Are you tired of your boring single, friendless life? Why not try Tinder? Dating can be exhausting and finding the one that matches your personality can be quite a challenge. Plus, finding someone to date can be a bit of a minefield. Well, this app has been around for a while now. The consensus is that some people have found love this way—just by swiping on their phones.

Tinder is an app where you can find a friend (or something more). Some people take Tinder seriously and painstakingly construct extensive profiles about themselves to increase their chances of getting a match. However, some folks just want to have fun. Some of them have come up with the craziest Tinder profiles ever. And what could be better than meeting that special someone with whom you can laugh?
Swipe right to check out some of the craziest dating profiles!
We Love You, Shrek!
Seriously—we don’t think all women want to date a man like Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt (even though they are freaking good-looking). Some women like a man with a sense of humor. Humor is sexy, as some people have said, and we couldn't agree more.

We are upset with this Tinder profile. The guy on the right is cute. But there's just something this guy cosplaying as Shrek that caught our attention. He looks as if he'll make your day extra fun - he's just oozing with good vibes. But ladies, don’t judge the book by its covers, kay?
Staying for the Dog
Since Tinder is a dating app, looks are a must. Some people tend to post photos of themselves looking like gods or goddesses. But on some profiles, like Garry’s, this cute little doggo would be enough to make anyone stop swiping and check him out.

Although people might first notice Garry's attractiveness, they will ultimately linger on his page because of his dog. Garry is surely aware of that—as his profile indicates. We only hope that Garry and his dog are able to find someone who will love and care for them both.
Mio Definitely Watch That Movie
We are certain Mio found her inspiration with her Tinder profile after watching Brad Pitt’s movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The description is uncanny. If you haven’t seen the movie for some reason—you should! Brad Pitt plays an elderly baby who grows younger over time.

Just like what Mio wishes for! We just can’t stop thinking about the last part of her profile—but we’ll still choose to live life forwards instead of backward—it’s much simpler that way. It may not be perfect, but still the best one.
Being Clever at its Finest
Look, you got us, man. We applaud how clever you were right there. You probably heard of swiping right and left on Tinder, but do you know what will happen when you swipe up? Luke definitely knows that and uses that skill to his advantage.

In today’s episode of Tinder Class, we will explain how swiping up works. Well, If you both swipe right for each other, you’ll match. But if you swipe up, the person who has that profile will see a big blue star on your profile, and you'll match right away. Clever, Luke, very clever.
Beauty and Brains
You're definitely a “ten” if you have brains. They say smarts are the new sexy, and we couldn't agree more—especially when you have beauty, brains, plus a sense of humor. That’s the ideal package right there!

This woman sure knows how to make herself stand out from the million profiles on Tinder. I bet a lot of men will fall for her looks (that's given) and her overflowing sense of humor. Honestly, we would date a person like her.
Off-Limits for Hitman
It sucks to know that there are billions of people in the world, yet you don't have anyone to call on the weekend. They say that true love waits. But well, It’s been a while, and still—nothing. Well, thanks to Tinder, finding someone to date should become easier, Right?

Although there are hundreds of thousands of people using this app, you have to remember that each person has their own preference when it comes to partners. Some people prefer a person who loves animals or traveling. Others want someone who can cook. But for Steph, it's pretty straightforward. NO HITMAN!
Enough Said
Here's a thing. Dating is hard, especially for people who are in their early 30's to 40's. In reality, (some) older gentlemen prefer to date young women. We can’t put our finger on why, but we think Anasthasia has a point here.

The funny thing about Tinder is how creative people are. Anastacia knows what men in her age group are looking for, so she captured it with her wits. Nice one, Anastacia. Oh! If you're 50 years old and up and still single, what are you waiting for? Pick your phone and use Tinder!
Make Sure Your Date Is Free From Their EXzillas
There's nothing wrong with dating someone's ex. I mean, we are all exes of someone, right? However, things got a bit strange with Casey's previous Tinder date which resulted in her putting a DISCLAIMER in her profile.

Perhaps, her date didn’t mention that he had a not-so-friendly ex-girlfriend who wasn’t quite over him. What's worse is that this guy, instead of helping her, recorded a video—perhaps to show off. Indeed, a true man is hard to find.
Advertising Tip
If you're looking to make yourself stand out but are too shy to post your close-up photo, the best way to do it is by describing yourself in the most creative way ever. Find your best features, and build your descriptions from there.

Take, for example, this—Instead of waxing rainbows and butterflies about herself, which is a bit cheesy, she describes herself as if she's describing a car. Guys are interested in cars—so why not, right? We see what she did there, and we're crazy to see more of it.
The Melodramatic Guy
Justin, we think you've immersed yourself in Shakespeare’s work so much you’ve become one of his characters. We hate to break it to you, but those things only happen in the movies, books, or plays—or if you're a son of a very wealthy family.

But before we say anything more, let's not forget that Justin is a filmmaker. Is he looking to find cast members for his next production? We’re pretty sure there are sites for that. We support you with your venture of finding your own Romeo and Juliet, Justin. Just hang in there.
Back To The Future
We understand that writing your Tinder profile is quite a challenge. But there's one thing that is common between most profiles. They always write hilarious one-liners. Tatjana might be one of those people who choose humor over lengthy profile descriptions.

We love her dark sense of humor, but we just hope she doesn’t actually mean it. While other people might find it weird or too edgy, we're here for it, and we’re sure she captures so many people with that one-killer-liner.
Living Your Pick-up Line
When people say you look like an angel falling from heaven, it doesn't mean you have to play the part and actually injure yourself to try and prove it. It just means your beauty is out of this world. Don't be like Bailey, who got herself in a bit of a tangle, as you can see.

But we love how she jokingly fits this unfortunate event into her pick-up line. We just hope that she doesn't have any significant injuries in the long run, and all that is just part of the show. She looks cute in that neck brace, though!
Great Achievements
If you're social media savvy, you'll know that making it to the Reddit front page is a huge deal. Imagine billions of people in the world who use the internet, and you are one of the luckiest to land on the front page. What can we say? It's a great achievement indeed.

Because this is an exceptional achievement, there is a good chance that people like Kate will publicize it on their Tinder profiles. We love her self-confidence. She doesn't care about what others may think; she only cares about getting this in front of as many people as possible. You go, girl!
Not Your Typical Date
Before you start using Tinder, you must be aware that many random people are in the app. Some people may have the same sense of humor as you or some who are weird, for weird’s sake. But that's the beauty of human beings. Each person is unique.

Here’s a great example of some weird shenanigans on Tinder. Her description of a "perfect date" is crazy. The first section is kind of normal. You'll notice that it gradually becomes a little darker when you read it all the way through to the end. We simply need to come to terms with the fact that everyone has a few screws loose to some degree.
Baby Shark?
We're just curious—is being creative, funny, and humorous a hot ticket on Tinder? Because this one profile got us hooked just reading it. If you're not into zoology or marine biology, you'll probably miss the joke here.

You'll be happy to know that you'll be dating a man with brains as well as brawn. And we dig that. We would swipe up as soon as we see this profile to make sure that this person knows we definitely like the idea of his profile.
The Vanessas
We can totally agree that Vanessa is a gem. She's so funny without her even trying. And look at her photos. That's the kind of girl you would want to spend your time with—if you're looking for someone who you want to hang out with, don't hesitate to hit Vanessa up with a respectful message.

But what about multiple personalities? We hope all her personalities are as funny as this one. Because who wouldn't want another Vanessa in the room, right? We totally would want to spend our time with her (or them?), we’re not going to lie.
Different Kinds of Benefits
We keep saying this, and there are different reasons to use Tinder—to fall in love, make friends, or just do some random stuff. This guy has different views on using Tinder. He wants to look for someone who can be his "friend with Benefits."

But it’s not the usual kind you’re thinking of—he wants some medical, dental, and eye benefits. Very specific! Maybe he wants some free medical check-ups. We just hope he doesn’t need that kind of thing urgently and that it’s being played entirely for laughs.
Grandfather's Love
Desperate times require desperate moves. Perhaps this grandpa is so fed up seeing his granddaughter cry over a not-so-worth-it man that he decided to take matters into his own hands. Seeing that he posted this on Tinder says a lot about how he loves his granddaughter.

Even though their relationships aren't always successful, some people go on dates frequently. We just hope Cheri finds a man that her grandfather approves of. It's funny, but at the same time, seeing this grandfather-granddaughter relationship is adorable.
A Great Pickup Line
No disrespect Mike Tyson, but we did try to say her name the way you say, “kiss me.” We know that it's not worth making fun of a lisp, but if that's how to say Kethmi's name properly, it’s a big help! We must admit that she was brilliant in coming up with this joke, and it also doubles as a wonderful pickup line.

If you're a fan of boxing, you'll know that making fun of Mike Tyson is not a good idea. I mean, we don't want to get punched out in the middle of nowhere just for trying to impress an attractive date like Kethmi—well, maybe on the second or third.
You might see this kind of thing in movies or in book reviews, but never for a person. But then, TINDER has it all. You can now read reviews of the man you're considering dating, which is a great way to avoid regret in the future.

Faraz didn't come to play, and he came to Tinder well-prepared with the best profile you've ever seen. This guy displayed some extremely creative reviews on his Tinder profile from "reliable sources." We only wonder if a sequel is in the works.
No. Not Marco Polo
Do you know how to play the game Marco Polo? Kids play it, mostly, but some adults do it from time to time too. Basically, one person calls “Marco,” and the other shouts “Polo!” right back. It can be pretty funny, especially when you aren’t expecting it.

We can imagine that Marco here is a little sick of this game—he’s had 18 years of practice, and the joke has probably worn a little thin. It’s a shame that “Polo” isn’t a given name, though. That would be such a beautiful relationship. Ah.
Australia is a Strange Place
Australia is a one-of-a-kind place. If you're looking for huge spiders or venomous snakes right on your doorstep, visit Australia. But apparently, it's not only the animals that are weird. There are also plenty of Australians there who give off weird vibes—in a good way.

Speaking of weird, check out this guy, who describes the person he wants to meet as having eight legs and fangs. That’s a very strange thing to say, and he has to have plenty of matches. It’s funny to see how creative people are in their Tinder profiles. Crazy, but weird.
A Literal Catfish
If there’s one thing that’s common in social media, it’s catfishing. Too many people fall prey to scummy creeps who catfish for fun or profit (and your expense). It’s not a bad thing to put make-up on before taking a photo, but pretending to be someone else just isn’t cool.

Well, this Tinder user took catfishing to the next level. Instead of hiding behind a persona, this person used a photo of a real catfish and uploaded it to his profile picture. In case you wondered why they call it “catfishing,” the term comes from the animal which lures prey with the “worms” that grow from its face.
Send Help!
Zach, we love how you take your Mom wherever you go. We love that you enjoy spending time with her. But we think she has a life too. If anybody sees Zach’s Tinder profile, please hit him up for his Mom’s sake.

Ladies, if you date Zach. You’ll be in for a good time, that's a fact! He clearly loves to party, with one kind in particular—costume parties. We’re sure your relationship will be so much fun. Wouldn’t it be nice to meet a guy with a good relationship with his mother?
Not Your Average Girl
In a world full of girls wanting to date guys over 6 feet, there is Katie. Instead of being one of those girls, she insisted on being different. How? By not wanting to date guys over 6 feet. Yes, sir. Girls like that still exist.

We’re just wondering why girls always include a height requirement whenever they publish their profiles. We’re just here thinking about spending time with someone who enjoys watching Forensic Documentaries. Regardless of height, we want someone who enjoys our company.
Who doesn’t love a good Old Spice reference? Tim Heidecker’s genius commercials always make us smile—and this guy knows what’s up. If it’s an indication of anything, it’s that he has a top-notch sense of humor, which is always a good quality in a partner.

Plus, who wouldn’t be charmed by his mention of pizza and dogs? We don’t know if he meant hotdogs or puppies, but we guess that’s kind of the idea—there’s an easy icebreaker in there if you want it. This is a 10/10 profile if we’ve ever seen one.
Point Taken
The best thing about having a partner is that you will never have to do things alone. There’s always that person who will cheer you whenever you do stupid things, and not just cheer but also do the craziest things with you.

That’s what Sydney wants. And we can’t blame her. But for now, she’ll have to deal with all of those things herself. Go Sydney! We’re here for you, we will cheer for you, and we hope you’ll find the right man that will give you the WOOOOAH! that you need when you need it.
No One is Safe
Mentioning the Titanic on your profile does a couple of things. It will remind you of a cursed voyage, romance, and of course, death. But this Tinder user helpfully reminds us, thanks to the sinking of the Titanic, to be careful who you pose for—even if you like them romantically.

Don’t let the world see what they shouldn’t see. Let the photo of a nude girl in Titanic be a lesson for everyone—even if they promise not to share photos of you, they probably will. Better to stay as cool as an iceberg than ram straight into something you might regret.
A Clever Man
Amanda here is a strong, independent woman who don’t need a-man—oh, we get it. Ehem! Why are you on Tinder, Amanda? Want some friends? This Vietnamese gal clearly picked out the name “Amanda” to make this Tinder quip, and we’re here for it.

We love the little joke at the end, implying she’s desperate. We think it’s cute, but she’s clearly got it going on, so there’s no denying that she’ll get a lot of attention—we hope she’s ready for it! It would be amazing if she met an Oliver—he’d be “all over her.”
Seems Legit
No Complaints from us—this profile is clearly owned by a human. Yup, this is another catfish profile, but what’s funnier is that they are doing their best to make the people believe they are actual human beings (really?). We do love a good meta or reference joke once in a while.

The funny thing about Tinder is that you will never know who you’ll meet. One minute you’ll meet someone who looks like Ariana Grande, and the next thing you’ll see is a cow in a field. People are just so creative with this type of thing.
The Next Big Thing
Tinder bios have a maximum of 500 words for you to relay whatever you want to say. But that doesn’t mean you have to use it all. Some people don't have the luxury of spending their time reading lengthy bios—some of us just judge them using their photos.

Well, Aaron didn’t come to play. He used each word for his bio and wrote something that could make Shakesphere roll over. If you stuck to reading this one all the way to the end, you wouldn’t have regretted it. We just hope that Aaron found a drama partner to act this out with.
Jayr's Quest for Cheap Tools
Many people get in trouble for going on Tinder to cheat on their partner or spouse—and we think that’s wrong—but this guy seems to have made light of this fact in a hilarious way. Who wouldn't want something for a low price? Everyone loves a bargain.

Now, before you raise your eyebrows, remember that his bio is really a joke. If there are any women out there in this position, it could be tempting to follow up on this guy’s joke. But if you have recently been cheated on, maybe Tinder isn’t the best place for you to be.
The Monopoly Saga Continues
No, not everyone on Tinder is looking for romance. A few people would also like to find people, someone, to play Monopoly with them—just like Dub and Coco. And they are firm with what they want. Their account is strictly for finding foes who play the game.

They merely want to play Monopoly with a new friend. We aren't confident that Tinder is the best place to look for a Monopoly enthusiast. But we're sure some people will hit them up, as Monopoly is an addictive game.
Location, Location, Location
It's still challenging to find someone to date through an app. Yes, you can just swipe to find a match, but then you realize that person lives across oceans from you, and you have no way to get to them. Also, since so many people use Tinder, there’s a lot of competition.

Of course, there are exceptions to that rule. Many couples who meet on Tinder go on to have committed relationships. Perhaps this girl has discovered why it's so difficult to find love on Tinder—everyone is pluckily outside—but not in the same place.
Actually, Not Bad!
Imagine seeing this on Tinder—it’s one of the funniest and most creative profiles we’ve ever seen. We're sure no one would fall for it and believe it. But it will surely stick in your head for a long time. That's the beauty of words. They have the magic to keep you clinging even if you don't mean it.

Elli, you are one heck of a humorous person. And we want to see you find that "husband" of yours for the universe. After reading her bio, we can't stop thinking about how many people are there on Tinder who would want to be Elli's husband.
Falling For Someone
It's not all about bios on Tinder. We don't know how many times we have said that already. Even if you have a bio written, your photo is hilarious like this one; you'll eventually find someone who will get it and swipe right to be your match.

Natalya sure is a girl of few words, but her profile picture screams a lot about her personality. Why use words when there are so many hilarious pictures that can do the job of describing who you are and how you tick? We would certainly swipe right just to praise her for her cleverness!
The Truth that Not Everyone is Talking About
Not every Tinder match will automatically give you a serious relationship that will last forever. If you are one of those people who are now happy with your Tinder match, we are happy for you. Then again, part of the appeal of this app is that it doesn’t have to lead to anything serious.

This woman was straightforward and honest in her profile, stating the obvious: not every Tinder match will result in a lasting relationship. Typically, as time passes, you and the other person will only sometimes like each other's posts instead of continuing to text each other.
Save Her Grandma
Some people just went overboard to get someone to like them. We're certain it's the first time you've seen something like that on Tinder. Who wouldn't want to save that adorable elderly lady, after all?

This girl came up with one of the funniest ways to encourage people to swipe right. We know it's not really fun to lock up your grandparents, but let's not forget that this is just a joke. We hope someone will actually like this woman and not just swipe right to save her cute grandma.
You're Not Special
We see many people on Tinder writing the most creative bios ever. But there are also people who are very lazy to even think of anything that makes them stand out. We're not complaining, but it's just so funny.

Tess's bio is so on-point for those who think they are special because they like food or travel. She's basically criticizing all the copycat Tinder users who can't think of anything more original to say. Then again, who doesn’t love nature?
Just A Casual Marriage
Finding someone who wants nothing more than a casual date is not difficult. However, not everyone is cut out for casual dating! This woman seems to be on the hunt for a casual, not-too-serious marriage arrangement.

We understand that maybe she's too fed up with all those failed one-night stands. We can't blame her. We hope she'll find someone on Tinder who will treat her right but won’t treat all that “‘till death do us part” stuff too seriously.