It's a whirlwind, out there. Modern life is fast and furious, and it's not slowing down for anyone soon. Does this require hard work and planning? Au contraire, friends: Quick fixes and shortcuts are always a preferable option. For the sloppy gals out there, it's the only way!

See the lifestyle hacks that have all the lazy ladies saying yes, yes yes!
Put a Fork In It
Legendary makeup artist Bobbi Brown once remarked: "When I see contouring on people's faces, it looks like dirt...As a beauty expert, I believe in individual beauty, and it's just not my aesthetic. We don't need to be contouring like the Kardashians.'' Is there a way to avoid this amateur error?

Maybe some get a little wild with the bronzer and crayons. Carefully avoiding the eyes, it can be helpful to use a fork as a stencil. The teeth of the utensil serve as perfect lines, set against the nose.
Wavy Wonder
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, sure. Straight hair and curly hair both have their fanatical fanbases. But what about the wavy constituency? Perhaps the midway is less celebrated, these days. It's time for a hair hack to stand out from the crowd! The easier, the better.

First, create four to five braids spread out on the scalp. All hair should be contained in them, and tie them off with rubber bands. Next, take a flat iron and grip in sections with heat all the way down to the tips. Hold for ten seconds each time, and reveal mermaid hair!
Mr. Bean’s Classic Idea
If you haven’t watched either the comedic sitcom or animated version of Mr. Bean, then you are missing a lot. The main character has the innate ability to annoy and irritate anyone with just a single action. Despite that, he is also a great innovator and very creative. Although some of his methods are questionable, they are highly effective.

Remember the episode where he was eating in a fancy restaurant but spilled red on his white polo and coat? Instead of wiping it with water and a table napkin, he asked for white wine and started pouring it over his shirt. Maybe Mr. Bean is a genius after all because this is actually something you can do to stop the stain from sinking in!
Removing Those Annoying Dangling Threads
Sweaters may be super comfortable, but those fuzz balls and dangling threads they accumulate can be frustrating. Thankfully, we have a solution. This hack is easy to do, but it requires a bit of patience.

To get rid of pilling and threads on a sweater, you need a razor with a good-quality grip. The sharp edges of the razor will smooth away those unwanted threads, but please make sure to do it carefully. Accidents from this process have been shared in viral videos, and this is not the way you want to claim your 15 minutes of fame!
Boppin' Band-aid Nail Art
Be honest: Waiting on a wet manicure is just another version of watching paint dry. No one enjoys it. And with all the new bells and whistles in the designs today, it can take a very long time indeed. Is there a quick way to get next-level nails?

Why, yes! With the help of a clipped band-aid, all is possible. Paint those nails with a good base color, and wait for them to fully dry. Next, cover the nail and paint a contrasting color over the holes of the strip. The last step is logical: Rip the band-aid off and see perfect polka dots, ready for any night on the town!
Chapstick Upgrade
In the tropics, it's not hard to stay hydrated. When it's muggy out, there's just moisture in the air. But for those in other climates, the four seasons have their way of cycling dry lips. What's a home remedy to stop the chap, before it cracks?

Save the day with basic ingredients: It's time for a simple lip balm recipe. Combine equal amounts of sugar, honey, and olive oil in a bowl. Stir together until it becomes a paste fit for the job. Leave this on as a mask, for a few minutes. Wipe it away, and see the delicious difference!
Line Those Lids
According to goth star Marilyn Manson: ''Black eyeliner. It’s standard. It’s all you need. It just makes the world a better place.'' Easier said than done, of course. It's time for a tip to make sure coloring in the lines is easy and quick. All it takes is a spoon!

It's no walk in the park to create perfect winged eyeliner. Internet gurus all have their tricks. But today, it's all about using spoons to maximum advantage. With the round edge against each eyelid, draw two lines. Fill in the blanks, and enjoy the dark perfection!
Tying Your Hair Too Tight Might Cause Hair Loss
Having long hair is the dream for many women. It brings back childhood memories of idolizing those Disney Princesses who all had long hair. Well, except Mulan who cut her hair for a greater purpose.

If you’re hoping to grow long, luscious locks, you should know that tying your hair too tightly can lead to hair loss. Haircare experts suggest tying your hair loosely or letting it hang loose if you want to grow it out.
A Breath of Fresh Shoe
There are few things more offputting than a girl with funky feet. Or a guy, for that matter! Everyone wants to say goodbye to stinky shoes, forever. But with all the rushing around, it's not always a choice to smell brand new. Until now, that is!

An easy trick to stop sneaker odor requires a small piece of cloth and baking soda. It's likely everyone has those two things already — they just need to know the instructions. Pour the powder into the fabric, and tie it off for easy deodorant sachets. Fresh maintenance has never been so easy!
Pizza Refresher
The laziest item for lunch might just be takeout pizza, delivered directly to the door. Very little effort, really. Calling, clicking, or swiping will do the job, these days. But it's unlikely anyone is going to eat an entire pie in one sitting. How can the slices be revived, good as new, all week long?

Newsflash: The problem is a lack of moisture. By microwaving the old food with a mug of H2O, something magical begins to happen. The evaporating liquid reinvigorates the pizza. Second yum, yes!
Floppy No More
As the old song explained: ''These boots are made for walkin'. And that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.'' The threat has been out there. But if they get slumpy, it might not be possible!

The longer the boot, the easier it is to get folded, wrinkled, and sloppy. No one wants to hear any of these words associated with designer kicks. To keep the shape, take an old pool noodle and cut it up. These DIY holders belong inside each boot, starting now!
Secret Iron Hack
Curly girls all over the nation regularly straighten their locks. Maybe it's a mistake. Or maybe it's a way to make things more manageable. But either way. there are a lot of cosmetic irons out in the world. Is there a way to make them more useful on natural days?

A crease can really ruin the professional level of an outfit. But with a hair iron nearby and already plugged in, it's easy to snap it on and attack the small wrinkles at the source. No need for an ironing board, since the grip does the work!
Lazy Lash Expert
Spooning usually refers to a cuddling activity. A popular one, at that! But today, it takes on a whole new meaning, just in the world of makeup. There are many uses for kitchen utensils to get the cosmetic applications just right. What is the technique for mascara?

Don't leave the house a raccoon: A quick way to do a foolproof job is by pressing a spoon under the eye. This allows even the most amateur artist to flick the wand without any fear of fallout. Go ahead, shield those smears!
Hide Those Wires
For those with a web of wires in their room, it may seem hopeless to organize them all. There's the TV, the laptop, and the phone charger. Then, the hairdryer, the curling iron, and the space heater. It can be a real mess, and even a tripping hazard!

Don't buy ten adapters or splitters. Just get one big version, and organize it in an extra decorated shoebox. The trick is to poke holes in the cardboard for the wires to come through. This is the upgrade every electronic owner needs, pronto!
Buns Are Fun
For those with naturally thick hair, a big, bold bun is as easy as 1, 2, 3. But not everyone is blessed with that kind of mane. For the girls with less, it might seem like an expensive proposition to get extensions, just to tie up. Today, there's a better way!

A fuller bun can easily be achieved with the help of a rolled-up sock. Take a knee-high style and cut off the toe. Roll it up like a donut, and pull a pony through. Keep wrapping the hair around the fabric until it is covered. Mega volume, just like that!
Tangles Be Gone
Environmentalists have not been a fan of plastic straws for some time. There are efforts to ban them or replace them with cardboard versions. But the fact remains that there are still a whole lot of them floating around out there. For those with a home supply, there's an alternative use for them, long-term!

A pile of chains will no longer frustrate you after this plastic project. Insert each one into a straw, and store them side by side until the time is right. It's a great two-for-one, helping waste plants and turtles alike!
Magic Magnetic Board
Beauty is just a theory when things are impossible to find. The clutter struggle is real, out there! Makeup is often stored in zip-lock bags and Tupperware. Some people invest a lot in professional boxes, but they aren't cheap. What's the middle ground to showing off all those glamour goodies?

DIY display to the rescue: Take a thin piece of metal and cut it to the size of a picture frame. On the back, glue magnets everywhere, out of view. Attach the frame, and watch it all stick as planned!
The Bag Boutique
Purses, duffle bags, and clutches sure can create a lot of clutter in the closet. It's a bit sad to throw them all in a box, hidden from the world. After spending the money, isn't it preferable to see that chic collection on display?

Saving table and shelf space is a big win, any day. This clever hack accomplishes that and more: Just grab shower curtain hooks and link them to the closet rails, as needed. Hang all bags, one by one. In the end, accessorizing will be a breeze!
Quick and Cold Nails
Mani and Pedi life is getting a bit pricey out there. The average experience costs around 22 bucks, but there are plenty of price points above that mark. For the clever girls who decide to try their own, a lot of money can be saved over the year. How can the process be sped up, without all those fancy salon lamps?

Blowing on that paint for a faster result is notoriously futile. But dipping drying nails into ice-cold water is worth a try. Leave them under for a few minutes, and see the difference!
Schedule on a String
Some people like to have flexibility in their day. Other people are strict schedulers. For the latter group, there is a simple way to keep track of events. If electronics are not involved, it's still possible to create a bold, bright alert. What are the tools needed?

The plan is simple enough. Take a piece of string, paper, and laundry pegs to get started. Varied colors work best! Every time a critical day is announced, attach it on the line. Never miss another important event: This upgraded visual reminder really stands out in a room!
Tic Tac Trick
Breath products have their place, especially when a toothbrush isn't available. All sorts of brands have tried to fix the stink, from Mentos to Orbit gum. But the king of all mints is surely tic tacs. What should be done with all those old containers, after the fresh fix?

The recycling bin is no longer relevant for these items, ladies. It's time to show those hair accessories who are really boss, and organize like never before. Collect all bobby pins, and place them inside. They fit perfectly, never to be lost again!
Just Hangin'
Wires run through the world, and the home is part of that system. A mess of cords can be hard to deal with and is certainly an eyesore. Whether in the bedroom to the kitchen, no one likes a surprise stumble. How can they be hung out of sight and out of mind?

First, buy sticky hooks on the next shopping haul. They can be placed absolutely everywhere, and cords will be no match. Mess and stress be gone: It's amazing what one small change can do for peace of mind!
All Night Perfume
Long-lasting is supposed to be a feature of pricey perfume. There has to be some reason to upgrade from body splash, right? Still, the scent doesn't always last as long as the event. How can a gal extend her sensual smell, as long as possible?

Petroleum, for the win! It might sound odd, but the answer is probably already lying in the medicine cabinet. Simply take a dab of vaseline, and rub it on the skin before spraying the elixir. Whether on the neck or the wrists, it will last and last!
Shine Bright Like a Diamond
There those who invest big in fine gold, silver, sparkling gems, and jewels. But there are also those who buy trendy costume jewelry. Both approaches have their pros and cons. On the money-saving track, there is an obvious downside. The day one sheen doesn't last forever!

Chunky finger rings are about to get a whole new life with this move. Simply take clear nail polish, and put the topcoat all over the surface. Because it's merely a glass layer, the original color is not compromised. Voila, totally good as new!
Lipstick Extender
Audrey Hepburn was the symbol of glam in Old Hollywood. The starlet once said: "I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick." How did she keep her red so red, for whole evenings at a time?

The old secret may never truly be revealed. But professional makeup artists do have a current trick to share: To keep the fade away, place a paper towel over painted lips. Dust translucent powder on top, and see the difference. Red will be red, almost all day!
Broom for More Room
According to Merriam-Webster, a witch is ''a woman who is believed to practice usually black magic often with the aid of a devil or familiar''. It's not clear where brooms fit into that picture. Maybe these days, they don't! It's time to put it to modern, magical use for muggles.

It is time to banish knick-knacks all over the desk. The idea is not to sweep them away. Rather, twist the head off and use it as storage. The bristles conform to just about any shape, as needed. Pro tip: Buy a new, clean broom!
Super Shower Saver
With an aisle full of shampoos and even dry shampoos, it would seem that showering is easier than ever. But there are still gals who are busy enough to forgo the wash more often than they would like. What is a lazy way to refresh, in such situations?

One of the reasons bathing feels so refreshing is the oil accumulation gets reset. Some people have a lot, too! To do this without water at all, just sprinkle baby powder on the scalp before bed. Surprisingly, this simple product has many drying uses. All ages can enjoy it!
Sneak in the Sneakers
Going back and forth from work, home, to the gym is all about changing, and changing again. There is no outfit that suits every occasion, even if versatility is a value in shopping. How can a busy belle make sure the dirtiest items are neat and separated?

The dirtiest offender of all, of course, is the shoe. Sneakers go everywhere, from public bathrooms to the park. It's probably a decent idea to cover the bottoms before letting them into that clean clothes compartment. A shower cap is washable, and covers them perfectly!
Cool Cap Saver
With so many colors to collect, it would be a shame if nail polishes were a quick spoil. The finger paint does seem to last forever, thankfully. But that's the product on the inside. It's not always true about the cap. Sometimes, it just twists off without permission. That can be a downer! How can this container fail be avoided, with one simple trick?

Often, caps are stuck to the dried polish from the inside like super glue. Putting a rubber band around the handles of the tiny bottles works wonders. As a grip, the pressure is right. Why not try it, and see?
Hello, Headphones
Music lovers agree: Listening to beats and lyrics is best at a live, original performance. Second to that, with great home speakers. But that's not always possible, and if nothing else, songs can still be enjoyable on headphones. How can all those electronic strings be stored, for a rainy day?

Detangling each time is no fun, and the instant gratification of music is compromised. Next time, wrap up the headphones by attaching two or three laundry clips from two sides. This keeps the cord from tangling on itself, and ready to enjoy!
Magnetic Tool Track
For natural beauties, life is simple. But for most, a bit of effort is required to keep up! Whether it's tweezers, clippers, or cuticle trimmers, girls require a lot of equipment to properly groom. But it can be a big mess, on the vanity. How can it all be organized, before things get out of control?

The main ingredient for this hack is a magnetic strip. Truly, only one thing is needed. Simply attach it to the wall where beauty routines take place. Now, nothing is scattered on prime real estate — table space!
Color Coded Keys
The keychain can be a confusing accessory, these days. With keys to the office, the car, and multiple doors to get in the garage and home, there is a whole lot of jangle going on. How can all these tools be accessed, without too much thought?

Color coding has its place, and this is just that place. Just paint each key top with a different colof or nail polish. Many don't know that the formula is perfect for metal application. They will all have their own unique look, too. Fumble in the dark, never again!
No More Corns And Calluses
Having a new pair of shoes is one of the best feelings ever. We’ve all had that urge to wear them as soon as we took them out of the box. The excitement is tangible, but after you slip into your shoes and walk around for a while, it’s not unusual for pain to develop.

This is perfectly normal as friction and pressure can aggravate your skin, leading to blisters and calluses. To avoid this, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps. First, put on some thick socks. Second, slip your feet into your shoes or sandals. Third, get a blow dryer and focus the heat on those tight edges.
How To Remove Gum From Your Hair
If this hasn't happened to you yet, consider yourself very lucky. This scenario is common during our elementary days when many kids get the “bright” idea to stick gum in somebody else's hair as a prank.

The most common suggestion for removing gum from hair is to use oil. This is effective, but the mess it creates is horrific. Rather than doing that, try placing an ice cube on the gum. Once it’s frozen stiff, its tackiness will be lost, and you should be able to remove it easily.
Stretching Tight Shoes Using A Bag Of Ice
If you’ve found the perfect pair of shoes but discovered that they’re just a tiny bit too tight, don’t despair. All you need are some bags of ice to give your feet the extra bit of space they’re craving.

Here’s the trick for stretching out your shoes: Fill ziplock bags with water and make sure all of the air is squeezed out. Then position these bags into your shoes. Place your shoe in the freezer, and wait for a couple of hours. Try them out, and if they’re still too tight, repeat the process until you get a good fit.
Bottle Those Bangles
The secret is out: Bags, scarves, and jewelry are the key to a real fashionista's style. The cut and color of clothing are important, of course. But the finishing touch is always about the add-ons. How can bracelet lovers make sure accessories are accessible for daily decisions?

It-girls know this one already, and it's time to spread the love. With dozens of bracelets lying around and bottles piling up in the recycling, why not combine the two? Just stack on the glass, and see how quickly the mess disappears, on both ends!
Keeping Hats Spotless
Hats and baseball caps are prone to picking up streaks of dirt and make-up on the inner band. Having these lines diminishes the value of the cap, and they are unpleasant to look at. Some suggest that lining the hat with a paper napkin will do the trick, but we have a better hack.

Adding adhesive padding to the inner band of the hat is economical and easy to do. You can pick this up from any craft shop, and the stick-on lining is easy to replace. It’s also far more practical and stylish than a paper napkin!
Waterproofing Your Shoes With Beeswax Is No Myth
There was once a show on the Discovery Channel wherein a man tackled anything the wilderness threw at him. His unusual techniques, tactics, and plot lines were sometimes questionable, but they seemed to work for him. Bear Grylls is the youngest Chief Scout of the United Kingdom and Overseas Territories, so questioning him is probably not wise.

There’s an episode of Man vs Wild in which he keeps on slipping due to his shoe being submerged in water for too long. He comes across beeswax and applies it to his shoes. Surprisingly, it made his shoes waterproof, and he continued his adventure as though nothing had happened. Thankfully, you don’t have to be lost in the wilderness to use this trick!
Another Uncommon Use Of Nail Polish
We’ve lost count of how many times nail polish has appeared on this list. That goes to show just how versatile it can be, and now, we’re about to take it into the world of hair styling. After bobby pins were created in the 1920s, they quickly became a household staple.

The only problem is, bobby pins often lack pizazz. If the color is too boring for you, a splash of nail polish will come in handy. Painting bobby pins with nail polish can give them the funky style they desperately need.