Whether or not you are technologically minded, it is easy to find yourself having to listen to tech chat. Technology rules our world, and without it, we would be in a very different place. An example of the growing reliance on technology, though, can be found in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry. If you spend even a few moments reading into AI, it can be like reading a new language.

Most of the time, it is a buzzword-laden industry that can feel intentionally confusing to a layman. The hope was that with words like ‘big data’ that we would be able to make tech easier to understand, not harder. That, though, that not been the case – at all.
Today, many of these words and terms which follow the AI industry can be confusing to the general public. And it is easy to see why. For example, you have heard of AI: have you heard of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?
This is a term that is used to discuss hypothetical AI that could be capable of carrying out the same intellectual thinking as a human. Ask two different AI theorists, though, and you will find that they have different definitions of AGI. Like many terms in this sphere, there is no real agreement on many aspects of its description.

The same goes for multi-skilled artificial intelligence. This is a term that is used for AI systems that can utilize a mixture of senses and language to help expand their knowledge base – similar to how a child would learn as opposed to an adult. This kind of intelligence aims to not create something that is all-knowing, but something that can be genuinely taught.
An example of this would be Wu Dao, the multimodal AI unit that is capable of writing, drawing, and even singing. It is an intriguing discussion point, but people who want to know more about AI must understand that the term ‘AI’ alone does not cover even half of the industry's major talking points.
This can be confusing and make it hard for people to understand AI and its benefits. Most of the time, people just refer to science fiction and the worst-case scenarios entailed in such fiction. For the most part, though, AI is a discussion that is misunderstood by the majority.