Here's What Your Hair Tells You About Your Health

Everything in your body is interconnected. So if something is out of balance somewhere in your body, it can affect various processes. And sometimes your body shows you that in perhaps somewhat unexpected - and unwanted - ways. You can measure your health by your hair, for example. Are your luscious locks suddenly somewhat dry, brittle, or frizzy? If so, you may be suffering from the following:

Lack of nutrients

Do you have brittle or dull hair? You can fill your bathroom cabinet with expensive shampoos that promise you a luscious head of hair and wait for a miracle, but in general, healthy nutrition is much more effective (AND a lot more affordable). Make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. In addition to iron, for example, your hair craves protein, zinc, copper, and vitamins C and E.

Problems with your digestion

The connection between your gut and your hairstyle (whether radiant or not) may seem a bit far-fetched, but it is very well explained. This is because your gut and digestive system affect an enormous number of body processes. If the balance of bacteria in your gut is off, the health of your hair can suffer greatly. A course in probiotics can help bring things back into harmony. Or add fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi to your meals more often.

Slow thyroid

If you have a thyroid hormone deficiency, your hair follicles cannot recover properly. As a result, you may experience hair loss. Do you notice that your hair is thinning or do you even have bald patches on your skull? Then it is wise to have your hormone levels checked.

Iron deficiency

Iron plays an important role in many body processes and, among other things, is essential for beautiful, healthy hair. A deficiency can cause you to lose a lot of hair while showering or brushing. You can usually solve an iron deficiency by adjusting your diet. Among other things, there is plenty of iron in whole grain products, nuts, legumes, and dark green vegetables such as spinach. You can also take a supplement.