The invention of the X-ray was one of the most important advances in the 19th century. The discovery was attributed to Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895. The X-ray machine is a technology that produces images from inside the body by passing an amount of non-lethal radiation through the body. Before the X-ray, doctors had to cut people open to see all the junk inside!

X-rays are used to diagnose a very wide range of conditions, including cancer or broken bones. Although medical professionals are trained to read the X-ray image, sometimes there are unexpected, quirky, or even downright bizarre results.
Keep reading and witness some of the weirdest cross-sections of the human body ever printed—brought to you by science!
SpongeBob SquarePants Went Diving Too Far
It isn’t clear how he managed to do it, but Mr. Squarepants’ latest adventure looks as though it is taking place inside the abdominal area of a child. The spongy fry cook, whose expertise seems to be getting into trouble in his hometown of Bikini Bottom, is still able to smile even while being digested with stomach acid.

This trip to the hospital might’ve been a grand adventure for SpongeBob, but probably not as much of a thrill for the parents who had to drive their sick kid out to A&E. That’s why reading choking hazard warnings is advisable to all of those that have little ones in their care.
Vampires Or Just Multiple Hyperdontia?
Vampires and werewolves live rent-free in our collective imaginations. We love to think of supernatural humans roaming among us. Every now and then we encounter people that make us look back twice. Multiple hyperdontia is a condition in which, instead of having the usual 32 teeth, an excessive amount of teeth grow in the mouth.

In the case of this X-ray, the patient has three extra sets! Generally, it is more common to find patients with the opposite condition, known as hypodontia, in which people grow up with fewer teeth than average—but it’s still a very rare condition.
Peppa Pig’s First X-Ray
As a parent, you tend to encounter difficult and unimaginable situations. When it comes to serious medical issues, it isn’t easy to remain calm, nor is it easy to keep kids calm either. That's why toys are useful allies during hospitalization. In this scenario, a very scared child needed that little extra support during their scan.

Well, it gives us great joy to announce that Peppa won’t be breaking any bones soon, as she hasn’t got any—only what looks to be a big metallic head and soft limbs. Could this be the first record of our dear piggo friend’s insides?
Some MRIs Are Better Off Never Seeing The Light Of Day
MRIs are different from X-rays because of the method and machinery used, but the results still tend to be just as hilarious. If you have ever had your head scanned you probably just received the results from your doctor, and they do this for a reason—MRI results look nightmarish!

This is no man-eating ghost or menacing alien time traveler attempting to change the course of human history—nope, it’s just your friend Greg’s head. This scan looks as though it were a still image taken from a horror film; the crazed expression, gobbly eyes, and greenish floating brain make this image terrifying.
Two Bones Too Many
What makes humanity so wonderful is that we are able to embrace our differences and live together in harmony—at least that’s what we aim to do. Every now and then, we notice traits or physical features in others that we don’t have ourselves. Sometimes we encounter traits that we’ve never encountered before.

Take this foot, for example, the owner of this foot probably thought it was just a rarity that he had two fingernails on one of his toes, but in reality, he had a whole extra bone at the tip of his toe, as if the end of his toe were splitting in two. Wow!
A Sharp Headache
It’s very bad news to get caught in a robbery—even worse if the robber is armed. Most of the time, armed robberies don’t get violent because the criminals get what they want and will want to leave before the police arrive. But sometimes, when a brawl breaks out, it can get bloody.

In this case, a man trying to help an old lady from getting robbed at a bus stop was left wounded in the most dangerous area of the body. A knife got stabbed through his head, but in an amazing display of good luck (or bad luck) it didn’t hit any part of his brain, so he was able to talk as he was taken to the hospital.
Twinning Winning
Thanks to wonderful advances in medicine, getting a case of conjoined twins is extremely rare. Conjoined twins will probably always show up occasionally, but thanks to early amniocentesis and other early diagnosis tests, it's possible to separate them before birth.

In these types of cases, X-rays are a vital tool for doctors to get an idea of whether it is safe or even possible to separate the twins. These will also help to isolate areas where surgery is necessary or will take place, as well as the levels of risk involved.
Would We Call This An X-Bomb?
X-rays are a fascinating invention. They have served medical practitioners for over one hundred years, and are still a thing of wonder if you think about it. But it was almost inevitable that one of those pesky photobombers that seem to always ruin your holiday pictures finally got caught in a scan.

If he’s not picking his nose behind you in front of the Eiffel Tower or sullying the view with a bad tan at the beach in Miami, this photobomber is in… your lungs? Whoever was willing to risk getting a free dose of radiation must really take their photobombing game seriously.
This Is Why Health and Safety Laws Exist
Accidents in the workplace are bound to happen, especially in construction. When it comes to handling dangerous tools and heavy machinery, one needs more than just ability. It takes years to hone the skills necessary not only for getting the job well but safely.

Construction workers are brave people. Ron Hunt landed face-first after falling off a ladder. Unfortunately, he was drilling a wall—and his tool landed in front of him in the most unfortunate position. It is a miracle that Ron survived to tell the tale. It took him several months to recover, and luckily his employer was able to cover the hospital expenses.
Hair Clip, Not Hair Chip
Toys and candy always come with massive “Choking Hazard” disclaimers, but household items rarely do. The Parents’ Handbook should probably include a page that stipulates that small objects should be kept away from children—but in the rare case that kids get hold of small objects, beware!

This hair clip was probably lying around on the living room floor when this little girl decided it would be a delicious snack. Her parents must have been terribly worried when they found out she had already swallowed it whole. The X-ray will be a good reminder that not everything lying around in the ground is edible.
Forget Something At Work?
Medical doctors go through very rigorous tries to attain their titles, but even then, they can make mistakes. Those mistakes can be lethal, and medical negligence is a real concern when it comes to serious, life-threatening procedures. It is no joke to operate on patients, and surgeons need to take an extreme amount of caution and maintain focus to avoid fatal errors.

This X-ray is an example of medical negligence that was likely followed by a lawsuit. This patient had been feeling ill after their surgery beyond the normal recuperation time had passed. When they went for a check-up, they insisted there was something wrong. The radiologist must have been shocked when the x-ray came through, to say the least.
How Many Bones?
For the most part, medical technology is meant to serve humans. But many advances in modern medicine also serve other sectors, such as veterinary services. In this case, the picture below is not an x-ray of a person after gobbling too many chicken wings without removing the bones—it’s the image of a pregnant cat.

This X-ray shows that this cat will be the mother of many cute kittens. It’s very interesting to see how the bones are formed and the way they all accommodate each other to fit perfectly in their momma’s womb. How fascinating!
Double Think That Stiletto
High heels have been around for a long time. The first recorded high heels came from Iran, around the 10th century. Only the best cavalry and horsemen were given the honor of wearing them. Nowadays, heels are mostly used by women, for those who prefer a classy and stylized look.

But there are risks to wearing sky-high heels—not only from the inevitable ankle twists due to unstable footing but the long-term orthopedic consequences. The shape of the heel forces the foot into unnatural positions, and all the weight of the body is put on the frontal part of the metatarsals. Caution should always come first when choosing footwear.
A Lightbulb Moment—Just In The Wrong Place
Doctors are no strangers to the creative ways their patients make it to the emergency room. Every medic you know probably has a bunch of incredible and tragic stories that take place every day. For them, it was probably just a Tuesday.

Patients aren’t always willing to elucidate the details in their medical stories, as was the case with this man, whose large intestines contained a lightbulb. It is a mystery how it ended up there. Apparently, he made his way to the hospital because of a “stomach infection”. Some mysteries are better left unsolved.
Inside The Egg
The only thing cooler than a human X-ray is an animal X-ray. With such interesting anatomies, we can learn so much about their different qualities and abilities by getting an image cross-section. This egg belongs to a condor, the largest bird in the western hemisphere of the world—and an endangered species.

Massive efforts are being made to bring back the condor population to a stable number. Currently, there are only about 100 condors in the wild and around 300 in zoos. Thanks to a repopulation project in California, their numbers have been brought up after being officially considered extinct in the wild.
Under The Horse's Hoof
Horses have been bound to us for thousands of years. They have almost been a part of the human family for centuries. The first evidence of domesticated horses used for transport dates back to 5,500 years ago in the region of Kazakhstan.

Even though dogs have always been “man’s best friend,” horses have to be a close second. These elegant animals have fascinated humans for as long as we’ve known them. In this picture, it is possible to appreciate the healthy hoof of a horse, which is basically the equivalent of a massive toenail.
If You Like It, Don’t Put A Ring In It
When planning the perfect wedding proposal it is fair game to take risks to make a good impression, but how far would you be willing to take it? In this case, a man in New Mexico went for a rather romantic setting—a wholesome diner—where he decided to pop the question by putting an engagement ring inside her drink.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go quite as planned, and the bride-to-be chugged her beverage a little too hard. After a rush to the emergency room and getting an X-ray, they found the ring on its way to her stomach. We hope the answer was yes, and whether it was while the ring was inside her or on her finger, it's still a fabulous—if not embarrassing—engagement story.
Getting Better Reception Isn’t Easy
There are very strict rules inside prisons about using cell phones. The way smartphones have become mini-computers makes these devices treasured objects among inmates. In most prisons, there are phone booths to make calls to the outside world—but that just isn’t the same as owning your own.

In this case, an inmate chose an unlikely hiding spot for his device. But he got a little too cautious while hiding it, which caused an unimaginable level of discomfort. The police and doctors must have been baffled when they found out this man had been keeping a device between his legs the whole time.
The Turtle Eggs Clutch
From before recorded history, the fascinating anatomy of turtles has baffled humans from all around the globe. They’re deemed holy creatures in some cultures and good luck omens in others. It is no wonder scientists are in constant research of all of the variants and species of these animals.

For research purposes, this turtle was brought to the vet and an X-ray was performed before it had the chance to lay its eggs. It’s common practice for turtles to come back to the same beach they were born when it's their time to lay their own eggs.
Ghostly Goldfish
Goldfish are amongst the most common pets in the world. They are easy to take care of and fascinating to watch. You don’t need to walk them or play with them, so it’s great for an owner who wants an unfussy, quiet companion.

That being said, goldfish are prone to catching diseases, so it's important to keep the tank clean and fresh with a good filter and feed them healthy food. Some tell-tale signs of a diseased goldfish include bruised-looking eyes, open sores, and unusual behavior. From this scan, we can see that the little fellow is healthy and well.
Scissor Hazard
Even if scissors aren’t necessarily the best go-to tool for removing unwanted food from the backs of teeth, it goes without saying that you should be extremely careful when putting them anywhere near the mouth. The patient was probably very scared as well, we can only imagine how awful it must be to admit one's mistake and pay the consequences this high.

How this person managed to swallow them whole without choking is a mystery. What isn’t a mystery is the fact that his X-rays look like they were taken straight out of a slasher movie. It’s uncomfortable to see and even more painful to imagine.
Röntgen's First X-Ray
There are records of X-ray experiments that date as early as 1785, but it wasn’t until German scientist Wilhelm Röntgen pushed the technology forward in 1895 that we got the technology that now saves thousands of lives around the globe. As well as increasing our knowledge of our own bodies it has been used in other areas, such as security and astronomy.

The first record of an X-ray used as it is today is of Röntgen’s wife’s hand. Even though it doesn’t look exactly like the scans we have nowadays, it’s the first image of a body’s insides taken without an autopsy. The lump on the second finger isn’t a tumor, it’s a wedding ring!
Nailed It!
Patrick Lawler, a worker from the United States, accidentally shot himself with a nail gun straight in the head when working at a construction site. He ate ice cream to ease the pain before heading to get his head treated. The doctors then undoubtedly found the most horrifying X-ray they had ever encountered.

He carried the nail for six days inside his skull. By the time the doctors finally managed to remove it, they said he was extremely lucky to be alive. Even though the nail was in his brain, it was millimeters away from a vital optic nerve.
Be Careful Of Eating too many Snowflakes
Children under the age of 5 are prone to putting things in their mouths that probably aren’t mouth-safe. Kids at this age don’t know how to differentiate what food is and isn't, so curiosity can sometimes be dangerous.

This kid was probably having some wintery fun listening to holiday songs and watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special—because he didn’t want to go without tasting a snowflake. Unfortunately, what the kid found was a tree ornament and not something made of real snow. In cases like this, doctors tend to let the swallowed item go through the digestive system without intervention. With supervision, it usually comes out fine.
An Unidentifiable Animal
The fascinating world of nature leaves us constantly scratching our heads. Humans never stop being curious about their surroundings, as well as of the other beings who we share the planet with. That’s why biology and zoology are so important. Now make your best guess: based on this X-ray, what animal are you looking at?

Although mammals seem to have very similar insides, this isn’t a dog or a cat. It’s not a mouse, but a very close relative. If you guessed a rat, then you are correct! The insides of this rat are clearly laid out. The only problem with X-rays is that it's difficult to make out the scale of the animal without all the squishy parts.
A Snake's Fascinating Digestive Tract
Out of all animals in the world, snakes are amongst the creepiest. Keeping calm while this creature is slithering around is incredibly difficult. But that makes them even more fascinating. They don’t seem like they belong to this planet, yet we share it with more than 3,000 types of them.

Whenever children are taught about snakes, one of the first questions is “how do they poop?” Snakes have a very long digestive tract. At the end of their bodies, just before the tail, they have a small orifice from which they expel their feces. As we can see from the X-ray above, this one had a nice little mouse for lunch.
Not The Key To Success
Choking hazard warnings—when we usually talk about them, there’s usually a special emphasis put on the safety of children. But it seems like someone should add these warnings to everyday objects for adults, as some people seem overly keen on chugging everyday objects.

This person probably realized a bit too late that the safest place to keep a house key is probably not inside his mouth. As we can observe in the X-ray, he decided to get this checked when it was too late, and by the looks of things, almost ready to come out from the other side of his body.
The Music In Me
When people say that the music is inside them, they’re usually deploying a metaphor, but in this case, the saying turns into something visibly uncomfortable. Apparently, one vintage music lover just couldn’t abide saying farewell to their tape and decided to… eat it?

From the 60s until the late 90s there was no such thing as streaming. People had to buy their favorite tunes in the form of cassettes. They eventually were replaced by CDs, and now discs have been replaced by digital mediums. The music on this cassette will only come out through surgery or via a special and deeply uncomfortable kind of “streaming.”
Bows + Arrows +Adults + Unaware Children = Disaster
Bows are rather rare nowadays. Unless you are walking by an archery range, you shouldn’t have to worry about the flying arrows. In this case, there was no warning, and this unaware and highly unlucky child got struck in the eye.

However, the arrow narrowly missed the important nerves and so the boy survived the accident with minimal repercussions. Credit to their doctors who were able to remove the object through delicate and precise surgery.
Snake’s Delight
If you thought telling a child what to eat was tough, try doing the same for a snake! This pet reptile was so hungry that it attempted to swallow an electric blanket whole. After a rushed trip to the vet’s emergency room, they had to perform a small surgery, because the digestion process had already begun.

The snake’s owner revealed that the 12-foot-long snake would live, but that he would be more careful with leaving edible objects lying around—no matter how inedible the objects seemed to a human.
Military Training Gone Too Far
The military is known for training heavily armed and highly organized troops who are constantly readied for gruesome situations, especially warfare. Military movies and video games mostly depict the glory of war, but in reality, warfare is a gruesome business.

This soldier was going through some sort of anti-knife training. Unfortunately, he found himself getting stabbed in the head. Luckily, he didn’t suffer any major complications after the knife was surgically removed. What a story!
Keep Sharp Objects Away From Curious Puppies
Puppies and toddlers basically require the same precautions—they are both curious and don’t know what is right, wrong, safe, or dangerous. In an ideal world, parents and pet owners would be able to monitor and guide their loved ones on a moment-to-moment basis, but as adults who need to work, do chores and run errands, sometimes dangerous objects are able to slip by.

This is an X-ray of an unfortunate mishap. A five-month-old St. Bernard puppy swallowed a serrated knife. Although the pup was already around 70 pounds, the youngling didn’t realize it wasn’t very nutritious until it was already down his throat. With some surgery and attentive aftercare, the pup survived, and, hopefully, he learned a lesson too.
Kidney Stones, Or Boulders
Kidney stones are extremely painful. These buildups inside the body can cause an extraordinary amount of pain. Once the stone has reached a certain size, it can make getting regular tasks done feel impossible. It’s impossible to imagine how this person was able to withstand this level of pain.

Doctors in Hungary were baffled when they found this 7-inch kidney stone inside a patient. With it being the size of an ostrich egg, we’re sure this tough cookie had a very high pain threshold. If you ever happen to feel striking pains below the ribs, make sure to have it checked before it can grow into the size of a ball.
Kermit Was Hungry
Amongst other easy-to-care-for pets, frogs are the closest to fish. For example, they don’t need a large tank to live in and they don’t require much attention. Another upside is that you can build up an amazing terrarium that will surely glow up any home living space.

Kermit loved his terrarium so much he started to munch on it. Unfortunately, this made him sick and he had to go under the knife. Although he survived, his terrarium had to be remodeled before he returned. If you happen to own frogs, make sure to feed them well so they don’t start eyeing the decorative elements you’ve placed in their home.
Not-So-Great Duo
Tom and Jerry, Sylvester and Tweety, Cat and Dog—all epic rivalries between housepets that never seem to end. Although the ones we mentioned are all works of fiction, these rivalries are common in real life—except they tend to have rather tragic consequences. Take this X-ray, for example.

This pet boa felt absolute victory and was stuffed to the brim when it was taken to the vet for an X-ray. For some reason, his owners were upset. It hadn’t done anything too bad… or had it? The boa managed to snag the pet parrot and swallow it whole. Hopefully, this was a lesson for the owners to not leave their boa unattended at any time.
Some Pebble Love
Love is a sacred act, we should cherish it wherever we find it. No one should be a victim in a relationship. Sometimes it is difficult to tell what acts are done for love and which ones are done as the result of manipulation or gaslighting. It can be difficult to tell which one is which.

This woman in China ate around 20 cobblestones during a fight with her husband. She was in serious pain after the pebbles made it to her stomach. She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors had to perform surgery. Although she survived, we hope this can serve as a warning for couples everywhere to never put each other at such risk.
Don’t Do This
This woman made a few bad decisions that landed her in the emergency room. We don’t blame her—we, too, would be horrified if the same thing happened to us. How did this start? She realized a cockroach had crawled down her throat.

We’re not sure how she missed it walking down her throat, but after it was too late to pull it out with her fingers, she tried to remove it using a fork. This landed her in the surgery room. The cockroach, to her disgrace, had already been digested. At least she got some protein out of it!
Magnetic Snacks
Harley Lents, an 8-year-old from the United States, thought that the shiny and colorful objects stuck on her fridge were so beautiful that they must also be equally as tasty. Unfortunately, she ate too many and they gave her a very bad stomach ache.

The doctors couldn’t find a reason for the discomfort so they decided to perform an X-ray scan. To her mother’s surprise, her child had eaten over twenty small magnets. We’re guessing the fridge was left undecorated for the rest of this kid’s childhood.
Charged—In More Ways Than One
As we’ve seen, it’s common to find the weirdest X-ray scans coming out of prisons. The reason is that many of these objects are forbidden and family and friends aren’t allowed to bring many items as gifts. The prison system relies heavily on keeping inmates as far from potentially dangerous objects as possible.

This X-ray is no exception. Inside this prisoner's stomach and rectum were some batteries and bedsprings. It’s as though he was “charged” with a sentence and tried to “spring” out. This doesn’t seem like the wisest idea, but we still hope this person made it out alright.
Gym Ray
Humans are amazing. Though our physical capabilities are limited compared to other animals, we have the perseverance to mold ourselves into incredible shapes. Whenever we think we’ve mastered a skill, there’s always someone better. This is most evident in the world of sports.

This is an X-ray of a contortionist doing an incredible backbend. It’s now possible to see how his backbone is almost touching the top of his head. The athlete claimed that their secret lies in the neck—with the power of the X-ray machine, we can verify that they were right!