Of course, our old action toys, board games, and card collections have sentimental value. But as time goes by and these items become rarer, they also gain some impressive monetary value.

That's right, it's time to take a trip down memory lane, and dust off that old box of games in the basement, because your favorite childhood toy may now be worth a fortune!
Let's find out if you have a priceless toy locked away!
Easy-Bake Oven
Every kid in town had an Easy-Bake Oven in the '60s and '70s. Nothing represented the American Dream and the lifestyle of real-life 60's housewives like this toy. If you desperately wanted to buy one too, all you had to do was work the lemonade stand for a day or two, as it only cost $11.

Nowadays, the price for an Easy-Bake Oven is just as high as the price of an actual oven! This 'National Toy Hall of Fame' award recipient retails for as high as $4,000!
Happy Meals Toys
Let's admit it, sometimes we'd beg our parents for a happy meal mostly for the free toy surprise. Though McDonald's continues to give out little toys with their happy meals, some of the older toys are increasing in value.

If you happen to have any older toys from the 1990s lying around in your childhood bedroom, you could earn a pretty penny - some are worth around $100, depending on how rare they are. Some of the old happy meal toys, called the 'McFurbys', were sold for $900 on eBay!
Rainbow Brite Doll
The Rainbow Brite Dolls were the lesser-known competitor of the 1980's Strawberry Shortcake Dolls. Still, if you happen to have one of these lying around in the attic, you might earn around $100.

Originally, these colorful dolls retailed for only 7 bucks, but nowadays the bids on online marketplaces have been more than generous for these.
Believe it or not, the simple toy we all know and love is now worth $120! Back in the day, you only paid a tenth of that price. These infamous toys first became famous after screening advertisements for them in Illinois schools.

Kids these days would rather play games on their iPads than out in the real world, but back then kids would run, jump, and skip into the stores to by these swerving toys.
Lite Brite
TIME Magazine named the Lite Brite as one of the top 100 toys of all time. We all know and love the magical device with its endless design options. 90s kids were especially fond of the toy.

Though Lite Bright has been around since 1967 and continues to enjoy success, the rarer, original devices will garner the highest sum. If you're lucky enough to have one lying around, you could stand to make $150 in online auctions. Pretty impressive, considering you originally bought it for $9.97!
Socker Bopper
When you're a kid, the occasional fistfight is inevitable... and totally fun! With the Socker Bopper inflatable boxing pillows, kids could blow off steam by punching each other in the face for hours on end, without their parents worrying about injury. A win-win for all.

These vintage gloves retail for $90 on the internet nowadays. Some might say this toy is on the ridiculous side, and it definitely is unique. But that makes it all the rarer, and probably worth the investment!
If you were a kid in the 90s, there's no doubt you've used a HitClips to listen to your favorite artists... Like No Doubt! While the invention of the iPod and Spotify has turned these little cartridges completely obsolete, some will pay a pretty penny for nostalgia's sake.

Originally, you could get one of these bad boys for only 5 bucks, but nowadays some are sold for more than $100 online. If you decide to get one, you'll be listening to music from over 25 years ago, which is awesome or awful, depending on who you ask!
Nerf Turbo Screamer
Once upon a time, children used to play outside with their friends on a daily basis. And they'd have the most fun when one of the kids brought along the Nerf Turbo Screamer - the famous whistling Nerf ball.

On eBay, you can find one of these for around $100 nowadays, but back in the good old days, the Nerf Turbo Screamer retailed for only $12.
Fisher-Price Little People Family House
You'll be shocked how much some Fisher-Price items can go for, as you'll see later on. But for now, let's see how much the Little People Family House is worth nowadays - a relatively modest amount compared to the ones you'll see later on.

If you look around on eBay, you can see this selling for around $200 if they are still in good condition and have all the necessary components. Originally, this toy came in two colors – but for some reason, the yellow one is now much more profitable!
Moon Shoes
There's no doubt the '80s and '90s brought us some of the silliest fashion trends ever. But the less-than-stylish design of the Moon Shoes had a genius concept behind it - it was meant to make you feel like you were bouncing on the moon!

Kids went crazy for these, bouncing around the house clumsily for hours. They cost a little less than $40 way back when, but now you could sell your pair for 5 times that!
Dear Diary
The Dear Diary toy was the number one item on every young girl's wish list! These pocket-sized electronic secret keepers were a hit because they let you set up a secret code that you had to enter before you could access the diary.

Nowadays, it seems every kid has a fingerprint-technology-protected smartphone, but back in the day, Dear Diary was basically at the forefront of cybersecurity. You could still buy them on Amazon for $30, but if you have one in its original packaging, you could stand to make $200!
The Talkboy was made popular in the 1990s after an appearance on Home Alone 2, where it was used by Kevin McCallister. These toys were basically the male equivalent of the Dear Diaries toys.

The recording devices can retail for up to $130 on eBay. With modern technology advancing and smartphones acting as our default recording devices, the Talkboy is more of a nostalgia purchase! What secrets did you tell your Talkboy?
Bop It Extreme 2
Back in the 1990s, every kid on the block owned a Bop It Extreme. The Bop It toy range started off like a stick with three simple buttons and quickly evolved into a five-levered toy!

If you have one of these lying around, you could potentially earn up to $212. Especially if all the pieces are still in order. That's quite a high-profit margin from those $12 you paid as a kid!
Boy Scouts Memorabilia
If you happened to be in the boy scouts as a kid, you probably amassed an impressive number of medals and badges. But all those hard-earned awards are worth more than just a sense of pride and nostalgia!

You received them for free back in the good old days, but nowadays boy scouts memorabilia are sold for around $240 apiece, so if you were a well-behaved boy scout, you could be making some serious cash!
G.I. Joe Breaker
When the G.I. Joe Breaker action figure first hit the shelves in 1982, kids everywhere were immediately obsessed. Back then, it only cost $2.

If you happen to still own one, you could collect around $250 for this toy if it is still in good condition!
Barbie Golden Dream Motorhome
If you were one of those die-hard Barbie fans who ran to the store with every accessory release, you might be in for a treat. This particular accessory, the Barbie Golden Dream Motorhome – can be sold for $325!

Hurry up and check the toy boxes at home and maybe you can claim your reward online! Some of the Barbie toys actually go for thousands.
Tickle Me Elmo
People sure did love the Tickle Me Elmo doll back in the 1990s! Parents all over the country were willing to pay some serious money to hunt one of these down.

And as it turns out, the investment was worth it. Through online auctions, some owners of these Elmo toys received around $350. Who'll have the last (Elmo) laugh?
Vintage Lunch Boxes
Everybody eats lunch, and so there's no doubt you at one point had a snazzy lunchbox. Question is, whether or not you held on to yours. The tin-made vintage versions of these handy containers are becoming increasingly popular, and you could stand to make some dough.

The classic boxes featuring old beloved superstars and characters are more popular than ever, selling for hundreds and hundreds of dollars. The rarer, the better!
The View-Master first hit the stores in 1939, quite a long time ago. Maybe someone in your family has these lying around from their childhood, or maybe you even have these binocular-inspired devices which were used to view photos of tourist sites from all over the world.

Like most toys, these became irrelevant with the advent of smarter technology - who needs a View-Master when you can see any picture you want on your smartphone, or even use virtual reality goggles? It seems some people are still willing to pay up to $430 for these, probably for nostalgia's sake.
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls
This sweet little doll came out in 1979 and was the popular lead character of The World of Strawberry Shortcake. Muriel Fahrion created the character, which went on to inspire TV shows, films, merchandise, and of course, toys.

$550 is what you stand to earn if you still have one of these. Time to go see if yours is still lying around, and fingers crossed it's still in its original package!
Super Soaker
If you were a kid in the '90s and '00s, your summer memories inevitably included water fights with advanced water gun toys such as the Super Soaker.

If yours is still in good shape, it can rack up more than $600! As these progressed and newer versions came out, the Super Soaker became a sophisticated machine of water-weapons. And the company that produces them has earned around 1 billion dollars from these bad boys.
Toy Story Toys
A Woody or Buzz Toy was a staple for every kid who grew up in the 1990s. Surprisingly, while those could get you an impressive $500, it’s actually the supporting characters who are most valuable nowadays, possibly because they're much rarer.

If you happen to have an old Stinky Pete from Toy Story 3, you could earn $700. With the new Toy Story 4 that came out recently, new characters have been introduced. Make sure to stock on those for some serious future rewards!
Nintendo 64 Games
The Nintendo 64 console and games were pretty expensive even when they came out, but boy oh boy were people willing to pay the price for these popular toys. Mario Kart 64, of course, takes the crown for the most valuable game, to this day.

If you have an unopened, unused one, you could trade it in for $750! Harvest Moon 64, a cult favorite game as you may remember, now goes for $900. What are you waiting for?
The Real Ghostbusters: Fright Feature Action Figure
Who are you gonna call? the Fright Feature Action Figure! If you own some of the Ghostbusters action figures then you could possibly make around $900, not too bad.

The film came out around 30 years ago but the franchise is still popular as ever, with a recent gender-reversed reboot coming out in 2016.
My Little Pony Dolls
My Little Pony dolls are popular, we all know that. But just how popular? In the 1980s, 150 million were sold in the US alone, how crazy is that!

This franchise's popularity is going strong to this day. If your vintage My Little Pony doll is in its package and collecting dust somewhere, try offering it up for sale online. If you feel like making $900, that is.
Remember the Furbys? Who could forget these unique toys, with their own gibberish language and eyes rolling around, to the dismay of parents everywhere? Strangely enough, these toys became one of the biggest toys of the 1990s.

But parents annoyed by the Furby's sound might reconsider their stance when they find out that this vintage toy is now worth a whopping $900! If it's still intact, that is.
Glitter and Gold Jem Doll
If you happen to be the owner of these iconic 80's dolls you're about to make some serious profits! These dolls, inspired by the successful show Jem and the Holograms, became an instant sensation among shoppers, even long after the show itself was canceled.

In the '80s, you paid a mere $3 for them, but nowadays you can sell them for an impressive amount - can you guess how much they're worth? A whopping $200!
Spice Girls Doll Collection
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want... A Spice Girls doll collection! These five girls formed the hottest band in the world back in the '90s and were so popular that they had dolls made in their image.

If you wanted to collect the Posh, Baby, Ginger, Scary and Sporty dolls, you had to pay $15 back in the day, but nowadays you'll have to shell out $225 for the Spice Girls Dolls.
Sky Dancer
Don't be fooled by the pretty colors and dainty fairy appearance - these are probably the most dangerous toys on the list! Sky Dancers were developed by twin brothers John Anthony Gentile, who worked with an aviation expert to create a toy which would soar up into the sky at the pull of a string.

Many toy makers rejected the Sky Dancer at first, but these pretty fairies eventually became incredibly popular. Later on, many of them were recalled due to concerns for children's safety, which made the toys rarer and even more prized.
Sit 'N' Spin
Toddlers LOVED these and parents could not be more overjoyed. The Sit 'N' Spin would entertain the little ones for hours on end, getting most of their energy out, while parents could kick back and relax.

They have since been discontinued, but have no fear! You can track one down on eBay for $90. That's still quite a price hike from the original price of $12.99, but hey, you never know what it'll be worth in 10 more years!
Pokemon Cards
We’re sure any ‘90s kids couldn’t forget how irresistible it was to collect these Pokemon cards. At the peak of Pokemon’s fame, children would go crazy to collect the rarest cards. The challenge of tracking down a holographic card in one deck and exchanging various cards to complete a set was endlessly amusing.

Since the release of the Pokemon cards in the early '90s, they are still popular and have acquired a huge fan base. In fact, there are a few Pokemon cards that are even worth thousands, subject to condition and rarity.
Luke Skywalker Action Figure
We don’t know anyone who’s not a fan of the Star Wars trilogy, though we’re told these people exist. Needless to say, watching these epic films during our younger years was a thrilling experience we still cherish. Nowadays, action figures of original characters are extremely difficult to find.

That is why dedicated collectors are willing to drop a massive amount to own rare Star Wars toys. Indeed, a 1978 Luke Skywalker Action figure was sold for $25,000 back in 2015.
PEZ Dispensers
This list wouldn’t be complete without this childhood favorite – the PEZ dispenser! This manual candy dispenser was so loved by kids that they collected as many dispensers as they could once they ran empty. Santa Claus and Mickey Mouse were among the original character dispensers.

The demand for these bobble sticks never diminished. As a matter of fact, a 1982 ‘Astronaut B’ PEZ dispenser was sold on eBay for a whopping $32,000! That said, it’s time to check your old toy collection for any rare PEZ dispensers that you can auction.
The Original Monopoly
There are many versions of this trading board game now, but nothing compares to the original. Back in 2011, the hand-drawn rendition of this game, which was made by Charles Darrow in 1933, was sold for an astonishing $146,500.

We’re sure you’ll want to hold onto Monopoly for Millennials or Game of Thrones Monopoly but if you want to earn a pretty penny, be ready to sell the vintage versions from the 1930s or other limited edition versions.
Nintendo Game Boy
Back in the early ‘90s, this huge Game Boy was so trendy that children had to plead with their parents to buy one for them. Nowadays, with all the wonderful graphics of modern consoles, who needs a vintage model? There’s the Game Boy Advance and GameBoy Color, but then again, nothing beats the original of all originals.

Curious as to the value of the original Game Boy? Well, these popular consoles can sell for up to thousands depending on the rarity and condition. A special edition Game Boy Light has a price tag of more than $1,500.
Pound Puppies Plush – First Edition
Another favorite childhood toy is the soft Pound Puppies Plush. Sold by Tonka in the ’80s, this toy line inspired a TV special, two animated TV series, and a feature movie. The puppies were so popular thanks to their signature floppy ears and droopy eyes.

When they were released on the market, kids could not get enough of their cuteness and softness. A first edition version of the toy is so special and limited that it can go for $5,000.
Sega Genesis
If you were a hardcore player (and collector) of Sonic games, you'll know the Sega Genesis. Launched in 1988, this video game console quickly became a childhood favorite. Kids from different countries had to beg their parents to get one for them.

Anyone up for a game of Sonic or Mario Kart? If you have kept one, you might consider selling it. Note that a single console in good condition could net you up to $2,000. What an amazing deal!
The Transformers
Launched by Hasbro back in the 1980s, the Transformers were an epic success. In light of the sheer volume of products displayed in toy stores, there were a ton of children going gaga for anything Transformers-related.

Despite the fact that there are many of these accessible for purchase today in a variety of versions, collector items are worth far more than the modern versions. If you have the first edition in mint condition and it comes with its original box, you are guaranteed to rake in $2,000 or more!
Stretch Armstrong
Stretch Armstrong is a stretchy, gel-filled fellow with arms that can be extended as far as possible without getting destroyed. You’re lucky if you own a rare vintage Stretch Armstrong doll. Did you know that one of these toys sold at auction with an insane starting bid of $4,000?

This cost increased to $10,000 thanks to its diehard collectors. Our thoughts on this action figure? Aside from the fun of playing with those stretchy arms, you can earn a massive amount of cash if you’re willing to part with yours!
First Edition Action Comics
If you’re an avid fan of comics, you’ll definitely have an enviable collection that started when you were still young. Obviously, nothing compares to the first editions. An intact 1938 edition of Action Comics is the most expensive comic book sold on eBay.

It sold in 2014 for an incredible $3,207,852! Yep, you read that right. What’s with the craze? FYI, this is the comic book that introduced Superman, and there are less than 50 known to exist around the world.