Google Street view is the new technology on Google maps that is a miraculous way of virtually checking out places you have never been before. But it has basically turned the whole world into one large candid camera.
Thanks to Google Street View, you never know when you are going to be caught on camera, so not only do we have to be careful what we do in public, but you are able to catch the funniest, most embarrassing and sometimes glitchy pictures of what’s going on around us. Scroll down to see the best of the bunch!
Suburban Samurais

Google caught these two unsuspecting young men engaged in what looks like some sort of Samurai sword fight…what they are doing in that garb. With swords and shields in hand is clearly a modern suburb, who the hell knows. But they definitely had no idea they would be caught red-handed!
Scuba Steve
Another two guys that were caught engaging in some weird and wonderful activity that’s impossible to understand. These guys are fully kitted in their scuba-wear, flippers and all, and seem to be having some kind of heated argument….all in the hot sunny streets?
A Walking Snowmobile

Like all technology, Google Street View can glitch, causing hilarious images to pop up. Like this one where it looks like a snowmobile grew a pair of legs! Clearly, the guys top half got mysteriously cut off the picture!
Google Dates
This picture and many others were published on a site which, seriously, gives advice about how to find beautiful girls on Google maps. Unfortunately, it exists. Lucky for us, or lucky for that girl, her head is turned so she won't be harassed by weirdos.
An Itch

Google Streets doesn't only take pictures of streets. You can find famous trails, side roads, tourist sites and beaches. Like in this picture, Google Streets can surprise people doing their stuff. Nice tattoo by the way.
Especially for you
Not everyone appreciates what Google is trying to do (it's bringing the world closer to all humans if you've been wondering). So when a Googler Streeter passes by, it's not only thanks and hellos he gets.

Now that this girl is caught on Google Streets, she will be waiting forever for the light to turn green.
Everyone can do any job. All men and women are equal, except when talking about being a plumber. That's the only profession where seeing a women's crack is much better than seeing a man's.
Laugh it off

This poor girl got no sympathy from her friends when she took a fall, rather, Google Street View cameras caught her friends literally clapping and laughing at their fallen friend! We guess laughing it off can be the best way forward.
Morning Stretch
There’s nothing wrong with a morning stretch, but this guy seems to take his a little far- Google Street View caught him stretching his entire leg out the window! We hope this is just a weird morning ritual and he’s not planning on doing anything stupid…
Ninja instincts

Seeing a Google Streets van driving up your street and knowing exactly what to do is priceless.
He’s trash
Literally- he thinks he’s trash. The truth is we have no idea what he is up to or why he decided to cram his body in the trash can, the poor guy must have severely low self-esteem!
Going nowhere slowly

What we would give to know the story behind this snap!! Here we see a woman in a dress and heels rolling a suitcase through the New Mexico desert just outside of Roswell. There happens to be nothing but desert for miles in either direction…and the questions are endless!
This Wisconsin home had been freshly pranked when a Google Street View car drove past. We wonder what triggers this toilet-papering incident!

It may look like there has just been a giant explosion in this building, but before you start worrying and calling 911, take a breather- this is only an unfortunate placing of a massive bird poop! Seems like a bird thaught the Google Street View cam was the perfect place to go.
Mooning the world
Did this guy know he was mooning for an audience watching Google Street View? Or is it just his morning ritual to moon the world before he starts his day? Either way it’s entertaining.
Hands Up!

Google Street View captures all sorts of things, criminals included! Here we are witnessing an arrest happening. It's like watching an episode of law and order but in real life…we wonder what their crime could have been.
Just Chillin
He is living the life! here we see a man drinking a beer and lying in a truck bed without a care in the world. If only everyone could be so carefree.
Watch it burn

And today, Google Street View presents: a shirtless man watching on as a Van burns on the street! It’s a fascinating image, from the fire, to the smoke, to the half-dressed man. What a sight!
Put Your Hands Up!
It’s not every day that you get to see two toddlers robbing a middle-aged man at gunpoint. We hope and pray that they are fake guns…and honestly, we wish no one was promoting violence at this young age!
Stuck in a pickle

Ladies and gentlemen, above us we have Bono’s inspiration for “Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of”- this poor little pup seems to have found himself in a real pickle! We hope whoever spotted this on Google Street View ran straight to his rescue!
Hiding Place Spotted
It's hard not to feel a little conflicted about this…after all this kid could just be the master of hide and seek with only Google Street View spotting him…but the way he crouches makes him look genuinely scared! We hope the poor kid is in no kind of danger…sometimes Google Street View can lead us to more disturbing scenes.

Of course, as expected, Google Street View also manages to catch many, many instances of PDA. Like these kids who are literally making out in the middle of the sidewalk, as if there are in the privacy of their bedrooms….young love, I guess.
Poor Horse
a more disturbing picture captured by Google Street View is this neglected looking horse feeding on a pile of rubbish in this graffiti-filled neighborhood. It's crazy how with Google Street View we have become exposed to the harsher ways of life in the poorer corners of the world.
Tiger on the loose!

This one is pretty crazy, it seems the local zoo lost its tiger….and the neighborhood better be warned because its far from safe walking around with this predator on the loose. And is it just me, or does he look hungry?
Just Chillin#2
My favorite Google Map photos are the animal ones- they are just so cute and innocent and have no idea that they are being watched by the worlds! Like these guys who seem to be loving their ice-cold jacuzzi bath.
Nap Time

It seems amusement parks can break the strongest among us- like this guy who has clearly had too long of a day amusing bratty little kids and has decided to take some self-appointed downtime on the nearest bench.
You have the right to remain silent
“ And the right to hide from Google’s cameras. Any stupid face you make will be held against you in a court of law”. This poor guy had his arrest captured for the entire world to see, and that policewoman means business.

Okay so they may look cool with their one wheeling party tricks, but these guts captured on Google Street View are definitely putting other pedestrians in the street in danger- I mean that can’t be safe!
A Lone Baby
Ok, so this one is kind of disturbing. When google street view caught this pic of a baby, alone, outside a Gucci store there were many, many questions. Where are the parents? And what the hell is that tiny thing doing crawling on the floor alone! We hope there is some kind of reasonable explanation…
Prison Break

And in the new season of Prison Break we have….Google Street View capturing this inmate making a run for it! He seems to have made a successful escape but let’s see how much ground he covers for good… what a sight to behold.
Steady Now!
There we are privy to see this noble black steed giving his horse-rider some serious problems! The poor guy looks like he has totally lost control! Have you ever seen such a majestic looking stallion?
End of the road

We really hope this is also some sort of twisted joke. Here Google Street View has captured a rather bizarre scene. According to these street signs, hell is just ahead, and it is the end of the road…talk about creepy!
Professor McGonagall?
Look, and then look closer. This Google Street cam pic may seem all normal and dandy at first, but then you spot it- a cat on the guys head! Is it a glitch? Or is professor McGonagall back in town?
Legs for days

Of course, when you install cameras in random places you will get random and bizarre results- after all, we humans are a strange race. Take this for example- here we have a pair of stockinged and heeled legs just hanging out a window…and we will never get to know the story behind the legs@
Here he is!
Ladies and gents- we have officially found Wally! For all those among us who have been searching google maps for the infamous man, search no more. It’s like a ‘Where’s Wally’ book brought to life!
Fake it till you make it

Talk about attention seeking! These two guys faked a murder in the UK just to gain some popularity on Google Images! Just a little pathetic wouldn’t you say?
Yogi Master
This person is doing yoga like no one is watching! Except for Google Street View of course, because it has eyes everywhere. We must admit though- this person looks pretty relaxed.
Horror Scene

This google pic looks absolutely terrifying! As though a bunch of mummies’ have been stuffed into the trash- but everyone take a breather, it’s just mannequins with no use to them anymore! Google Maps- turning a perfectly normal situation into a horror movie once again.
This accident was caught live on Google Street View, and it is NOT a pretty sight. Just look at how mangled that car is, as though it has been crashed to nothing! With the ambulance luring in the background, we just hope no one was fatally injured!

Now, this is one group I would not want to mess with. This group of young men was caught on Google Street Maps somewhere in Detroit, with one guy holding a huge rifle. We can’t know for sure, but something tells me they are up to no good…a sixth sense if you will.
Vintage Racers?
These guys are just legends, in that vintage looking car with their big racer goggles and their matching red jackets- they look like they belong in the cast of back to the future and have come from some racing championship in the past!
Santa in his lonely world

Earlier on we found Rudolph the reindeer, and now it seems we have found Santa! Just in time for Christmas…but we have to admit he is looking a little worse for wear…and I don’t see any chimneys in site for him to keep himself busy with.
God that looks painful! Google Street View caught this poor biker taking quite the tumble on a busy road… we just hope he got up in time before he got flattened!

There is so much violence in our world, so it’s hardly surprising that when you put cameras in random places all over the world, you will capture some of it. Here Google Street View caught a police shootout going on between vehicles in this neighborhood.
Lost her keys
This woman seems to have been caught on Google Street Views busy looking for her car keys that she has dropped somewhere on the floor of the car….yeah right.
Bear Chace

And we have another bizarre sighting thanks to Google Street Views eyes and ears in the nooks and crannies of the world. Here we see a topless man, bat in hand, chasing a rather huge bear!!
Butterfly Landing
Then there are the more serene, beautiful moments of Google Street view, like when this gorgeous butterfly landed right on one of the cameras and chilled there for a while. Seems as though we have our own real0life animal planet thanks to google!
Laser Experiment

Whattttt is going on here…. It looks like some kind of crazy science laser experiment from a wacky horror! We have the weird looking laser beam machine, and the man and woman…(with heart eyepatches let it be noted), undergoing some kind of laser experiment…I would pay for someone to explain this situation to me.
This scene was captured in Wallingford, Connecticut and shows a man preparing to shoot an arrow at a can on another man’s head… a petrifying scene and I would not want to be around to see the result of this risky behavior!
A Bear Binging

And another Animal Planet worthy photo thanks to a Google View drone! Here we have a photo snapped of a bear fishing in Kurile Lake in Russia! It’s a pretty incredible photo and the water is so clear you can see the fish scattering away beneath the surface.
Caught Red-handed
Of course, no one once to be in front of the camera in their private moments…but Google Street View has kind of ruined any sense of privacy we once may have felt. Like this poor guy who thought he was picking his nose in peace!
No Trunks in the Trunk

There are weird people out there doing weird things, and Google Street View sees it all…. Like when it caught this naked man climbing out of his trunk! Once again, the story behind this bizarre scene remains a mystery that we are dying to find out.
Design Fail
Luxembourg may be a fabulous place, but whoever designed this series of gardens, caught in a zoomed out google map picture, did an awful job. Anyone can see that it looks eerily like a body-part we are not meant to see when scrolling through google maps!
Brunch with Bae

This man was spotted on a Google Street View cam having what looks like a lovely brunch with his friend- an alpaca. Who are we to judge> he looks perfectly content with the rather interesting choice of company!
Here we have another moment captured at just the right time! it shows a majestic bird about to have his lunch, with his beak wide open and his arms spread apart, it's truly a photography success on Google Street View’s part!
Nothing to see here

What are you looking at? This is just a totally regular sight of a man riding a giant one wheeled bicycle with a mini-two-wheeled, bird-filled bicycle behind him. yup. Totally normal. Move along.
Okay, you have permission to freak out over this one. Google Street View seems to have answered the question that has riddled humanity for generations- yes there are aliens!!! Granted it could be a prank or a BERY strange glitch…but I’m taking it as a solid yes to the alien dilemma.
Catching up on the news

I don’t exactly know what made this man think it was socially acceptable to go for your morning walk and read the paper in only a pair of revealing underpants. As you can see, the guys around him seem pretty entertained and weirded out too!
Desert Horror
Google Street View can expose you to some of the creepier things you would rather not know exists in our world- like these creepy people in strange masks standing and staring straight at the camera somewhere in the desert.
Sandy Glitch

Yet another glitch from Google Street View giving us this hilariously weird photo. Here we see a little boy, seemingly buried till his head in the sand, and then a lone pair of legs running around next to him…. who knows how this came about.
Bird Attack
This Google Street View cam caught one marvelous sight. It looks almost magical with these hundreds of birds swarming the sky and the street against the blue sky and suburban houses.
We found Rudolph!

Christmas is around the corner but fear not! If Santa is looking for his missing reindeer, we have found it running across Northern Norway at the perfect moment to be snapped by a Street View car.
Furry Friend
This picture was taken outside a cabin on Fish Lakes Creek in Alaska. Maybe the cold has gotten to his head? Or maybe he just finds it relaxing to dress up as a bear and bond with the animals of his surroundings. Either way, it makes for a hilarious Street View snap.
Look Closely

Nope, these are not humans waiting for the bus in Nagarro, Japan. Rather, they are a few of the hundreds of dolls created by artist Tsukimi Ayano as part of her project to make stand-ins for her former neighbors as her community’s population dwindles due to moving away from the village or dying!
A Horse and his banana
This guy decided to give Google Street View watchers quite the performance when he put on a cozy bathrobe, a horse mask, and sat down to enjoy a banana for the Street View vehicle in British Columbia.

We’ve all had those nights of drinking one too many beers, but we have no all been captured by Google Street Image for the world to see the morning after hungover on a bench…poor guy!
All Innocent Here
Many sites claim that this is a robbery scene captured by Google Street view in Brazil however it is far from that. This is a street selling commerce called “camelô” which is a pretty common scene in Brazil.
Keep Up, Baby

Oh, the joys of the weird and wonderful! This guy was spotted on Google Street View walking around with his Sex Doll beside him. we imagine he got some serious sideways glances!
Are they triplets weirdly dressed n the exact same thing…or is it a glitchy Street View cam? You decide, but we’re betting that guys this age do not decide to dress the same no matter what.
Chicken Fight

Here is another upsetting pic we have gotten thanks to Google Street View- proving some people are just plain gross. These two guys are finding a chicken fight very entertaining and clearly have no problem mistreating animals for their enjoyment.
The Wrong Turn
Google Street View is also a great source to see the craziest accidents! Take this one for example- this picture was captured in Scotland and shows a car which has fallen into a ditch! It’s a miracle people were not hurt (at least the view is great).
What’s in the bag?