Age Ain't Nothing But A Number - Why You Should Adopt A Senior Pet

Pups and kittens are adorable and make a wonderful addition to the family. Everybody wants to bring one home. However, if you’re considering becoming a pet parent, very few things compare to the love of a senior pet. Not convinced? We have compelling reasons that may change your mind!

They Already Know the Basics

Senior pets are perfect for first-time pet parents. The chances are that your senior pet already knows the basic commands and how to walk on a leash. They’re familiar with litterboxes and come housebroken. Pretty ideal! 

Fully-Formed Personalities

Older pets have seen and done it all, well almost. Their puppy or kitten years are far behind them – meaning they already have well-rounded, developed personalities. It becomes easier to decide whether a pet will be a good fit for the family and vice-versa. 

Self-Assured and Independent

Senior pets love being by their humans’ side, but they don’t need to be there all the time. They know how keep themselves occupied or amused – without destroying the house. You’ll often find them happily taking a nap or playing by themselves.

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks?

Sure you can! Senior pets are quick, eager learners. They adjust easily to new lifestyles and rhythms. One only needs to communicate it through training. Contrary to popular belief, older dogs don’t just lie down all day. Aside from any medical conditions, they still can and even enjoy to hike, play, run, and jump like their younger selves!

So Much Love to Give

They may be older but it doesn’t mean they have any less love and affection to give you. Give a mature four-legged friend a home and get love back in leaps and bounds!