Gyms, also known as health clubs, fitness clubs, fitness centers, or health spas are places where patrons go to exercise and build muscle and/or lose fat. Some enter to get bigger, others to get smaller. Nowadays it’s also the place people go to hashtag, Instagram, and check-in on social media.
In our age of vanity, the happenings at a gym, it seems, are well documented based on these photos.
A Night Out
This picture goes two ways: Either she's addicted to working out, and we all know someone who is.

Or she has some time to burn until her date and she decides to burn time by burning calories and pumping up some muscles.
See why pain is weakness leaving the body:
I Wanted To Use The Equipment, Actually
Many ladies will be looking to find a singlet like this. There is nothing worse than being disturbed while you’re focused on your workout regimen.

There’s a time and a place, gentlemen. Needless to say, it goes both ways, ladies.
No Pain, No Vein
If you ever wanted to see how a live human brain looks, all you need to do is become a brain surgeon. If that isn’t to your liking, then you can just watch this guy whenever he visits the gym.

So clear are the outlines on his head, you can practically see each membrane of his brain. He should also consider auditioning for the role of “Thing” for any Fantastic Four productions.
Extra Motivation
This was sure to get a rise out of this guy. Anyone who lifts weights will tell you having a spotter helps motivate you to push yourself to the limit.

This couple, however, has a unique way to motivate one another, without a care in the world for wandering eyes.
She Must Be Desperate For Likes
At first glance, you’d be forgiven for thinking the reason this photo was fuzzy was that this woman managed to hold herself up for a split second, given the amount of upper body strength a person needs to strike the pose.

However, upon closer inspection, you then see that she had more than a helping hand. The lengths people go to get reactions on social media. Tsk, tsk.
"I Can Do... D'Oh!"
This fella wanted to impress his buddies at the gym claiming he could lift more than them.

He almost had it until the last part of the lift when he realized he had got himself more than he could handle. If you look at it another way, the barbell is knocking him down a peg or two. But seriously, we hope he was okay after this misadventure.
You Can Never Be Overdressed They Said
Oscar Wilde once said, “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”

While the second part is true, we have to question the first part on the evidence of this photo. Clearly, you can be overdressed, or rather inappropriately dressed. From living solo to hurting her sole, oh.
Walk This Way
A treadmill has a few functions, which can be summed up by two words:

Walking and running. What this woman is trying to do is beyond us. Reverse training maybe?
Fly My Pretties
Gymnastics isn’t for everybody. Judging by this young lady’s expression, she realized this too little, too late.

Not only does she have to hold on for dear life, but she also needs to wait until the flying rings stop swinging before landing safely on the floor. This photo was snapped the exact moment reality came knocking.
Pink Is The New Black

You might think that black makes you thinner, well this woman here will disagree. Pink makes her thinner, especially when you work out with a pink suit and pink equipment.
Too Big To Handle
When someone says "pick on someone your own size"?

They mean this exactly. What was this dude thinking? He's red all over and probably exploding from within, but he's trying to keep face. His blood tells us otherwise.
Sleepless In Seattle
We don't really know where this picture was taken, but obviously, this guy comes here to rest.

I'd hate to know what goes on in his home.
Too Tired To Work Out
Another sleepy head found at the gym.

I'm sure it would be much cheaper to get a bus ticket to somewhere far and back. You'd sleep much better.
Never Miss The News
This guy got a call from one of his friends saying his house was on the news while he was getting changed.

Instead of getting dressed, he left the changing rooms with nothing but some shorts and a towel wrapped around his waist, sans top, to stand on the treadmill watch it all go up in smoke.
Weird Flex But Okay
While we admire this gentleman’s commitment, we have to fault him on his method.

There is a right way and a wrong way to use gym equipment. And this person clearly needs some assistance as to how to use this. All he got from it was a mental workout.
Tread At Your Own Risk
We certainly have to give this guy points for using the treadmill creatively. However, he clearly has little sense for hygiene, eating these snacks off where people place their shoes.

Although we have to admit, this would be a fun game to play for those of us who aren’t germophobic.
"I Give Up"
Ah, yes. We all know how to spot the moment when someone finally throws in the towel at the gym. When they’re partnering up with a friend, they have no choice but to count down the minutes until their buddy wraps up their exercise routine.

This girl appears to have put in zero effort judging by her getup. She also thought it a good idea to sit on a chair then place it on top of a treadmill. Why?
Squeezing In A Workout
This lady probably has very little spare time during the day so lacked the minutes to go home and change before/after her workout prior to going out with her friends or on a date.

However, this didn’t stop her from being sneaking in a few minutes on the treadmill before her rendezvous out and about. Now that’s commitment!
Working High
Another woman, another stiletto.

Her stilettos are fabulous, but it can’t be easy to lift weights while trying to keep your balance on those things!
How Cathletic!
What’s new pussycat? As much as we respect the comfort and versatility of wrestling singlets, the graphic here couldn’t look less harmless. What is the message the wearer wishes to give others?

Apparently, the comfort of wearing spandex/lycra, or nylon wasn’t enough, so this gentleman wanted something which reminded them of something even more fluffy.
Grannies Do It Better
Well, well, what do we have here? Just a grandma at the gym sipping casually from her salted rim martini glass.

When the doctor said she should get more exercise this canny granny had better ideas – she would admire some eye-candy while exercising her imagination. Grandmas truly do it better.
A gym which needs an escalator is like a carpark that needs a bicycle lane.

We would understand if there was a lift perhaps for disabled persons, however, needing not one but two escalators at the entrance to the gym is redundant, to say the least.
Slow Workout, Fast Food
What’ the point of working out if you can’t indulge in food ones in a while, aye? But better yet, why not indulge in some sugary treats while you’re working out?

This way you can say you’re just burning off the calories you’re consuming without having to feel the slightest bit guilty.
We Can Fix That For You, Sir
This makeshift gym, possibly located within a cheap hotel, didn’t realize its ceilings weren’t high enough once you account for the treadmill.

Luckily, some bright spark found a way to accommodate patrons of all sizes by simply removing a tile from the ceiling. The employee of the year?
Weighing Him Down
“Son, you’re weighing me down!” We wouldn’t advise you to try this due to risking the safety of your bundle of joy.

Although this might make for a cheeky photo (he did it for the likes), we would always advise you to perhaps pose in safer settings where the safety of your children isn’t at risk.
Never Skip Leg Day
This guy jacked up his upper half but forgot all about working on the bottom half.

This is why people say you should never skip leg day. And to think, people say you should always lift with your legs. Perhaps it doesn’t apply when you have “chicken legs”.
We have always wondered how Ronald McDonald manages to stay lean despite following a diet consisting of McDonald’s.

After seeing the famous mascot putting in the minutes at this gym, we have taken the clown more seriously. It takes dedication to stay fit despite living on a diet of fast food. Respect, Ronald.
Dumbell On Dumbells
This is an accident waiting to happen. The worst part about this is that his friend appears to let the young man risk serious injury by lifting weights by standing on weights, in arguably the least secure way imaginable).

Who needs enemies, when you have friends like this? They don’t call them dumbbells for nothing.
Lean On Me
When a group of girls challenged this group of guys who mocked their yoga exercises, the boys took them up on it.

They wanted to prove to the girls that their heavy lifting gave them the strength to balance on top of each other horizontally. Let’s just say bench presses and squats beat out aerial yoga on this occasion.
No Weights Needed
Sometimes you find a video online that says that no weights are needed for this workout, but then you feel the need to lift something, and your partner happens to pass by.

Does it happen to you?
Something Is Wrong
Someone should tell her that she's doing it wrong.

In a good gym, you'll find a machine for every part of your body, so you won't find yourself in awkward situations like these in which you work a body part on a machine which is not made for it.
Spot On
Being one's spot is full of responsibility. I mean what happens if the weights get too hard to lift?

The guy could get hurt. It's a good thing that his friend is there for him. Or not.
Shrek day
You might not be green, big and smelly, but you could be short, grey and on all fours, like Shreks' friend - Donkey.

And if no one gets it - get a mask that says it all.
Focus On Me
Every selfie has its own focal point.

If you love yourself too much you might miss out on other details that could literally save you from yourself.
Booty Training
Some might go to a surgeon to get these body parts, but not this woman.

She did it all by herself. She has three words for you: workout, workout and workout. Mainly squats by the way.
Fitness Leotard, You're Doing It Wrong
What’s crazy about this photo is that not only did this lady fail to notice her wardrobe malfunction, but no one had the decency to point it out to her.

She’s so focused on her workout, she’s literally sweating her pants off.
Heel One’s Legs
Something tells us, this lady wanted us to focus on something other than her weightlifting technique - why her high heels of course!

What were you thinking? Something tells us she wore them just to take this photo. There is no way she could carry those weights without those stilettos snapping. She did it for the likes!
Run Flat
We all have that friend, don't we? The one who will try too hard to get in shape quicker than most of us.

As much as it's amusing to watch people fail on the treadmill, it sure can hurt.
Twin Gym
Do you know Lucy and Jenny West? Let's begin with the fact that they're twin sisters, okay?

Now, the second fact is that they're both bodybuilders that have now gained almost half a million followers on social media. They have many funny videos and posts. You should follow them too.
Fake News
This is just to show you how gym's around the world sell their services.

Photographing a woman with her hands behind her back, and a bodybuilder behind her gives the funny outcome of a picture that will make you look twice.
Balancing It All
Now, this is one smart man. When he got a job that was paying more than he could imagine but demanding more hours than he had in the day, he realized there was no way he was giving up his working out time.

So, he used his brains to come up with this contraption which allows him to work, and workout all at once!
Serious About Leg Day
After someone jokingly teased this gentleman about his calf muscles, he decided it was the last time he would ever be mocked about his noodle legs.

So, he piled on as many weighs as he could muster while using the leg press. “You have had your last laugh at my calves’ expense,” he thinks to himself. Even the passing bystander looks stunned by his level of commitment.
Nothing Will Stop Him
This fella wanted to train for a cycling competition but found that his bicycle was out of order and needed repairs that day.

So instead of taking a rest day, this fine gentleman re-recreated the feeling of riding a bicycle on the by using the gym’s cycling machine in his competition getup, sunglasses, helmet and all. Now that’s commitment!
Tuck Me In
These days gyms are used just as much for posting photos on social media as they are used for actually working out.

Case in point, the woman in the green top helps her friend have fit abs on Instagram by squeezing and pulling her skin. That's what friends are for at the gym.
Gyms are places where you’re bound to see all kinds of people. With variety, however, comes weirdness as every person has their own method for concentrating.

This person for example knits while he uses the treadmill. Judging by the length of the piece, we’d say he’s been on for a while. Clearly, it works. Much respect, sir.
iPad For The Win
Many people have a playlist they like to listen to while they exercise at the gym. Often the reasons for doing so range from helping them concentrate, guiding the time they spend on exercises and feeling the tempo to adjust their workout's speed. So, when your usual device such as a phone or media player is out of order, what do you do?

Well, you shove your tablet down your pants, plug in your earphones, and continue as per normal of course!
So Uncultured
We understand that everyone has their first time at the gym, so there should be a little leeway for people who are clueless about how some of the machines work.

But there’s also basic decorum for etiquette which shouldn’t require any explanation. Take this case where this barbarian puts his dirty shoes on the handle of the weights. Yuck.
New Years resolution
Wait... what's that? Are we lying to ourselves again?!

How many people are out there who go to the gym and actually work out? Put your hands up! and down. And up again. And down.
Human Hamster
We’re surprised no one thought about this sooner.

Pet hamsters do run on these wheels all the time, and instead of spending thousands of dollars on a treadmill, go with this low-tech option which is not only cheap but much easier to move. Where can we purchase this?
Makeshift Trainer
Many gyms today offer a personal trainer service in order to help patrons maximize their time spent at the gym in order to achieve their desired results. However, where there’s a shortage of trainers, you can always rely on your buddy to be your hype man.

Unlike conventional trainers, your buddy doesn’t necessarily have to practice what he preaches. The proof is perhaps literally in the pudding in this instance.
Yoga Dog
Don’t you just hate it when your pup outdoes you at the gym?

Us too. This pooch not only outclassed its master when it came to yoga poses, but it also threw the ultimate “I know I’m better than you” side-eye face.
Bicep Curlers
At the gym, age is nothing but a number. Each person has their personal reasons for going, with many hoping to achieve their ideal body whether it is a short-term or long-term goal.

So, when this grandma rocked up while she had to wait for her hair curlers to set-in, no one batted their eyes. In fact, many ladies asked themselves why they hadn’t thought of doing this sooner.
All 'Bout That Cape, 'Bout That Cape, No Trouble
If you want to be the Caped Crusader but lack the motivation to trek up the Tibetan mountains to train with the League of Assassins, well then, your local gym will do.

Wearing your superhero outfit, however, is completely optional. He’s all about that cape, no trouble.
Promises, Promises
After she and her spouse made a deal where they each would join the other for one of their hobbies, this lady decided she would take him up on his offer to accompany him at the gym.

She did go to the gym, however, all she did was sat down reading a magazine, while consuming a sugary cupcake. Technically, she didn’t break her promise.
Sweat Dreams Are Made Of These
Many people come into the gym before they begin their jobs in order to kickstart their metabolism for the day.

There’s also the fact it is when people are usually at their best-rested and forces them to get out of bed at some ungodly hour. This lady decided to kill two birds with one stone and decided to catch some extra z’s mid-workout.
It's Totally Worth It!
This personal trainer wanted to drive home the point regarding the importance of counting calories.

So allowed his client to partake of his favorite foods while exercising to show him how much he would be required to put in for every calorie he consumes. Food for thought?
Great Segway
Segway’s were invented to help people commute around urban areas instead of walking/running long distances.

While treadmills were designed to allow people to perform walking/running exercises while staying inside. These two are polar opposites, yet this lady tried to combine the two. About as self-defeating as eating fast-food while working out.
Save Our Soles
This is either one brave woman who won’t let her lack of suitable footwear get in the way of her exercise regime or someone who doesn’t know how to dress for the occasion.

Lifting weights while wearing stilettos requires quite the talent. Apart from balance, it also gives the weightlifter an added lift. See what we did there.
Daily Routine
When you're trying to get through your to-do list at record time, you combine items on the list, like working out and going through your mail.

Obviously, you put all the bills in one place. On the floor.
The Truth Is Within You
We all lie to ourselves, if you're going "No I don't", then there you go... you're lying to yourself.

In any case, the only reason this dude goes to the gym is to catch up on the latest soap operas. I mean, he can't really tell his family that he loves 'Days of our lives' can he?
Breakdance Training?
I must confess that I've never seen a workout done in this way. Never.

The only reason I can come up with is that all leg training machines were occupied so this guy found an ingenious way of not missing leg day.
Meditation Training
Another type of Pavlovian conditioning is that every workout must be done at the gym.

Even if it's a mental training of some unique Tibetian munk-ish meditation.
Tough Workout
"Honey, it's my time at the gym. Don't call me."

Everybody wants that alone time, and if you have to pay for it as a gym subscription, so be it.
Never Stop
Hope. Hope is what makes us humans tick.

This woman, and others like her, give me hope. It doesn't matter at what age you're at, if you want something and like it - go get it.
Leg Day - You're Doing It Wrong
What's wrong with this guy? Is he trying to invent a new use for an existing machine?

Well, we can't fight people's thoughts, but if an instructor were to roam pass this dude, I'm sure he would have shown him the user manual.
Motivation Level: Grandmaster
This guy's personal coach put his phone in the weight rack!

That's a genius way of making sure he's doing his reps as he should. I will have to try it out next time I'm at the gym.
"I'm Still Using It"
Don’t you just hate it when you have to wait for your dog to finish doing its workout set before you can continue your workout? Us too.

This pup is committed to being top-dog and won’t let any other pooch steal its title. Hurry up now, we’ve before there’s a dogfight over the bench press, you son of a...
6-pack Of Buns
When you try working out...

...but whatever you do just isn't enough... So you get creative.
Outdoors Workout
You don't have to look like George Clooney or Brad Pit (you decide which one), but we do need those 6-pack abs to feel great, look great and be healthy.

Just like these guys.
Today Is Mental Day
When you get a bit more into the workout you know that every day has a different part working more than the rest.

Just like this lady, you decide which part get's to rest today. Maybe all parts?
Couch Potato?
Some people insult one another by calling each other a “potato” to poke fun at their weight, and sometimes their looks too.

When you’re Mr. Potato Head, however, the challenge of finding your ideal shape is all the more challenging. Rumor has it, following his change of lifestyle, he now goes as Mr. Potato Fry.