Pink Floyd once said it loud and proud: "We don't need no education...teachers leave them, kids, alone!" Fair enough, the public said. But times have changed! Whoever said that learning must be a humorless endeavor? Not these teachers, that's for sure.
That All-Seeing Eye
Let's face it: Smartphones can be impossible to resist. Most of us are happy we didn't have to deal with the temptation at all, back in middle school! For tweens and teens now, what can they do?

Well, this college professor has decided to address the problem proactively. He knows you're not smiling at your groin, everybody! Nobody does that, sincerely. The texting can wait just an hour, in almost every case. This man is not going to pretend otherwise for the sake of peace!
Read on for more mischief and madness with the funniest teachers in the business!
Tricky Tasks
Honestly, this is the education we all needed. Switching religions for a day could be interesting. Wearing a fake mustache? Might even come in handy, depending on the faith!

But there's more to this course than face fashion. Once the conversion is complete, it will be time to master martial arts. And that will come in handy in case vanquishing that nemesis with magic doesn't work, right? All in all. what a curriculum! Sign us up, this semester, pronto.
Tree Terror
Substitute teachers always have it pretty hard. The students don't know them, and there's little respect built in on the first day. Now, one burned out sub is tired of the mayhem, and has called their own substitute: This tree!

What kind of qualifications does a tree have for the job? Well, maybe none. A closer look reveals this is a shrub — a shrubstitute teacher, to be specific! Suddenly, this has become a totally different case. No one will even try to mess with this sub, we predict!
Dollar Dollar Bills
For a mere $25, you could be the highest achiever in class! One teacher seems to have thrown in the towel on real motivation. Maybe a straight forward pay to play is just easier for everyone?

For a cool dollar, your parents will hear that you are a pleasure to have in class. For two, they will hear this and more — you are on time, as well! Upping the ante for five bucks, they will find out that your teacher wishes all students were as amazing as you. Who could say no to a menu like this? Seems like a win-win!
Say My Name, Say My Name
Teachers are constantly drowning in a pile of papers. Yes, they take it home as their own homework! Correcting it all with good feedback for learners is totally time consuming, but passing them back can be challenging as well. If there are no names on the papers, it's all a waste of time!

One fun little way to fix this identity crisis is to always put your name on things. It shouldn’t be that hard, at least according to Beyonce! And no one wants to disappoint Queen Bey, do they?
M.I.A. All Day
The Dude is clearly nowhere to be found in this classroom. But who is he, and where has he gone?

These are not easy questions, but they do seem important. After all, every single person in the room is taking home an F if he doesn't turn up soon! A zero can be pretty scary, so maybe this threat will result in a team effort. Or maybe not — they do say "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." Is this the right approach?
Flashback Friday
Rick Astley found an exciting secondary career on the internet, hasn't he? The 80's legend snuck his way into emails and text messages alike, shocking millions with his vintage moves. And now, he is part of the curriculum!

To be clear, he is never going to make you cry. There will be no running around or deserting you, either. And he wants to give you extra credit! Thanks, Rick. You're one of a kind, and you never let us down. We won't say goodbye!
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Stayin' Alive
After lunch is a hard time to stay alert in class. As all those fish sticks digest, the blood rushes straight to your stomach! And that means a lot less in the brain, naturally.

This teacher decided to be good humored about it, not seeing it as an issue of disrespect. It was a selfie opportunity not to be missed, though it does seem 1/2 of the portrait did actually miss it. Wake up, buddy! The internet is looking right at you, snores and all.
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater
Staying honest is a value that every teacher tries to instill in their classroom. Starting with original work and answers, this life lesson is key! What happens when students think the coast is clear, though?

It seems at least a few will try their luck. But if they look above, they might notice this teacher keeping track! Scary stuff, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And these students are about to find out the hard way that cheaters never prosper, at least in this classroom!
Why God, Why
At first, this tardy policy seems perfectly normal. First time, just a warning. Second time, another warning. And the third time, an after school dentition! No big deal, for most students. But what if you get into chronic territory?

Looks like there's a real escalation at tardy number eight! And frankly, it seems fair. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times tardy? Hard to believe that is really an option, for anyone. But just in case, you've been warned!
Unsolved Mysteries
There's always room for improvement, unless you actually have 4.0! Most good students are still a bit below that, though they try. No judging, really. But what about the select few in a class of their own? The dog ate my homework crowd never gets enough credit, but one teacher decided to try!

The mysterious area in the Caribbean known as the Bermuda Triangle has seen its fair share of planes disappear into thin air. Is that where millions of missing papers have gone, too? No one knows for sure, but it's never been explored!
All-Time Wall of Shame
Tough love is sometimes the best love. But does this wall of homework humiliation really help anyone improve? Say no to quiz shaming, and test blaming!

These sad souls will forever have a place in history, but is this how they really want to be remembered? Math mistakes shouldn't be lifelong sentences, should they? Well, there is some good news for the students. Every school year ends, and a fresh start begins! Better quizzing next time, one and all.
Sad And Sorry
There’s bad feelings on both sides here, isn't there? While tests are no a joy to take, they’re also no fun to grade!

The student here feels that the subject matter was difficult and emotional distressing, The teacher probably found a lot of wrong answers. All in all, no happy faces here. But hopefully, everyone has a sense of humor! Live, laugh, love — eat, pray, love? Whatever it is that they say, both parties need to think about their attitudes!
Super Sneaky
Smartphone jail is where all these students are trapped right now. It's not surprising at all, though. How is anyone supposed to pay attention to geometry lessons when Candy Crush is right at one's fingertips? Frankly, it's not even fair.

Luckily, a clever teacher has figured out a way to stop it all. Once and for all, yes! A system of chalk really makes it clear who is sneaking a few games in class, and it seems Ana and Aline are the worst offenders today. You've been caught, ladies!
Lady In Red
While there is nothing inherently wrong with working in fast food, this teacher seems to have bigger dreams for the student at hand. Red marks all over? Pretty intimidating. A McDonald's job application? Why, that's a direct message!

X, X, wrong! Yes, that probably is the message needed to get through to this student. If not, the burger app should seal the deal. Math can be fun if it feels relevant, right? A little real world touch can go a long way, too. Yikes!
Not So Comical
Really, a child would sense that something is seriously off with Comic Sans. Why is it so irritating? The mystery confounds most of us, but one teacher is taking extra precautions.

Times New Roman does get boring after awhile. Arial is okay, maybe. But Comic Sans simply disturbs the eye, the mind, and the soul. No topic can require such a font! Thankfully, this teacher is getting way ahead of the curve to ban it preemptively. Way to go, sir!
Tasty, Tearful
The whining, the groaning, the moaning — Monday back at school can be challenging even for veteran teachers. One professional found the solution, and boy is it tasty!

An entire bottle of student tears? A mug would have been scary enough. But a liter of human eye water really sends a strong message. Hopefully, everyone got a chuckle! Many people cry when they laugh, you know. Either way, a delicious drink.
No Rest Test
Test time: There's no escape here. Page after page, and the exam continues. An outrage, we say! When will the end of this rainbow finally arrive?

What kind of tribulation is this? It looks like a bit of math, once again. Increasing and decreasing functions, for the win! While this might not be the most exciting topic for everyone, this teacher at least tried to incorporate laughs. Lord of the Math, right here!
Total Trash
As they say, half the secret to life is simply showing up. This applies to schoolwork. too! Reality can be harsh sometimes, and one teacher decided to teach a long term lesson with the garbage sign.

Just in case you thought you were going to turn in your work anytime you wanted, that's been addressed. The chalk makes it perfectly clear: Late equals no! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but this classroom is setting a standard. And that standard involves the big bin.
Stop Staring At That Clock

One bitter educator got sick of kids gazing up at the time, all the time. The solution? This temporary fix, with a post-it note! Starting paying attention, buddy. You've been warned!
Riddle Me This
Quizzes can be quizzical. Sometimes the answer is right under your nose. But this isn't one of those times! By all accounts, this teacher is trickster. A, B, C, D, help!

Are you too shy? Do you even understand what you're supposed to do? Are you filling in random bubbles, for some reason? Whatever the case may be, there's an answer for everyone! Mission accomplished, for sure.
Choosing Cheeseburgers
Another hint about McDonalds, we see. What is up with these career predictions? It seems this teacher has spelled it out even further, writing "minimum wage" to clarify that this math is leading absolutely nowhere.

You only live once, YOLO! Do you want to spend it flipping burgers? The message seems clear here, sir. Hashtags abound, it's hard to miss right here on the page. But will this make students laugh or cry? Hopefully, the former!
Beary Brutal
Brutal, this one. Not only has the student received a C grade, but it looks like a teddy has been murdered in the process. Why, teacher, why?

First if all, it seems the student started this game. The threat begins on the left, with an illustrated ransom! It seems this teacher was unwilling to negotiate with terrorists, though. X's for eyes and left in red, teddy looks dead. Say it ain't so! Can't he be brought back with an A on the next exam?
Walkin' Away
Office hours are there for a reason. Life seems to be full of busy schedules, teacher and students alike. For that reason, no walk-ins are a common rule. But what about Walkens? Now that's brand new!

If walk-ins are a headache, surely Christopher Walken showing up will be a disturbance too. Honestly, for most people, that would be a welcome surprise. But, to each his own. School is serious business!
Homework Hell
Grading is the never-ending story of teaching, but there's no magic in this tale. How do educators keep a positive attitude about the pile that never ends? It truly never does, by the way.

Pretty crappy, it turns out. Look at these stacks, though! The same multiple choice layouts, over and over. One could go positively crazy! Maybe a little humor hidden on clips helps. No judgement here, for sure.
Cinnamon Toast Trouble
Uh oh, is this a real correction? It looks like an illustrated death threat! Just a small spelling mistake has triggered a full blown grammar nazi episode, and it's even scarier in bright red.

Cereal vs. serial has never been such an interesting battle. After this, who could forget the difference? Sometimes, a little dark humor can go a long way in education! If more teachers were this silly, students might even look forward to tests.
Escalating Threats
Listening to directions isn't fiun at all, especially when your font has been standardized. Why, that means a half page of extra work for those who have been writing with triple spaces and bold letters!

In case there was any confusion. no exceptions are allowed. How do we know that? Well, the capital letters give it away, right away! And no cute fonts, either. Stick to the program, class! It's time for the full essay, from start to finish. It might even feel good, who knows?
Drinkin' Alone
Education is a beautiful profession. But it can get messy sometimes! The job requires taking work home, so it's inevitable that food is going to collide. But what about alcohol?

Looks like honesty is the best policy, for this teacher! Cracking open a cold one and doing a deep dive into student essays sounds like a decent evening at home. But hopefully, it stopped at one! Grades needs to be trusted, after all. And too much beer will make that unclear!
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
Elvis started it all, half a century ago. Young people aspire to marry pop stars, and it's hard to settle for less! Nothing new, really. But since when does the teacher pass out pencils like these, encouraging the delusion?

You may want to marry Justin, but will you? Probably not, especially because of the reality that he is already married to Hailey Bieber! Yes, it's true. The pop star is off the market, and it's time to move on. Time to move on to homework, especially!
Feathery Friend
This teacher is hard to break, try as this student might. Bringing a giant quill to class is a surefire way to make the most serious grump crack up. The ink is real, too! Why isn't this working?

Perhaps this teacher is a jokester himself. Maybe he's seen it all, in his day. And anyway, if the feather means the boy will write more and more to get attention, it's a joke on him! That's been the educational goal, all long, hasn't it?