Kids are tiny humans who usually have big things to say. Most of the time, they express themselves honestly without filters. Social cues and norms don’t occur when it comes to anything that comes out of their mouths. But it’s not only what they say. Another way that children express themselves is through drawing.

These creations prove that kids not only say the darndest things but draw them, too. You couldn’t make this stuff up even if you tried, but these kids can without any effort at all.
Take a look at all these weirdly funny pictures, get a taste of how children see this strange world of ours and laugh your hearts out!
Drink All The Way
Remember when you were asked at school about your parents? Maybe your teachers asked what your parents did for a living, their hobbies, or what they did during the day. This kid seemed to have perfectly described how their mother spent her time at home.

This kid seems to have been able to draw their mother quite well. Unfortunately for the mother, the drawing may have been too accurate. What’s stranger is the fact that the woman in the picture is hovering over the chair and drinking on her own. We can imagine she’s going to need another glass when she sees the drawing for herself.
Emma’s Garden
So many questions have been left unanswered by this kid’s chalkboard masterpiece. Is this part one of a series? How did this kid reach so high? But most importantly, who is Emma? Did Emma use to be a carrot? And if so, why?

We hope that now Emma is no longer a carrot, maybe she could erase the board and help everyone stop asking these questions—assuming she took a humanoid form after being transformed from a root vegetable.
Pony Or Else
This kid probably has roots in organized crime. In addition, they probably have no idea what a real pony looks like, given that the drawing looks more like a worm with legs. No one can blame Santa if he gets his gift wrong. Maybe this kid should be taught how to say please instead of making veiled threats against a senior citizen who’s just trying to do his job.

We are unsure if Santa would have found this letter cute or threatening. We only hope the kid got what they needed more than what they wanted—perhaps including a brief lecture on how to say please as well as how to give some respect to elders.
It takes a lot of skill to draw human hands. The process is not easy. Even the best artists had to go through tons of trial and error to perfect the art of hand drawing. It Is not fair to expect kids to draw hands very accurately. This kid is an excellent example of a young artist who did their best with the talent they had.

However, this kid’s parents probably won’t be too pleased with their drawing. The kid may have been fed up with trying to draw palms, fingers, and thumbs and simply settled on drawing them the best way they could. Unfortunately, their best was not good enough. This kid might need to practice drawing fingers first.
The Latest MCU Entry
No one in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever thought to pen a scene like the one this kid depicted, and with good reason. Still, it is a very creative idea despite the limited possibility of it ever happening. Who knew that children wanted to see a Hulk and Kardashian crossover so much?

This kid was almost accurate in their depiction of typical Kardashian dialogue. Even more accurate is Hulk getting angry, thus causing the Kardashians’ hair to freeze in terror. We suspect the kid is not a fan of the reality series but an avid Hulk fan.
For Fart’s Sake
Introducing kids to art is an excellent way to help them hone their natural artistic talents and develop their fine motor skills. It also helps their imagination flourish, too. It’s a great way for kids to express themselves and have fun away from all the screens around us these days.

This picture depicts a kid expressing themself in a clearly unorthodox way. The drawing is a detailed depiction of a natural anatomical process (which all humans do!), but it is unclear why the kid wanted to draw it with such flourish. In any case, it is both a cute and highly informed image of the body’s ecosystem.
I Heart Mom
Getting a greeting card from your kids is the best feeling in the world for a parent. Though interpreting what the card means can be a bit challenging, it is the thought that counts. However, this mom might have felt a little more than confused about this card’s message.

It is unclear if the drawing depicts a person putting their fingers up impolitely or if the kids are trying to say their mom is number one. We believe they are trying to draw Spider-Man hanging from an imaginary building—but that’s just our best guess.
This kid did her best to draw a regularly-used tool found in any school classroom. Though it might be your natural instinct to laugh at something you find questionable, there is also a compelling reason to stifle a giggle.

At times, it is adults who mistakenly assume the meaning of a drawing that is far different from what the creator intended. Of course, we can’t blame adults, but more importantly, we should not blame kids for their lack of artistic abilities either.
Demon-free Day
The best day is always a day when your mom and dad are home from work, and even your cat is back from its prowling. But the “bestest” day is when all this is happening while the demon is away. We are not sure what “demon” means for a kid. We can only guess it refers to a dark figure with a hat. We are not sure if it’s a metaphor or an actual phantom.

We also suspect that kids have a wild imagination, and this drawing is an example of that. We are happy that the demon was nice enough to leave them alone, at least for one day. We are also pleased that the parents are now aware that a demon could exist in their midst.
Dinosaurs have long fascinated both kids and adults alike. This kid is so amazed by them that they actually decided to draw one. It is not easy to create a dinosaur from scratch. Kudos to this kid for their efforts!

Though we are unsure of the specific dinosaur species this drawing belongs to, we think this smiling dinosaur is cute. Unfortunately, it looks like something other than a dinosaur—not only to those with their heads in the gutter.
The children of today will eventually become the adults of the future. It is a bit comforting to realize that most kids today are very creative and can already imagine concepts that no one else has ever come up with.

Sometimes, kids can go overboard with their ideas and imagine practically impossible things, such as converting live dinosaurs into couches. Fortunately, both are not feasible now or any time soon, as dinosaurs have been long extinct, but we appreciate the work that went into this masterpiece.
Backup Mom
Teachers serve as kids’ guardians while they are in school. Therefore, it is normal for some children to think of their teachers as their second parents. However, what is not normal is for a kid to think of her mom passing away and having a backup mom on standby.

But this kid did, and we are as tickled as we are troubled that the kid has a whole plan B just in case her family life goes south. We feel for Ms. Mac here. Should she be happy that a student trusts her enough to consider her as a second mom, or should she be worried that a kid is entertaining thoughts of her mom dying? We’ll never know.
Ho No
Spelling is difficult. Drawing, too. Spelling and drawing all at the same time is a whole skill level that many students require a lifetime to master. This kid is making a noble effort to do both, and we commend their work to make this drawing possible.

However, we wish an adult has guided the kid on how words should be correctly spelled. When laid out in an incorrect order, two innocent letters literally spell the difference between an appropriate and inappropriate expression.
Teacher’s Chest?
This kid decided to draw a picture of their teacher on the first day of school. If you look carefully at this image, you might notice something rather unusual. We understand that the kid may have been stressed during the process, thus the odd image.

We believe it is best if the teacher asks the student for some details about the image to satisfy everyone’s curiosity. We’re sure that the teacher was just wearing some eye-catching earrings or an unusual scarf, for example.
Honesty Is The Best Policy?
Teachers are constantly updated with their students’ home lives—too much, at times. Kids find joy in telling their teachers all the news about what’s going on in their lives. However, this kid may have volunteered a little too much information.

It is good that their father has a stable job and can support a family. It is just a tad concerning that a kid described how their father likes to drink. To be fair, the dad might like to drink water, juice, or lemonade. Maybe it’s best to ask the parents just to be sure.
Oldie But A Gouldie
Children need to know that they can be anyone they want to be. Kids who are aware that they can be president or they can reach Mount Everest if they do their best will hopefully grow up to have good and healthy self-esteem.

Raising children with confidence helps to make the world a better place. Graham is more than a confident child—he has decided to someday become immortal, living beyond the puny means of every other mortal body, as exemplified by his century-long prediction.
Idolizing Mom
Life goals are great. No one’s ever too young to dream about what they want to do later in life. For most kids, that’s dreaming of becoming an astronaut or a doctor. Others want to be professional cat cuddlers and a few dream of becoming candy tasters. But this kid has a more modest life goal.

This kid wants to be just like their mom. It is unclear what this kid’s mom does for a living, but you can probably make an educated guess. Whatever you might think about it, no one can deny that the kid’s mom is not bereft of paying customers. You have to work hard in this world to get by!
Mommy Loves Ellen
Teachers give students exercises to learn more about them and their home lives. When this kid was asked about what their mother does at home, the teacher probably wasn’t prepared for this student’s reply—or the drawing.

Similarly, the kid’s mother might have been surprised at her kid’s honesty. Adding a drawing seems to drive home the point that the kid’s mother really likes Ellen. Does she do anything else? It’s unclear. It may just be that this kid remembered one thing about their mom, and this is what made the page.
The Truth Is Out There
This kid has revolutionized a common household item and turned it into a powerful object many might now fear using. Who said that a toothbrush could only keep your teeth clean? Who knew that it could also be used to wring the truth out of someone?

The truth brush is not afraid to tell you what you need to know, even if you don’t want to hear it. If we all used a truth brush, we wouldn’t only have clean teeth, but we’d probably also have a clean conscience. All hail the Truth Brush!
Funny Bunny
Kids love animals. Parents bringing pets into the home allows children to learn how to take care of animals. It teaches kids how to be responsible and empathetic and can provide a source of comfort to the kids themselves.

This kid knows how to care for her bunny. She also knows her pet’s favorite food. The kid is aware of how much her bunny likes cabbage. Unfortunately, she also knows that her bunny has been eating a lot of it. We only hope the kid’s honesty did not hurt the bunny.
Is Camron Okay?
This drawing leaves a lot of questions unanswered. But we commend this kid for actually writing an apology and admitting his faults. We can’t help but wonder if Camron is doing okay. We are also wondering if Camron is the correct spelling of this name, considering the rest of the work.

Other questions that come up are the following: Why did the kid even smack Camron? Why was a star included in the apology? Is the kid involved in “dark arts?” For some reason, we also fear the answers to these questions. We only hope Camron is well and will never be smacked there, or anywhere else, again!
What Did Valerie Do?
Children are innocent little beings who couldn’t hurt a fly—or so we might think. Most of them have soft hearts that can be broken very easily. However, some seem more upset by life’s goings on than others. Their bad feelings seem to make them act out on paper.

Drawing their feelings away is a good way to express themselves healthily. Based on this picture, this sentiment could have helped save Valerie’s life. Maybe this is a kid’s call for help, or maybe Valerie did this kid wrong. A conversation about violence should be had between the kid, the parents, the kid’s teacher, and Valerie—if Valerie is still alive, that is.
Serious Threat?
We know that kids say the darndest things, but we found it hard to believe that kids can also draw the creepiest pictures. We can only guess that the image was inspired by a scene they saw in a movie or video game.

We can only hope that the drawing wasn’t inspired by anything they saw in real life. Even adults who witness such a drawing would find it hard to sleep at night. Either way, we believe that the kid needs to visit a guidance counselor.
The Trophy
Kids’ brains work differently. Sometimes, what is completely innocent to them may be the opposite in the minds of grown-ups. This is no doubt a trophy, but there’s just something off about it that we can’t put our fingers on.

For adults, an image of a trophy may look like something else. This drawing might actually mean something different. We are happy that the kid wrote down what the drawing is about, thus saving everyone the energy and embarrassment of guessing what it could be.
Smart Kid
Kids not only say the darndest things, but they also say the smartest things. This is the second masterpiece of a smart kid who has put two and two together to come up with a very logical response to “If I had 100 friends, I would….”

Imagine having a hundred friends, and all of them want to invite you to celebrate Christmas. What would you do? We believe the kid is correct, and you would actually want to turn your phone off. This kid would have gone places in life—we promise you that.
No More Meatloaf
Mothers are the best. They care for kids, all while providing for the family, be it financially or through all that unpaid work at home. This kid clearly appreciates all the things their mom is doing, except for one thing. Although there is genuine “thank you,” there’s obviously a wedge to this message: never make meatloaf again.

Though the drawing of the heart makes this card extra-special, the subtle shade and request to not make meatloaf again could make the mom laugh or mad. Either way, we hope the mom took the kid’s wish seriously—or improved her meatloaf recipe.
Spell Check
There are many ways to show how much you love and appreciate your family. This kid decided to express her love through drawing. However, though her heart is in the right place, the letters she wrote weren’t.

The smiley faces did little to distract anyone from the spelling mistake. Still, we believe her family appreciated her efforts—but her teacher probably didn’t. When you’re a kid, it’s easy enough to flip letters back to front or upside down.
Meth Problem
All children are adorable. Even when they make a mistake, you can’t help but find their errors sweet and chuckle. This earnest expression of how much they like and appreciate their teacher is one for the books.

We are sure Mrs. Edwards is helping her students with their Math problems and not meth issues. Maybe this kid excels in math class and not in English. We just hope the DEA doesn’t catch wind of this kid’s creative work!
Not Today, Satan
This kid can’t help but say how much she loves Santa. We assume it is Santa she meant to thank—given the Santa hat she is wearing—and not the other well-known figure who likes to dress up in red.

We only wish her parents had the energy to correct her letters. We want the man from the icy North Pole to give her a gift, not the man from the seventh circle of a fiery inferno. Not that the latter gives that many gifts, but still.
The Beach
Ah, the refreshing atmosphere of the sun, sand, and sea. Yes, the beach is generally a great place to relax. This kid wants everyone to know how much he loves the beach, too. Unfortunately, the message didn’t quite send as the kid intended.

It is easy to think that the kid meant something different, and we assume he did not mean anything else. The image is pretty hard to make out, but we imagine that it involved a parasol, ice cream, and surfboards—or something like that.
The F Word
This picture is what anyone would expect to see if someone asked a kid to draw and think up a word that starts with F. You could even say that the teacher or parent who asked their kids to do this had it coming. Still, this masterpiece is memorable in itself.

What do you think would happen if you asked kids to draw words that started with the letter F? Still, kudos to the kid who knew exactly how to draw the feet. However, what the yellow-colored matter is in the picture is very much debatable.
President Ham?
Kids not only say the darndest things, but they also hear words in the strangest of ways. This kid misheard the name of a popular president. Here’s their attempt at regurgitating the spelling. It may not be perfect, but it sure is funny.

To be fair, President Abraham Lincoln’s name does sound a lot like “April Ham Lincon” if you say it in a specific way. Unless there really was a person named April Ham Lincoln and this kid was writing a letter to them, we believe she was referring to the 16th United States President, Abe Lincoln.
House Of Horrors
It is unclear if this kid is extremely creative and imaginative or if he has actually seen the things he drew in this picture. We’re particularly taken with the blue-faced woman on the second floor—or what looks like a tadpole in the bottom right.

We believe that this kid probably doesn’t live with vampires, a tadpole, and a floating ghost—or do they? We hope this kid’s teacher asks him further questions on the nature of their home—if only for our peace of mind.
Thank You, Firefighters
Some children have difficulty expressing themselves. Allowing them to draw their feelings helps draw out what they want to say. What some kids have to say with their artistic expressions might still not be very coherent, however.

This picture is supposed to depict how a firefighter bravely fights fires and contains a heartfelt thank you from the artist. If you see something else, that’s your problem, buddy. Get your head out of the gutter!
Children can sometimes be mean, if only unintentionally. Their words can sometimes hurt, but their drawings can make some grown-ups cry, too—often from laughter. So this drawing, crayoned by a little girl, depicts her younger siblings being abducted by aliens, which probably surprised her parents.

Maybe they could use this as an opportunity to teach their kids that they should take care of each other and not give them up to aliens. The parents could also enroll their kid in art class because her use of colors is impressive.
Parents should encourage their children’s creativity. If their kids love to draw, the parents must guide them on how to refine their best creations. Maybe these parents should have shown their child what a real dolphin looks like before asking for an artistic rendering.

In this case, teaching kids about a dolphin’s appearance and anatomy is the hallmark of good parenting, amongst other things. This is why places like Seaworld, your city’s zoo, and internet image searches were invented.
Santa Hat?
Kids love Christmas. They also like Santa. Their fervent wish is to receive gifts from him. This kid made sure that he not only invited Santa to their preschool but that he should be made to give them gifts. We are just not sure if Santa would be pleased with the hat in the drawing, though.

Also, Santa might have some comments about his hair. They look more like spider legs than a hairstyle, but that’s just us. Well, this kid isn’t the best artist in the world (yet), but he sure has neat and tidy handwriting!
Gas From Daddy?
This kid means well. Evan just wanted to document his observations about his home life and his parents. He receives love from mommy and gas from daddy. In this case, we’re assuming “gas” to be another word for “flatulence.”

Though daddy might not be happy with his son’s drawing, we are sure that he appreciates how his son has a habit of always telling the truth—even at his own father’s expense. We’re sure it’s something many of us could relate to growing up.
Who Is The Talking Boy?
Children are keen observers of what is happening in their homes, even if it doesn’t seem to be the case. When they are asked to draw their family, they can only portray what they know. This kid knows a bit more than what his parents probably expected.

We are sure the parents would want to know more about the talking boy—whomever he is. They might also want to look for a new place to live, preferably a house that is not at all haunted by otherworldly shadows or phantoms.
Merry Christmas?
Christmas is a time for spreading joy, cheer, and goodwill. This kid did just that by writing this sweet card, presumably to his friends or family. However, we believe that he changed his mind a minute after writing this card, hence the last-minute burn.

The text at the bottom right, written in green ink, shows that he wasn’t using that pen when he wrote his merry greeting. Its presence now also indicates that something happened to make him write a new message. It seems more like a bitter afterthought than constructive criticism.