Simple Computer Keyboard Shortcuts To Save You Time

Whether you work in IT or simply enjoy using computers, one of the greatest time-saving skills you can have onside includes keyboard shortcuts. There are many things that require precision and accuracy with a mouse that, instead, could be carried out with two or three presses of the keyboard. For that reason, you should try and remember the following keyboard shortcuts to help save you time and money.

CTRL + Arrow Keys

If you use multiple screens or want to have numerous files open on-screen at once, you can do so by using a combination of CTRL and the arrow keys. For example, by pressing CTRL+DOWN, you could bring a document open on your top-screen monitor down to the bottom screen. By using CTRL+LEFT or CTRL+RIGHT, you can open up documents side-by-side, ensuring they take up half of the screen each.


If you are using a web browser and accidentally close a tab you need to restore, hit the above combination. This will open up the website tab that you just shut down. This is much easier than messing around in your browser history trying to find the tab. 


Another useful keyboard shortcut just for some software, including MS Word, is to use CTRL + N. This opens up a brand new document. In other apps and software packages, such as some web browsers, this can open up a new browser window for you.


Whether you are scanning a website for a certain phrase or you are reading a document, CTRL + F is the universal shortcut for finding it. This will open up a little text search box where you can then specifically look for what you are searching for. This can save you masses of time when looking for something specific – it is much faster than scanning the document!


If you are having to copy a file, a line of text, or anything else, highlight it with your mouse and then hit CTRL + C. This creates a copy of that file or text line in your clipboard. Then, simply hit CTRL + V to paste a copy of this. This can speed up everything from moving text around in a document to creating copy backups of files on another part of your computer.

These computer shortcuts are all wonderful time-savers – which can you see yourself using more than most?