
Nov 28, 2022

This NBA Legends Quiz Will Put Anyone’s Knowledge to the Test

Basketball is always a fun sport to watch. So many people are passionate about it, and a select few have made a living playing or following it. One of the most viewed basketball leagues in the world is the NBA. We've witnessed many NBA players go from rookies to legends, and that’s what we intend to honor with this quiz. If you're reading this right now, we bet you're a die-hard NBA fan who knows a lot about the teams and players. You probably recognize them from their contributions to the league, but can you recognize them by their faces alone? If you're confident and want to challenge yourself, here are 40 questions about NBA legends to test your knowledge of the league.

Nov 27, 2022

Who Said It: Mr. Trump or Mr. Burns?

The guy who used to run the world Mr. Burns often sound the same. What are the differences between the once most powerful person in the world and the richest person in Springfield? Turns out - it may be hard to find sometimes. So if you think you are clever enough to tell the two apart - we challenge you take our 20 questions quiz - and who knows - maybe you'll learn a thing or two!

Nov 27, 2022

Mr. Trump or Mr. Burns or Mr. Musk?

The richest person on our planet, the guy who used to run the world Mr. Burns often sound the same. What are the differences between the once most powerful person in the world and the richest person in Springfield? Turns out - it may be hard to find sometimes. So if you think you are clever enough to tell the two apart - we challenge you take our 20 questions quiz - and who knows - maybe you'll learn a thing or two! 

Nov 27, 2022

Who Said It: Mr. Musk or Mr. Burns?

The guy now running Twitter and Mr. Burns often sound the same. What are the differences between the richest person in the world and the richest person in Springfield? Turns out - it may be hard to find sometimes. So if you think you are clever enough to tell the two apart - we challenge you take our 20 questions quiz - and who knows - maybe you'll learn a thing or two!  While coming from two different universes, the two share many similarities; mainly being the richest person around but also in their point of view, which one could argue are inherted from their status. Whatever the reason may be - we are here to show you just how similar a totally imaginary character and the world's richest person may be. 

Nov 26, 2022

Votre mémoire est photographique si vous pouvez identifier même 10/20 films à partir d'une photo

Si nous demandions "De quel film provient la phrase "Je suis ton père" ?", la plupart des gens répondraient immédiatement (et à juste titre) "Star Wars". La célèbre réplique de Dark Vador est connue de millions de personnes, y compris de nombreuses personnes qui n'ont jamais vu le film. Deviner le titre d'un film à partir de citations célèbres, de points de l'intrigue ou de personnages principaux est relativement facile pour les cinéphiles et les spectateurs occasionnels. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de relever le défi en testant la mémoire photographique . Les photos suivantes sont des cadres de films célèbres et cultes. Elles ne comportent que le strict minimum de détails supplémentaires pour vous aider à deviner de quels films elles proviennent. Êtes-vous prêt à relever le défi ? Si oui, nous vous suggérons de canaliser votre IMDb intérieur. Bonne chance.