday cake can actually speak volumes.  It seems that Heather and Susan were embarking on a birthday but the cake that was designed pretty much told Heather that Mommy dearest really does favor Susan!  Again, the decorator literally added the instructions from Mom with “Please have text read: Happy Birthday Heather and Susan.  Make Susan bigger". I guess the day of the party the entire neighborhood would know the truth about favored Susan.

Spacing It Out

Scientists consider the bumblebee a phenomenon.  Because of their weight, they should not be able to fly.  Tell that to the bumblebee!  Scientifically, their little wings are too small for their fat little bodies so the little bumblebee goes against physics.  With that in mind, it seems the cake decorator decided to weigh in on the odds of not being able to spell but retain the highest level of stupidity!  This decorator decided to take a new approach in creativity by not writing bumblebee as one word but instead breaking it up into three words! There is some sense in possibly spelling the bumblebee as a bumble bee but no one we know thinks it should be spelled Bum Ble Bee!!! Just what is a Ble?

We Followed Your Request To The Letter

Cake decorating requires a certain amount of aptitude but unfortunately, there are many who fail to grasp the concept.  On the other hand, many of these decorators have given us hours of incredible laughter and fun. Well, this particular decorator not only followed the instructions down to a smidgen. Not one letter was out of place but, it seems the instructions written on the worksheet showed 16th was added in the aftermath with an insertion mark for where it should be placed.  I guess the decorator thought this insertion meant that 16th should be above Happy and Birthday!  Although it seems somewhat unique, it looks like a second-hand cake that needed 16th thrown in for good measure! Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen!

It Wasn't What They Thought It Would Be

If you ask any Catholic they will tell you that one of their most important memories was the first communion.  This is considered a milestone for a loved one as family and friends gather for the event.  This event with all the goings on can be very stressful for these kids between the ages of 7 to 13.  The question arises, how could anyone not check the spelling on the cake before giving it to the customer?  What the heck is “Fist Holy Communion”?  Kids are impressionable and this is a very important time in their lives, so a little consideration would go a long way to ensure the experience goes off without a glitch – except for the dubious cake!


People have very clever ways to propose to someone they are in love with. So, enter the decorator who couldn't follow simple enough instructions such as different color sprinkles on the border of the cake.  Well, someone please explain “Under Neat That”... This should've jumped out at anyone checking for errors.  Then again, I don't know anyone who proposes marriage with a cake.

It's The First Time Anyone Ever Asked

There are some salutations and greetings that are only spelled one way, not in a variety such as Merry Christmas vs Marry Christmas. Here is a twist, a cake maker was asked to design a cake for someone who wants to marry Christmos or do they literally want to marry the holiday? Well, a good avenue would be to find out before adding text is find out what this person's name really is and then take it from there but “Marry Christmos” does quite ring right.

Mom's cake

No princess of mine will ever go near these towers! Only a mom would understand this cake but put in on display – Why?

Quelle surprise

Ok, my French might not be as good as it used to be, but following simple instructions can't be that difficult. Wanting a cake's message that says Happy Birthday in French, does not mean literally write “Happy Birthday In French”  on the cake!

Drem Big

As long as you squeeze an “A” in there, it's what many people tell their kids to Dream Big! Telling your kids to Drem Big is a whole different matter, as a matter of fact, it doesn't mean anything!  It has nothing to do with throwing your graduation cap in the air. Additionally, I don't think anyone has a “gradualion” cap??? This is a cake of errors that just keeps giving!!


Did anyone see the “Elephool” in the room? Probably not but what are those creatures that seem to be impersonating Elephants?  The bottom line, if you are not artistic, hire someone or just throw some knick-knacks on the top of your cake and be done with it!

ACME cake?

I'm not quite sure what this mess is supposed to be, but it's melting all over the place! This is the outcome when you are not artistic but too cheap to hire a professional.

"Leave Minnie Alone!!"

What do people think about?  What, the first Minnie wasn't enough, we need this added to the pile? Everyone really needs to leave this sweet mouse alone and stop trying to reinvent her!

To Infinity and Beyond!