If you are someone who is keen to live a healthier life, one place you might want to start is your diet. Many of us eat processed and non-fresh, non-organic foods. They are cheaper, easily consumed, quick to find, and can give you that shot in the arm you need for energy. Yet if you want to live the best life that you can, you might find that going down the route of using organic food is the best choice.
How beneficial is this really, though? Are the benefits of organic foods overstated?

Organic foods aren’t always chemical-free
That might sound weird because it kind of defeats the purpose of organic produce in the first place. However, even organic farmers will still use pesticides, albeit with more natural choices. This is needed as it stops the crop being dying or being chewed up by hungry little insects. However, despite being natural pesticides, they still aren’t great for the soil or for the food itself.
Organic does not always mean 100% organic
Another thing to focus on is that organic only needs to be 95% organic. This is like how many sugar-free goods have a fair amount of sugar within. In many cases, organic is little more than a marketing slogan. You should try to keep that in mind, as organic does not always mean 100% organic. In fact, many products labeled as “made with organic ingredients” tend to be even more organic than something claiming to be fully so.

Organic foods are frequently recalled
Despite making up less than 7% of the food market, organic foods make up around 7% of all food recalls. This comes down to things like infections and bacterial damage, or poor handling during the actual cultivation process. So, if you think that organic foods are always going to be the ‘safe’ option you might wish to think again. Organic foods are more likely to be recalled, so it is not always going to be something that comes with no risk attached.
Organic crops are beneficial in many ways but do not always be fooled by the word when you see it on the packaging. More often than not, organic is simply a term used to push up the price – in many cases, it is no more organically pieced together than the non-organic option sitting next to it for half the price!
Buying organic is good – when you know it is 100% proven and safe. Always do your reading before relying on any organic sales label.