Assuming they can afford it, some couples like to customize their weddings to their own taste. The possibilities are endless, from outer space and fairytale themes to under-the-sea affairs or something more macabre. While weddings are really about reinforcing traditions, some couples prefer to use these events to let their humor and personalities shine through in their wedding photos.

We have compiled 40 wedding photos for you to enjoy and take inspiration from if you want your wedding pictures to be a little different from the run-of-the-mill wealth flexes that always make the rounds on social media.
We certainly love their creativity and talent on show here. Check them out!
Couple In Love (With Watermelons)
Watermelons aren’t seen at weddings that much. However, it’s good to have some watermelons as your props for your wedding photos, especially if you’re a couple that just loves them that much. Here’s an example of a couple with exactly that amount of love for each other (and the fruit).

The picture shows how much the groom loves watermelons, especially the juicy ones. It seems the bride has strangely posited the watermelon. Why is she holding it like that? And why is the groom slobbering on his slice with that look on his face? What could this possibly mean?
Picture Perfect Family Portrait
A family portrait is a must during weddings. Most couples have different family portraits starting with the bride’s family, up to the groom’s family, and of course, the merging of both families as a sign of blessing to the couple.

This picture shows otherwise. With the mother lying on the floor with bottles of beer plus the poses of the other family members, it seems that they gave the couple blessings, and they are very pretty happy about it. You could say a little too happy…
Love Is In The Air… And Chickens, Too
Releasing doves is one of the many traditions that sometimes happens at a wedding. It has been said that doves symbolize love, peace, and happiness—all the things that should manifest in your married life.

However, in this photo, the couple seems to have a different set of wedding traditions, as they release chickens into the air—plucked chickens, to be exact. Maybe the chicken is included on the buffet table?
Death By Bread
During weddings, we usually communicate to our photographers the concept we’d like to see in our photos. Some couples choose dreamy or cinematic images. Whatever they choose, it doesn’t matter, as long as both the bride and groom are enjoying the photo shoot.

This is indeed an original concept in all wedding photos. The picture might be saying that women should control a relationship through violence or that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Whatever the reason behind this concept, we want both of them to be happy.
Best Day Of Her Life?
In some wedding traditions, the family and friends of the bride would throw her a party to celebrate her last days of being single. In most countries, this event is called a bridal shower. There would be games, wines, and even laughter all throughout the celebration.

However, this soon-to-be bride doesn’t seem so thrilled about her party. Somehow, it looks like a horror film. Just look at the bride’s face and the man playing the instrument. We just hope he isn’t the groom.
Golden Teeth
For some people, photos taken in a studio after the wedding used to be a must back in the day. The bride and groom going to a studio and posing for cameras were one of the highlights of a wedding. Photos would bring memories throughout the ages.

This couple decided to “bite” their wedding bands while smiling in the photo. This seems like a strange way to flex your wedding rings. We can’t help but look at how perfect their teeth are, but the rings make it look like they both have golden fillings.
Genie In A Bottle
Some people have great levels of creativity, and they are able to use their talents to take their wedding photos to the next level. Why take a boring wedding photo that every other person has taken when you can do something unique? At least it might draw a laugh.

This duo decided to have a genie theme on their wedding picture, with the groom being the genie that came out on a wine bottle. But what could a bride possibly wish for on the happiest day of her life?
Bride’s Bridal Team
Having pictures with your bridesmaids during the wedding is a must. Together with the glamorous bridal team, it will surely bring back fond memories for years after your magical (and bank-account-busting) day.

There are so many photo concepts readily available out there; however, doing the photo shoot in the bathtub is probably the strangest we’ve ever come across. While everybody is happy and smiling, we’re sure one of them is having a hard time fitting in.
Centaur of Attention
Some couples opt to bring their pets to their ceremony. Some people find horses on a beach romantic and set up photoshoots with them there. But this couple seems to have taken the whole “horses” thing one step far—by becoming mythical creatures.

It’s like a beautiful dream you can’t wake up from, no matter how much you struggle. The love birds in the photo chose to be the centaurs by photoshopping their upper bodies into the necks of horses. That’s an interesting twist, to say the least.
Conflicting Ideas
Every couple is different. Some couples want to keep their ceremony low-key and just go with the flow; other couples choose extravagance. This photo shows neither, but it does have some conflicting elements.

For example, the bride seems to be going for a “happy go lucky, by the fireplace” type of pose. The groom, on the other hand, seems to be making a power play here by lying on top of his new wife, pulling her hair. We hope this couple manages to achieve a healthy power balance in the future.
Sit Or Stand
Women are rightly told that they can do anything men can do these days, but unless two she-wees are involved in this picture, we’re a little baffled by what we see. The bride and a bridesmaid seem to be relieving themselves against a wall while the men squat with their pants down.

It’s certainly a memorable photograph, if not romantic. The whole ceremony only lasts a day, so why not squeeze a few comedic moments out of the whole event?
Breakdancing During Reception
Right after the ceremony is the reception party. This is where everybody can dance, laugh, and have fun in general. In most cases, some traditions should be followed, and after that, guests and the couple can do whatever they want.

This bride seems to be excited about the first dance tradition. Maybe she's been waiting for this moment to come and do her favorite thing to do—breakdance. The guests seem to enjoy the scene as they clap and cheer for the bride.
A Whole New World With You
Aladdin's famous flying carpet is one of those many props that wedding couples do for their wedding photoshoot. Some couples also opted to dress like Prince Aladdin and Princess Jasmine to match the theme, and we say it’s fun to have that kind of concept in your picture taking.

On the other hand, this duo opted to have their whole new world photoshoot with the help of their trusted friends. Thanks to their maid of honor, bridesmaid, best man, and groomsman, they can keep their tradition alive—taking a photo with a carpet in the background.
We Are One
Weddings are a celebration of life and love. Couples who decided to push through with their marriage are said to be one. There are statements said by the ceremonial presider, whether a judge, priest, or pastor, that tell the couple that they are now one.

This couple took the statement literally. The photo had a good twist as the groom managed to hide at the bride’s wedding and to make it seem like his legs are a part of his future wife's body. We are not sure if the bride is ecstatic or crying because of how it turned out.
Vasectomy On The Cheap
Couples who love the same thing are not new. Actually, having mutual interests is a necessary way for couples to bond. Some of these mutual interests include sports and hobbies, and playing billiards might also be included on the list.

While this husband and wife want to be cool, flexing their hobbies (which we guess is playing billiards), this photo might have a double meaning. The expression of the groom is unexplainable, as he is not sure if the ball will hit his private parts. Just imagine if the bride actually did it!
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell As A Wedding Couple
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are best friends in Peter Pan movies. With Tinkerbell as a fairy sidekick of Peter Pan, they have built memories together as friends. With recent technology, especially with photoshop, anybody can be Tinkerbell, even the bride!

This photo is perfectly crafted in its own way. The couple decided to make the Tinkerbell and Peter Pan duo, with the bride being edited on the picture, thanks to photoshop. They both look incredibly pleased about their decision, with the bride smiling up toward her future hubby.
Wedding Version of Rapunzel
Rapunzel is one of the crowd’s favorites in terms of Disney Princesses. The Disney Princess has inspired so many superb weddings. With Rapunzel’s iconic long hair and the prince’s urge to let down her hair, it must be a wonderful idea for a wedding photoshoot.

But then, this picture might be on the other side of Rapunzel. Again, they stick with the fairytale idea of the prince doing everything to save the princess. This couple deserves an A for effort - complete with the rope and safety gear. For sure, Rapunzel would give them a huge thumbs up!
Duplicate The Painting
Having fun during your wedding is the number one way to make it memorable. The things that didn’t go well at the ceremony, just laugh it out and take it all to your heartfelt remembrances, just like this couple who are having fun with their tricks.

This married couple is trying to replicate the painting in their background. With the elephant as the bride and the bouquet as the watermelon, we just guess there’s another thing in the background that we can’t see representing the groom. Good job for the couple!
Hitched In The Trunk
This newlywed couple’s idea is out of this world. They are pretending to hide in the trunk of the car while the little girl is screaming at them. Actually, at this point, we still don’t understand the main concept of this photo.

Is the idea that the car got lost somewhere, and the couple was murdered and shoved in the backseat? Or maybe the idea is that this little girl just smashed the hood down on them while they were canoodling.
Mortal Kombat
This looks like a still image straight out of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, or Tekken! There are couples out there who love their fighting games, even using them as inspiration for their wedding pictures. It looks like Player Two was hit by a combo-breaking launch kick.

In this photo, the bride does a cool move, the same as the moment where we would hear “finish him” in the actual game. If that’s the case, this is a good sign that their marriage would be fun and full of love.
Cupid Is At The Top Of Her Game
Cupid is usually the bridge between couples. Legends said that if cupid throws an arrow at you and another person, you will fall in love with one another. Cupid has been helping people since then, but have you seen cupid search for their own better half?

The bride or cupid seems to be slowly looking for her prey, complete with an arrow and tiara props. Maybe she’s eyeing her target. Some have said this is rooted in a Russian Fairy Tale, “The frog princess.” Oh well, fairy tales are a splendid inspiration for a wedding picture.
Shower Her With Love
Throwing petals of red roses is usually a declaration of love and affection to your other half. However, we all know that red roses, especially with only petals, are not that cheap. Come on! CGI is everywhere in movies nowadays, but it doesn’t need to be in wedding photos, too.

It’s nice to know that the groom wanted to shower her with love. Okay, while this may just be just an edit, the groom probably spent at least ten minutes on it. We just hope both the bride and groom had a good time.
The Little Mermaid or Jetski?
Besides Rapunzel, Ariel from The Little Mermaid is also a crowd’s favorite when it comes to Disney Princesses. Of course, Beach weddings are top of the list whenever there’s a little mermaid concept.

While she might have been going for an Ariel look from The Little Mermaid, it looks more like she’s hiding a little jet ski under her wedding dress. We just wonder what might be the model of her engine - it seems that she is fast.
Public Service Announcement
Whenever we have a major event in our life, we like to post it on our social media to let everyone know how great lives are going. In the past, prior to social media, couples had to brag and go compliment fishing by spreading the news through word of mouth.

This couple is different on so many levels. The bride and the groom put their wedding photo on a poster at different spots in town. The happy couple wanted to share their happiness with the entire city. We cannot blame them, though; it’s such an adorable act.
On The Wings Of Love
Having a photoshoot on a lake or on the sea is just breathtaking. With the beautiful scenery and clear water, it’s an ideal setting to show your love and affection for one another. It reminds us of a. swan as it sticks its long neck out, trying to look graceful while hunting for breadcrumbs.

In this photo, a couple photoshopped themselves into a magical swan while having their first kiss as husband and wife. Either that or they really are that tiny and found a pond-skimming bird that would be cool with carrying them on its back.
The Groom’s Strength
Photoshop is a creative way to have a twist and turns to your photos. Thanks to this application, it’s possible to make yourself look like you’re flying, turn into a cartoon character, or have a conversation with your favorite celebrity. Thanks to photoshop, you can even lift a car with your hands.

We are pretty sure that this idea came from the groom himself. He wants to portray this masculine man who is strong enough to handle any problems life throws at his relationship. We think that photoshopping yourself carrying the car with the bride inside might be a bit much, though.
The Photographer After Their Third Glass Of Vodka
At Polish weddings, newlyweds go to the venue where the wedding party will be held after the ceremony in a church. There they are welcomed by parents with bread and salt and two shots of vodka. They have to drink vodka in one gulp and throw the glasses behind their back. If the glasses are broken, it means they will live long and happy lives together.

While the Polish tradition is generally for the couple getting married, this photographer seems to have knocked back both glasses of vodka at once, following it up with a chaser of more vodka. This photo seems to capture what it would be like to be such a photographer.
The Star Of The Day
A wedding is the celebration of love between the bride and groom. However, in most cases, the bride is usually the event's highlight. In this photo, the bride really made sure that she was the star of the day, nobody else.

The bride’s entire family gathered around her, and each male member of her family grabbed a tip of her dress, forming an almost star shape while the photographer did the rest of the work. The bride is indeed shining!
Are You Sure This Is the Best Shot?
The couple makes sure their wedding is full of pictures and videos, knowing that it is the most memorable day of their lives. Some even have hired photographers to ensure the photos are enticing and memorable enough for them to keep.

Imperfect photos are unavoidable, but it’s up to the photographer if they are going to keep the photo or delete it. The photographer of the above photo sure did a poor job in selecting the best photo for his clients. It’s “different” to say the least.
Roses Are Red, Water Is Blue, The Dragon Is Coming, I'll Save You!
Special effects on a wedding celebration are not the usual thing to do. However, it’s really up to the couple how they would spice up their wedding photos. This couple (or the groom, let’s be honest) decided to take a pulp fantasy approach to their photo.

This looks more like the cover of a cyberpunk high fantasy novel than a wedding photo, but each to their own. Looking at this would be way more interesting than looking at a photo of people in fancy dress standing in a field holding flowers.
He’s Playing You
Different antics during the wedding ceremony are not new. Brides have their dance number, grooms play instruments, or even have a couple of hip-hop dances. These are non-traditional practices and yet, fun and entertaining to watch.

We understand that the groom loves to play the violin, but why on earth did he make his wife the instrument? Our biggest question is, did they come up with this idea, or was this inflicted on them? We can’t imagine that they went along with this by choice.
Non-traditional Practice
Non-conventional weddings are not new nowadays. Many couples around the world have practiced non-traditional themes like rock’n’roll, music, or even Disney characters. So why not something like this?

This bride chose to move away from the typical white bridal dress and decided to wear something a little bit sexier. What we like about this picture is that the bride seems to be happy with her choice, not minding other people’s opinions. Her husband doesn’t seem to mind much.
The Boy From the Dreamworks Intro Got Married!
Dreamworks are the creators behind Shrek, Madagascar, Turbo, and even Boss Baby. It’s no surprise if a couple decides to adopt the Dreamworks theme for their wedding. We can just imagine how magical and fantastic it would be to find a partner who would agree to that.

At first glance, it looks like the boy responsible for the Dreamworks opening got married and decided to get married on his old fishing spot. This dreamy edit makes it look like the couple is riding on the moon while the night around them is peaceful.
The Witness of Their Love
An urban wedding has some romantic connotations. Imagine having your wedding in a romantic city of Paris, or with the calming scene in Amsterdam. For sure, their wedding photos are all dreamy and superb!

However, this doesn’t look like a very romantic city to have a wedding in, given this smoking man’s appearance in the shot. Maybe this is just how they do it here. Who are we to judge? We hope they all had a good time in the end.
Massacre Themed Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a movie by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt that depicts an extraordinary married life, with both of them as professional assassins. We’re assuming that this couple was going for something like an “assassins in love” theme, but it comes across as more than a little macabre.

With the husband and wife holding rifles, a bunch of family members playing dead in the background, and the design on the bride’s wedding dress that looks like blood, it’s all pretty chilling. Scary and fascinating at the same time.
Cabbage Patch Kids
After a couple gets married, many people expect them to pop out babies. Some newlyweds want to cherish their moment together before producing another human being, and others are perfectly content without locking themselves into an 18+ year struggle. Many married couples nowadays already have kids.

The bride chose to have two cabbage patch kids photoshopped on her hand. In this picture, the groom is pretending to be completely shocked that now that they are married, kids are coming, and they are coming via cabbages. Who knows, maybe this is a sign that their first children will be twins!
Jaws And Vows
For some people, taking regular wedding photos is simply not enough. Fields, flowers, and trees seem to bore them. While some couples go to exotic locations to have a beach wedding, this newlywed couple took the challenge to the next level.

In this photo, the pair are running for their lives as fast as they can while a giant shark jumps out of the water, trying to attack them. We are curious who came up with this idea because the scenery is already beautiful even without the giant shark.
Can’t Wait
Honeymoons are one of the most awaited celebrations of the newlyweds. Some couples opted to have their honeymoon out of town or out of the country. This is a time for them to relax and to have time for each other after a stressful wedding. A honeymoon is also a celebration of love.

While most couples wait until the end of the night to accomplish things, this couple is ready to tell the entire world that things are about to get down. They literally can’t wait for another few hours before they get to their honeymoon destination.
Walking Down The Aisle With A Little Jetpack Daddy
Walking down the aisle with your daughter was the traditional way of handing over your ownership of her to her husband. Even though we don’t commodify women to the same extent today, it’s still a big wedding tradition. However, not all brides are lucky enough to have their dads on their side on the day.

Maybe this photo was supposed to be a memoir for the bride. Why her father wasn’t present is unclear. Then again, it’s equally unclear as to why he’s been shrunk to such a size and given a flaming jetpack. Oh well—if it doesn’t hurt anyone, or singe any dresses, then we’re okay with it.