All you've got to do to get a good laugh in your day sometimes is just to examine the things you've been doing while you were not concentrating fully or when you were tired. The outcome is regularly hilarious, and you just have to share it with everyone.
That's the exact thing we have for you today. Hilarious instances that can occur to every one of us and that we have to share with others.
Sometimes, you can make some honest and amusing mistakes when you are working that'll turn you into a legend among your colleagues.
The hilarious circumstances that you'll come across here will most likely not enter the 'Job Well Done Hall of Fame' any time soon, but, you must take a second look at them to determine for yourself, what is wrong with what you are looking at.
Go Big Or Go Home
This happens to all of us, doesn't it? It sure happened to me at that exact age, and it also happened to me on a national scale, but hey... it's a great story to tell the kids. And by the way, everybody tells the team to go, this unique woman tells them to 'og'. That's much better.
Here are the biggest sincere oops moments:
Upside Down
This would be really confusing for people with disabilities who are trying to cross the street, most especially for the blind people who make use of this box constantly.
We pray that they can touch it to find the right button which helps them cross the street. Sadly for them though, they most likely wouldn't find it as amusing as we do.
Slip Of The Tongue
This is another example of a presenter being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Steve Harvey ended up mixing up the winner's names while he was trying to follow the orders of the producer.
It took four minutes and a trip backstage before Harvey came back on stage to announce his error to the competitors and the whole world.
The Man And His Pool
Due to his excitement over his new pool, this man decided to build an addition for his lovely house. He must have thought that he could host pool parties, have a few drinks by the pool whenever he felt like it or simply take a cool swim.
We guess he didn't realize that he was supposed to fill the pool hole with water and not submerge the whole house in water instead. He was probably less pleased when he got the water bill.
Wow, it’s magic! This lady in the advert can lie on her bed and speak on her phone with her legs!? We all know that people in England drive on the other side of the road, but we never knew that everything was upside down and completely inverted over there.
This ad is a sure eye catcher but it’s quite ironic that it’s an ad for a phone and not a phone booth?
Oh Does It?
Everybody knows that peanuts allergies are a serious thing but it should be quite obvious that when you see peanuts in front of you, you should know that it contains…peanuts.
Do Not Stack
There is a clear warning on all the boxes, yet the employees failed to notice the "DO NOT STACK" inscriptions on the boxes. Good thing that most of these warnings may just be more of guidelines and suggestions?
Everyone Say Cheese
Being the other side of this fish fillet sandwich would be very depressing; there is no cheese and no extra flavour. What is even worse than that is being the person who has to eat it.
This cheese resembles when an individual is trying to make a child laugh by putting cheese on their face – we’re just waiting for the “mouth” to move.
One of These Things Is Not Like The Other
This definitely looks odd... one of these things doesn't belong here. I'm sure you can guess which one it is. Although it most likely is the most hated condiment, it is also the odd one in the photo as its upside-down.
This is probably due to the fact that nobody actually ever gets to the bottom to have to flip it over. Who knows.
Introducing The Fitted, Sideways, Button Down
How does this happen? How is it even possible to get a shirt on a mannequin like this? It seems as though it would have been more difficult setup that shirt than actually dressing the mannequin.
On the bright side, the employee managed to show that these colours look good together.
It’s All Teeth Related
The person who was assigned with setting up the toothpaste and toothbrushes section may have tried to confuse some of the customers. It's an error that can be fixed easily, but hey, they are all in the same section, right?
So it’s more entertaining than harming to the buyer (as long as the price tags are right).
“Ollege” Of Architecture
All we can do is to hope that the person who designed this name placement on the building wasn't a student or former student of the university.
It would give the school a bad name, but it would also make a great story and some publicity, and perhaps, one fortunate student would be given the task to redesign it.
Diabetes Menu
This could not have been this good if they had planned it, or did they? We don't think McDonald's would like that their food is being associated with diabetes. Honestly speaking, this sign is very funny but the irony about it is that it totally true. Just look at that ice cream.
Basket Racket
There is probably a new technique for playing basketball with a racket and a small plastic ball, and we completely missed out on it. It would be an interesting game if the racket can really hit the ball hard enough to send it into the hoops.
Should Take Their Own Advice
This sign actually has two scenarios in it:
1. the individual who made this actually made this error or
2. they’re using the sign to illustrate their point. If the second scenario was the intention; it’s a hell of a point. But if it was the first job, C'mon man.
Hidden Messages
We are receiving some messages from the dude who designed this van. Starbucks lovers wouldn't find this assuming at all, but the fans of Dunkin' Donuts are probably in a corner laughing until their sides hurt as they agree with the van.
When You Can’t Choose One Favorite Superhero
There are lots of superheroes and to be frank, it quite difficult to pick one as our favourite. Then capitalize on this error and purchase this bag that lets you show your admiration for Superman and also announce to the world that you are a fan of Batman.
Two Things That Shouldn’t Mix
Babies and alcohol, two things that should be kept as far from each other as possible. At this supermarket, however, they like to start the wee ones
There's a reason why we have a minimum age for drinking, hence, this store should reconsider where they placed their signs. Although there are some folks out there who give their kids a few sips of alcohol, it is a terrible idea to associate it with the “best for your baby.’
It’s Not Even A Spork
We might be a bit more forgiving had it been Spork, but seriously, somebody should have noticed that they were putting the wrong type of cutlery in this packaging. You'll find it difficult to eat your next meal.
Cooking School?
We pray that knives are in a supermarket that is close to the CIA, the Culinary Institute of America. In the event that they are not, we have no idea how this could help children going back to school and the store should really reconsider their product placement.
Here is a perfect instance of how a small error can become a big, funny mistake that really amuses us. Honestly, though, nobody would refuse these stuffed lion cubs. They are certainly unique and different from all other stuffed toys you may possess.
Can You Hear Me?
We think the idea behind this phone booth is to make sure that you have no privacy and everyone on the street would be able to hear your conversation, and in British style for that matter.
It seems as if this photo was taken in the USA, making the design of the phone booth and its placement very unusual. Also, is there anyone who still uses phone booths?
'Cheesy Goodness' is a really common factor between Doritos and Cheetos, other than that, however; they are two different companies and different snack foods. This store got it completely wrong! We pray that nobody ends up with the wrong snack as it would be unpleasant to eat the wrong snack.
His Or Her Toilet?
Is there any volunteer here who wants to help us determine which restroom is the appropriate one for which gender? Looking at these restrooms, we wouldn't want to go in either.
Somebody will have to volunteer for the job and assist whoever made this error. Only the urinals can differentiate these two restrooms, we just hope they are inside.
Useless Window
Windows can be described in many different ways. They are holes in our walls that help bring sunlight into our rooms and they are also a metaphorical entity that symbolizes open-mindedness and hope.
This isn't the situation here though. This window is so many things, hope or wisdom is not one of them.
Half Pepperoni
This would have been perfect for a group of individuals who wanted half cheese, half pepperoni, but we don't think that was the intention here. Normally, when you buy frozen pizza, you go for pepperoni all round.
Whose mistake was this really, we wonder. Did the pepperoni just slide on down at some point?
Extra Hours
For a whole nine days in a week, these guys must work very hard. We all should be ashamed for not keeping up with them. It would be great if there were nine days in a week if the working days were still five.
Can you think of the fun you'll have in a four day weekend? We’d love it, but the workers at this supermarket may get the short end of the stick.
Size Does Matter
I'm not sure that those in charge of making these new, bigger bags actually took measurements of the old ones. The clearly didn't! Somebody in the company should have rechecked the old bags before they chose to advertise these new ones as "new bigger size!"
Maybe they are referring to the chips in the bags.
The Makeover
It’s always a great idea to do makeovers. You wait anxiously to see the new look with respect to the previous one.
In this situation though, you be surprised as to how the company did not notice that the images had been swapped accidentally (at least we hope it was accidental).
A Not-So-Chocolatey Mistake
Something is definitely wrong with this chocolate milk. Our question is this: Who do we blame? The person who filled up the bottles or the individual who put the label on them?
Either way, we hope everyone pays attention to what they are buying.
One Bun Left Unturned
If you have an extreme case of OCD, we advise that you do not look at this. Maybe it's the reason why the person who packed it turned one bun over, to know how many people would cringe when they see it. We definitely fell into the trap.
Make Chian Great Again
Don't bother looking up Chian, it doesn't exist. The individual who printed this label must have been distracted when writing out China, which happens to be one of the largest manufacturing countries in the world, and it is where most of the items we buy are manufactured.
Mind The Curb
In the event that those with handicapped tags are able to get their vehicles onto this narrow block of sidewalk, in what manner are they expected to get back over the little curb?
Hopefully, the person who did this wasn't trying to create a unique spot for handicaps, as it is an epic fail.
Trading Places
This Blu-ray cover will look completely normal if you have never heard of Eddie Murphy or Nick Nolte.
However, those who actually live on earth and have heard these names would probably be pondering how the names and images got mixed up. Perhaps they are trying to keep us alert.
Where Did You Go To “Colege”?
It's very obvious as to why this jar was on clearance, they're most likely trying to sell it for whatever amount that is offered since there is the possibility that it may never be sold.
The starting price itself is a kind of joke, $4.99 for a jar made by someone who likely never learned how to spellcheck in college.
Yellow Watermelon
They are both summer foods and you will probably find them both at a barbecue, however, it is quite difficult to mix up a large, round watermelon and a smaller, but long piece of corn on the cob. But hey, if anybody can find a watermelon at that price, give us a shoutout!
You Shall Not Pass
The person who designed this staircase must have had a hatred for taking the stairs, to the extent that the person only wanted people to use half of the stairwell. This will cause a few traffic jams on a busy day.
Only One May Open
This is the worst design for a kitchen corner. First, just one drawer can be opened at any time, and it can only be opened halfway. Moving to the cabinets, the only way that you can open both at the same time is if you want to open them halfway.
This person should consider getting a refund.
Do Not Park
Could this paint job have been prevented by a warning sign on the street? We have no idea; the driver, however, would be very furious. It looks good on the SUV though. However, the person who did the paint job would have to come back to finish the actual painting on the road.
How Does This Even Make Sense?
This is right at the top of the most outrageous mistakes we've come across. Forget about putting down the toilet seat, you have to put everything up just for you to crouch to go to the bathroom in this situation.
We advise caution so that you don't slip on the wider rim and make sure you don't sit on something uncomfortable.
Scare All Your Friends
With this giant plastic cockroach, you can now scare all of your friends. Just take a good look at the packaging and you'll see that toy inside isn't a tarantula. Although cockroaches are disgusting, they are not as scary as a tarantula, even though they have six legs.
We don't see the reason behind this colourful roadblock. The gate is so small that it can't even block a sidewalk entrance for pedestrians.
We hope the school has better security in other places than this pointless roadblock as it’s not keeping anybody out.
What’s In A Name?
The news business can be a stressful place to work especially when you have to make some modifications just before you go live on air. However, forgetting to write the name of the person on the news is a whole new thing.
This helps the suspect though, as nobody knows his name. He is simply known as the suspect who assaulted a dentist.
The Condiment Game
This is a dilemma. Is the one in the middle full of Mayonnaise as the sign says or is it full of mustard as the colour indicates? Fortunately, the eatery keeps those little bowls out on the side so you can pump some out before putting them on your food.
It'll hurt to put the wrong condiments on our lunch and ruin it.
Grab Me A Bag Of Those…
Those onions look really funky…. We would have understood that this was an error if it had been only one bag, but with this much, it'll be quite difficult not to notice the large label reading "ONIONS".
However, they were stuffed with corns instead. The label even has drawings of onions so that you can know exactly what is meant to go inside.
No Privacy Here
This is what most parents wish they can do to their kid's room doors so as to ensure that they are not getting into any trouble alone (or not alone) in their room. We don't need to point out that this doorknob was obviously fixed by an amateur, and it may be time to call a professional.
Trouble Pouring
There's a chance that somebody might get fired at Rubicon or get a query at the least. We are sure a lot of people were confused by this top. How fast can you drink the juice so it doesn’t go bad from being open?
Watch Out For That Pole
We can only hope that the fire department was able to remove the pipe or the door before there was any life-threatening emergency.
In the event that they didn't remove them, we hope they didn't injure themselves while sliding down and they all just decided to use the stairwell.
Where Customers Go To...
Can you guess the real name of this supermarket or the time it must have taken them to fix this sign?
We can't even imagine the number of customers they must have lost because they were scared of walking into the 'Die Mart', the scene of the next, big horror movie.
It’s What’s For Breakfast
Using a wrong letter in a word or phrase can change the whole meaning, and it turned out to be a very funny one in this situation.
I'm sure we would all love 'pop-tards' for breakfast. At least they changed the T and not the A.
Fortune Or Reality?
You don't need this cookie to tell you a fortune for the future as it has already won. Whoever was supposed to package this cookie was more interested in having fun than taking their job seriously. This individual is a star in our books. Great Job!
Inches Away
This alignment was very close, just a few inches off. We just hope that people don't slam the door into the wall as all the effort put into protecting would in vain if with were to crack.
Midfield To The Left
We hope the Minnesota Golden Gophers tried to fix this quickly before the players of the marching come onto the pitch.
It's possible that a logo that is off the center can confuse the players as to where the ball is really placed and it may also ruin the marching band's landmarks on the field and scatter their routine.
Go Home Line, You’re Drunk
We can't even begin to imagine what was going through the mind of the person operating the machine that painted these lines on the road. Did they doze off mid-shift and veered off the road?
Notwithstanding, drivers are going to have quite a problem following these rules of the road with these lines.
“Add Title Here”
It's not always an easy job to decorate desserts. In this situation, the individual responsible for writing on this cake probably wanted to check out the Olympic rings on the web before taking the instructions literally.
We wonder which Olympic athlete or fan got a cake to remember.
Another Chian
China has a population of more than a billion people making it one of the biggest countries on earth, so it should be a very famous country. While we are here, check out the placing of the phrase, we almost had an ADE IN CHIAN.
Outside In
I hope I’ll be far away from anyone who actually tries to grab the handle of this mug when there's hot coffee or tea inside, and honestly, there must have been a few people who have tried.
The worst part of this is that the handle takes up some of the space that's actually meant for coffee. Don’t mess with our coffee.
Choose A Side
You need to get a new printer, Fanta.
How is it possible that you print a can with whole logo upside-down except for the volume of the can and one phrase at the top? Fortunately for them, Fanta is a very popular product and will drink it even if we can’t read the can.
The Double Roll
The look of this is as though one toilet paper ate another one; like a horrible dad joke about having a twin in the womb before. We can see clearly that one roll won while the other got crushed completely.
But the real loser: the person who gets the carton.
9-1-1, Grammar Police Please
We don't know what competition this was but we think a kid might have designed the medals. Truthfully, the competition doesn't matter, the important this that the organizers should be embarrassed as no one noticed this error before they gave out the medals.
Telling Your Right From Your Left
We all figured out at a tender age how to tell directions i.e., right and left, by using our thumb and index finger.
However, it is clear that the people who made this remote didn't learn that trick and are struggling to figure it out as adults. Too bad for them the world now knows.
It’s A Human Baby
We should probably give the person who designed this banner the benefit of the doubt because we assume that they are making banners that promote gender equality. We have no idea what kind of person a child will grow up to become when born.
Maybe they’ll look back and say, hey, how’d you know?
What Tarts?
All we can do is hope that they are actually filled with right chocolaty goodness and not the brown stuffed written on the sign. I'll hate to be the first person to buy them and realize what is really inside.
Joint Balcony
There are too many things to look at in this picture. First, the balcony is in the middle of what seems like two separate apartments, but sometimes, neighbours have to share, right!
Also, there are no doors, which mean that the occupants would do quite a bit of work just to get a relaxing breath of fresh air on the porch.
Urinals For Women
Plenty of women have tried using the urinal, either because they couldn't hold their pee and had to use the men's room or just because they wanted to have that experience.
What we want to know is this: have enough women grown used to using urinals now that putting them in the ladies room is now a normal thing? We hope this was just a mix up with the signs.
There Are Toilets For That Woody
Hey, Woody is a toy that could have done a better job at going everywhere in the woods but then again, he's a toy and would not possibly know any better! This is without a doubt a very disturbing cake that destroys a child's most loved TV character and what is supposed to be a wholesome image. Bottom line, toys do not poop everywhere! This Woody cake is an image that should be immediately erased from everyone's mind! With the entry of Toy Story 4, there's always a possibility Woody's image can be restored.
What Is Spider-Man Doing?!
We've been staring at this Spider-Man cake and can't figure out what it's all about. He looks like he's getting ready to take a poop in a black garbage bag, but why? Is this instead the birth of Spider-Man from the womb and his favorite fan wanted to witness the blessed event? What the inspiration behind this creation is, it's far beyond any explanation we could come up with. The designing of Spider-Man is absolutely incredible in detail but what's going on around him is a complete mystery. If any Spider-Man fan has a clue, please let us know so we can stop scratching our heads. All thoughts are welcome!
You Can Take The Stairs Or The Stairs
We can only hope that there are at least one of those mechanical chairs that carry you up to be attached to the side of a stairwell that has a handicapped sign.
Not in this situation though. All we have here is just a big problem that we pray has been resolved now so that it can accommodate everybody.
Fan Down
At first look, you'll see that the fan is broken and has one of its wings missing, but when you take a closer look, you'll realize that there's something that looks like a wall or door in its path.
So we are not surprised that a wing is missing. Just a few hits at a high speed can knock one of the panels right off.
Too Close To Dispenser
Can you imagine how long it'll take people to figure out how they'll put their hand properly under this dispenser to wash their hand? Hopefully, they figured it out and didn’t just leave the restroom with their hands unwashed.
Too Cool For School
This is an example of what can go wrong when you put an advertisement on a school bus. The poor execution of this quit smoking advert will have made a few teenagers believe that it's cool to quit school.
Hopefully, they all stayed in school and didn't pick up the smoking habit.
Framing Issues
I'm sure we all have seen these signs that remind employees to wash their hands after using the restroom. This organization even went further to make a reminder for their blind workers as well by putting the reminder in brail.
The only problem was that they framed it! Can a blind person read brail without touching it, we wonder? Would they even know to look for it?
The Zoolander Problem
One of the dangerous things about road signs is putting up mismatching signs and it probably shouldn't be something we laugh about, but this is quite funny.
We can't even imagine how the individuals who hung the sign made this error, or maybe they forgot the part of the light that says when you can turn left.
First Name: Name, Last Name: Name
We've seen this error a number of times when a news channel is in a hurry to get on the air and they make a very careless error that we find very hilarious.
How do we know what to call this dude when we see him on the street and try to tell him that we saw him on the news and we agree with him completely?
The Effects Of Brain Freeze
These two flavors aren't even similar in any way, so how come they got mixed up? It's obvious that the cheery should be red and the green apple should be green.
We hope nobody got confused by this mix-up and everyone got the flavors they wanted.
Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow
That's so many yellows, which makes you wonder if the manufacturers of these crayons were trying out a joke thereby confusing the children, or maybe they are just color blind. We can't even tell if any of the options in a good one.
Satan Clause Is Coming To Town
To be honest, we don't think this was a mistake. Somebody, either an employee or a customer, did this and it is really hilarious.
The fact that it wasn't seen by anyone and corrected makes it even more hilarious. Happy holidays everyone!
This Isn’t Lord Of The Rings
For those who don't know, we don't live in Middle Earth and trees don't move on this planet.
However, in the event that you didn't know that, this ski resort sign that reminds you that trees have no legs and that you need to ski or snowboard around them.
Fill In The Blank
This Target worker definitely misunderstood the memo. We think they were told to make a few name tags that would be blank, and the employee took it literally. Notwithstanding why it happened, it’s a perfect set up for a dad joke.
The High School Outcasts
We hope the students that these lockers belong to do not have OCD, as it would be bad to make the highschool even tougher for students.
The look like they work though, so there are no excuses for students for not getting their stuff out of the lockers and getting to class on time.
Be Square
Whoever put this sticker was definitely distracted on the job because even illiterates can tell the difference between a square and a circle. How many stickers do you think this employee (mis)placed before noticing their mistake?
For The Couponers
The word 'FREE' is definitely an eye-catcher, but we suggest that you read the fine print in this situation. Buy 3 get 0 free is a great deal, for the store. Sorry all you Betty Crocker lovers, this isn’t your day for a deal.
Liquid Vs. Bar
Uhh, really? This person doesn't know the difference between a bar soap and liquid soap? On the bright side, there will be no complaints from anyone that there is no soap in the bathroom.
There is, you may just find it difficult getting to it.
Does Anyone Sell Used?
We imagine that the "unused" was understood already since the toilet paper is rolled up around a cardboard sphere and wrapped in tissue paper. Who in their right mind would try to sell used toilet paper?
Nobody would buy that unless it was used by a celebrity.
Facing The Wall
Can you guess which one came first, the bridge or the traffic light? This is an important question that will help us determine who is to be blamed for this stupid act.
Who is even expected to make use of this traffic light? There are so many unanswered questions in this photo.
George, George, George Of The Jungle….
…watch out for that tree. On a serious note though, Tarzan jokes aside, whose brilliant idea was it to put this seesaw and slide right in front and in between trees?
Even if they are junk and are supposed to be thrown away, there will definitely be a child who will see them and try to play with them thereby hurting him/her. This is a dangerous situation all around.
You Don’t Need Us To Tell Time
We can't decide if this is just failure, laziness or pure sarcastic genius. Anybody that knows how to tell the time can do it without the other numbers after 4 O'clock.
However, there are those who don't know who to tell the time with an analog clock, so they would definitely hate this clock.
Cat Fail
This cat can be forgiven for not catching the mouse sitting on its head because we know that cats do a lot of other jobs. One of them is judging us, humans, secretly.
Jesus Cat
Though we don't understand what this billboard says, we just hope that it's making a kind of religious joke that goes with the placement of this advert.
If the cat's stance in the advert wasn't planned to go along with the billboard's surroundings, then this picture is even better than we previously thought.
The Fun Of The Afterlife
This sign should be removed immediately by whoever placed it on the fence. We don't know if it was the church or somebody else, but we are sure that encouraging the community to join the fun with the cemetery in the background won't yield a good result.
We Won’t…
They should have bought a truck with a door this is pulled up instead of that which opens this way in this situation, or perhaps they should have reconsidered the slogan placement prior to designing the logo on the truck itself. Either way, we hope they actually do.
Spiraling Out Of Control
The people who placed these stairs in the wrong place are clearly not in control of what they are doing. The stairs are obviously supposed to match up to the doors, with a place to step off the stairwell. What happened?
A Great Seat
These are stadium seats we hope nobody bought tickets for. Our hope is that the stadium owners didn't pay the person who built the wall of brick in front of the seats.
Great Value, Bad Planning
The worst part of this situation is that the actual contents of the box can be seen through the small window opening. Why are there forks in it when the box itself says spoons and is covered with pictures of spoons?
A lot of people wouldn't take the time to check what's inside, which means some people went home with an extra 100 forks.
Pumpkin Identity Crisis
Everyone can see clearly that these pumpkins are not orange, so, unless these pumpkins are dressed up for Halloween and are hoping to trick you, they aren't orange pumpkins. Hey, at least they’re only a dollar.
Raised The Bar
We all love the products of this chocolate company, and we think they were trying something new for Valentine's Day or something like that. There was one problem though, it doesn't read XOXO when placed like this, which means that the message might be delivered improperly.
It All Starts With Chicken?
Who remembers Jessica Simpson's gaffe of about 13 years ago, where she mixed up a tuna fish for a chicken of the sea on her reality show? This situation completely takes up back to the hilarious episode.
Christmas Time!
Won't it be a really beautiful thing to see how the world has become one big place where nationality and religion don't matter? Otherwise, there would be no explanation as to why an Israeli flag is placed inside a Christmas Decoration pack.
The Hot Dog Challenge
In all honesty, we're quite confused. When did hot dogs become round and could fit inside a round bun? Have hamburgers also become long and thing?
The Disrespectful Times
This, in every sense of the word, is what we call 'Bad News'.
Reading that cats were found dead is bad news in itself, but for the editor of this newspaper not to notice that the report was placed next to a picture of a man grilling some sort of dead meat is perhaps a greater form of bad news.
The "Breed" Of People Who Had One Job
There are different types of people in the world, some work better than others, however, when there is an individual who spells the word 'bird' incorrectly on a whole stock of decorative cups, then you are sure that they must be very special.
At least the store was smart enough to reduce the price of the item.
Banana Socks
This could possibly be some sort of fashion statement where you wear socks that has a pineapple drawn on it but read something completely different like 'Banana', and it may simply the case where someone can't differentiate their fruits.
Tomatoes Tomatoes
You shouldn't be picky about the canned food you want to buy, but what if you wanted to buy a canned item containing diced tomatoes in garlic and you ended up having peaches in syrup instead?
After all, it is canned. It does say though that it’s food you feel good about.
Disabled To Spell
Although the capital letters 'D' and 'B' are very similar when you write them out, however, some person will find this writing completely disrespectful. People with disabilities will not find this funny.
A Little Sympathy
It's always hard to say goodbye, and because it's so hard, some individuals don't know how to console others.
However, do us a favor of not getting them this 'the countdown's over' card simply because it happens to be in the 'sympathy loss of loved one' section.
Product Placement
One of the most important things in branding and advertising is Product Placement. It has its influence on how well the sales go. We believe that Pampers won't like the idea that their diapers were placed under a sign that read 'made real & tasty'.
They Deliver
This eatery is either a genius for placing this sign wrong due to the fact that it catches everyone's attention by forcing the reader to dead backward, or they were planning much ahead when the sign was placed on the window from inside.
Sugar-Free Sugar
This is a perfect reason why customers don't trust food conglomerates. How can they try to sell you sugar that is sugar-free? Confused? So are we.
What Happened To Those Tangerines?
From what we know about fruits, tangerines are normally orange and are smaller than watermelons, but perhaps we haven't been up-to-date on the current development or because we haven't been to the store in such a long time that tangerines have taken the form of watermelons now.
Superhero Lighter
Let’s make one thing clear, there's nothing super-heroic about a lighter because it's related to smoking, which we all know is bad for the health.
Nonetheless, if the person who designed it wanted to put an image of a superhero on the lighter, they might as well get the character right.
It’s Wet Until It’s Not
This individual is a very serious minded person and must task each task assigned to them very seriously and they pay attention to every little detail.
This is a good example of the phrase 'thinking outside the box' and they also make sure that everybody gets the message.
Made In China?
It is well-known facts that most goods these days are produced in China, even though some companies try to say that their products are made locally. This is simply very hilarious and we are certain that the Chinese would be very proud of this.
It’s Not Rocket Science
You shouldn't be able to afford to make this kind of technical error on your gadgets, Acer. Having a letter missing should be the highest form for the mistake on your gadgets.
Swing By This Swing
This swing looks like it was brought from hell, or that’s the way the poor mother who brought her child to the park just to see that her child wouldn't be able to go on the swing will see it. Good luck for her.
It’s quite understandable when people confuse dogs for wolves, but how in the world would you mix up a dog with an ostrich? Their animal instincts didn’t quite work here.
Got Milk?
We are amazed that this got approval from the graphic designer from such a big cereal brand. Even people who don't like cereals know that the milk is poured into the bowl and not outside.
Don’t Pay, Or Do Pay
This must have been a really good deal that this company making these Speedo swimming goggles can't arrive at a decision on the price they want to sell it. Is it $9.95 or not? A little contradicting, don’t you think?
Do You Want To Go Down Or Down?
What's the point of having two arrows facing down and writing 'up' and 'down' beside them in an elevator? This would be confusing for the average man using the elevator.
On a bright note though, the colors of the buttons are different.
Same Film, Different Actor
It is very obvious that this is clearly not Billy Dee Williams but the actor, Harrison Ford. If these two actors have anything in common, it would be that they acted in the same movie. Besides that, they are completely different individuals.
What Kind Of Disability Is That?
We understand in this case that it was with the good intention of creating more parking spaces for the disabled, but what we don't get is the type of disability that is painted here. It seems more like a man sitting a large ball than any other thing.
Snacks That Will Make You Cry
Don't you think that this whole health trend has gone a little too far? We agree that it's necessary to eat less saturated-fat packed snacks, but adding onions to it is a bit far. Just don’t try and kiss anyone after.
We have traffic signs to thank for helping the driver know which alternate lanes to use so that they don't get stuck in traffic. However, this sign should keep its contractions away next time.
That’s A Funny Bunny
We aren't veterinarians but we are very sure that these are not bunnies. Also, who knew that a bunny was so expensive?
Forgot Something?
Don't you think it'll be wise to include avocado on the list of ingredients for an avocado wrap? The avocado should definitely be included.
This might be the most romantic bathroom for two men. This restroom shows that there's always room for two males bond while they urinate even if it's inside a public restroom.
The Annual
We don't have the slightest clue what annual event this shirt is for, maybe it's for the annual conference of some kind or an annual forum, but hopefully not for an annual spelling contest.
Ring Pop Or Lollypop?
The kid who drags his mom all through the store simply to discover that his favorite ring-pops are just normal lollypops would be extremely disappointed.
The High Five Light
Now, this street is a cool one to walk through and it also has an awesome crosswalk to cross due to the fact that you get a high five from the hand inside the traffic. We are sure the sign was meant to be a stop sign.
The Soft Drink War
Who could have imagined that World War III would be between Coca-Cola and Pepsi? These two soft drink companies who are bitter rivals wouldn't find this amusing in the least.
Coke Dressed As Fanta
Whose corner are you in? The most disappointing thing is finding out you bought Coke in the lace of Fanta or vice versa.
Higher Education
We can't speak for you but we sure wouldn't want our kids in a school that can't even spell the word 'school' right. Hopefully, they'll learn the important things at the very least.
Got Milk? Actually Yes
We might be wrong though, but doesn't non-dairy mean that the item doesn't contain milk? So, why does this creamer say 'contains milk'? This is yet another reason why you should trust these companies.
The Skittles Challenge
Umm... what’s wrong with this candy machine? Why are the Skittles not pouring out of the machine when the switch is on? This is because the person responsible for t forgot to remove them from their pack and pour them inside the box.
Where Do We Apply?
Has the education system become so lenient on the use of drugs on the school property? We think we are missing something here; otherwise, it’ll be surprised to know that some schools allow the use of different substances.
Some Hot Beans
Van Camps really need to tell their employees who are in charge of the brand's image to pay attention to how the name of their product is written on the packs. We think the intended inscription was 'pork & beans'.
Ok, there are a few things that make us go ‘hmm’ about this one. First, the white and black forms are all mixed up, and second, why do they have different costs even though they are of the same size but have different colors?
Drowning? LOL
Drowning is a very serious issue, but this sign has a large LOL written on it.
Our hope is that the sign was placed on this beach long before acronyms became included in our day-to-to vocabulary, and we pray they people take actions immediately when they see someone drowning instead of taking photos.
“Long Yellow Things”
'Long yellow thing' can be one way to describe bananas. Is there anybody out there that doesn't know what bananas are called? This store may have really great deals, but the employees can't be trusted.
Cream Of The Crop
We know that Tortinhas are very consistent with their bite-sized snack, even with the passion fruit cream inside is bite-size, or closer to no size. It'll be very annoying to get one of those!
It's good that there's a gate there to stop people from walking on this sidewalk. They definitely cannot just move one step to the left or right and walk past the gate on the grass.
Winter Is Just A Few Steps Away
Oh, now we get it. This must be a mall somewhere in Australia where the typically cold season is usually hot. If not, this advert is a really bad one.
The number of times you play this dinosaur puzzle or the number of times you turn it around in different angles doesn't matter, it'll never take the shape of a dolphin.
Say What?
The breaks between the windows should really be considered by the store owners because it may make sentences appear in an order in which they do now make any sense. Carpet your whole what?
The Perfect Gift
Domestos Toilet Gel will definitely be appreciated as the perfect gift for all mothers on mother's day! There's nothing better than a total blast of non-appreciation to make us feel so loved on this special day.
Talk About Insensitive
In this situation, we hope that "loss of loved one" means breaking up with someone, as it would reduce the insensitivity of this card than from its looks on the outside.
Perhaps it was made especially for people who love dogs but is still isn't a good reason to put a dog in a sombrero on a card for an individual who just lost someone dear to them.
Inside Out Taco
The individual who was on duty at this Taco Bell shop was definitely distracted while making this Doritos taco, or perhaps they were trying to create their own style of a 'build your own to see if it would succeed'. I mean, all the ingredients are there.
Underwear Equality
Is this a genuine mistake or a gender equality statement? We think it's the former.
This is good news for boys who end up wearing them because of the confusion as it was bought by mistake, not because they like strawberries or pink. Your underwear is not normally seen anyway.
You Missed A Spot
There's still chocolate there, after all, it's just at the wrong place. This is the real question, is there also chocolate on the inside of the cone?
If yes, then it's a welcomed mistake. The more the chocolate, more the yum!
No Worries
Don’t worry, in the event that the boat drowns, the cool slogan will still remain at the top it. Well isn’t it ironic to watch? You should worry less about the name of your boat and more on its durability.
Watch Your Step And Weight
Can you guess which of these stores got there first, the weight watchers branch or the Domino's pizza?
Whatever the case, one of them should plan ahead better, in terms of their store's location at the very least.
The Outcast Bench
This alley looks like a cool place to walk to with your pet or partner, but there is only one problem.
If you were to feel tired and you wanted to rest on a bench, it'll be much more exhausting to reach the bench behind the fence than the stress of standing while tired.
It’s My Party And I’ll Fail If I Want To
We're sure that this birthday boy was surprised when he noticed that the banner read something different to 'happy birthday'. Who cares anyway, the important thing is having a good day.
Honestly, this picture frame is confusing to us. First, we didn't think that people still used picture frames for their photos. Second, would it be insulting to buy this frame with a picture of a cat if we owned a dog?
The frame does say 'my dog' at the bottom, so it should count, right? It’s really all about how you frame things, literally, and it’s ok if your animalistic instincts aren’t as sharp as they used to be.
Red Hot Chilly Paper
One of the most successful rock bands of all time is the Red Hot Chili Peppers and they have a lot of hits under their belts. Fans who wish to purchase their CD should make sure they don't buy cold paper instead.
Going by what is written on this label, all you'll find in cold paper is red hot color. We don’t think they would appreciate it.
‘Cause This Is Africa
This can be called a 'fashion statement'. It totally gets your attention with its bold and outrageous style even though its design and inscription is incorrect.
That is the picture of Africa on the T-shirt and not Asia, and those who didn't know that should consider leaving their geography course. They should have written South America instead, that has a similar look to the map of Africa.
Happy Birthday Ryan
This Ryan kid knows exactly what he wants to be written on his birthday cake. He has an eternal love for Sesame Street that he wants the Sesame Street kit too.
But Ryan is confused about one thing, why does it say CK-543C at the top of his cake? It seems like it wasn’t a piece of cake for the person decorating this dessert to read the directions correctly.
It’s The End Of The Road
People riding bikes around the city have now become something common and it seems as though people actually prefer this form of transportation than driving around.
They even have special pathways for bicycle riders built by the city. But they did a poor job with this lane, as it seems to use that anybody who gets here would not have a choice as to where to go.
Double Agent
We are either seeing double visions or Ben must have a twin sister named Teresa that looks exactly like his. She's even dressed and posed in the same way as Ben.
Leaving the jokes out, one thing you don't mess with is a person's yearbook photo. It has a reputation for not being the most flattering thing in the world, so making an error on this is a big NO! We have a feeling Teresa isn’s so happy about this.
Ice Ice Baby
McDonald's is a fast food chain after all, so should we expect anything less or more from them? They sure have taken this 'fast food' concept too far when they packed popcorn in an ice bag.
There are just two options here, either the customer gets ice-cold popcorn or the ice will be warm and crunchy like the popcorn. This is a nice idea for the summer though.
The Eiffel Tower
The fact that somebody really thought that the Eiffel Tower was in London makes this phone cover hurt our eyes. Yes, we know they are both countries in Europe, but how can some be so ignorant and make sure a huge mistake?
We just hope that nobody goes looking for the Eiffel Tower in London when on a trip to the big city.
Black Strawberries
Which team do you belong to, grapes or strawberries? You either love your berries big and thorny or small and sweet. Whoever was responsible for packing these grapes was uncertain about the particular fruit he wanted.
Regardless, it'll be amusing to the faces of people when they notice that they not getting what thought they bought.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that the sign up there has a photo of a Koala and not that of Panda. We know that they are but bear, but if we were to ask an expert who works at a zoo, he would be totally confused as to how anybody could mistake one for the other.
Do you think it’s too late to change the logo of Panda Garden to a real panda?
Didn’t Follow Directions
We understand that it can be a little confusing to get right, left and center correct, especially when you can't determine which way you should look at it from.
However, placing the center switch on the left side and the left switch in the middle is just a crazy and hilarious way to mess with people when they want to play with the lighting. The individual who did this should have just turned off the lights and leave.
Lemonade Juice From Limes?
It's fine if you can't tell the difference between lemons and limes unless you are a food lover or someone who really loves to cook.
Most people, however, especially those working in the store, must know that lemons are yellow, so it shouldn't be difficult to place lemon juice packages in the appropriate box. You know what they say about these types of cases.
Your child is super pumped about getting his first pajama party that he decides that he wants a new set of PJ's so he can show off to his friends. What the kid failed the notice was that he was shopping in the nightwear from hell section.
It would have a scary confusion to realize that you were at the 'children's nightmare' section and not the nightwear section. Hopefully, there will be no nightmares when he goes to bed.
The Latest Member Of The UK?
The person who designed these flip-flops must think that Canada still has some political ties with the UK. Although they share the same monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, Canada is no longer part of the British Empire.
We can only imagine the number such flip-flops that were made, and we are quite surprised that people actually wear them.
Bottom To Top
Although we have seen a lot of magic trick where the magician cuts his assistant into two and he moves the body part, this billboard, however, tops all we've ever seen.
The person assigned with the task of this billboard must have thought it was a nice marketing tactic, or they simply weren't making use of their brains.
Happy, Happy Rhino
The individual who designed this shirt might have to go back to elementary school and re-learn what animals look like. Though hippos and rhinos have similar properties – they’re both large and grey – but there’s one large, white difference between them.
To Enter Or Not To Enter?
For how long would you stand by this door trying to determine if you can go in or not? It won't be wise to make an error and wound up in a stampede of shoppers and trolleys going out of the store. The best thing to do is simply find another entrance.